SSP Flashcards
Pricing Integration & Orchestration
Type of content that can be searched in SSP
Only Air
Hotel has its own shopping
Rail & land and sea are out
What SSP products are not charged transactionally but with product/license fees
Instant Search cache
SSP avg and max TPS and comparison
28k up to 33k
[knife mum]
~50% of Google search
SSP share of Erding
60% pure SSP
80% including things for SSP like JS
SSP: DRs of Jérôme Daniel
- Jean-Pascal: core SSP
- Fabien Blondet: products & services
- Agnès Penaud: tech
Fare basis: what is it?
A name provided to the fare (as fare amounts could be the same but conditions different, etc.)
Cryptic for itinerary pricer
Informative: FXX
Confirmed: FXP
Cryptic for best pricer
Informative: FXA
Confirmed: FXB
Pricing after shopping: which product does it
Itinerary pricer
Difference justifying FP vs MP
a/l objective is:
MP: show the cheapest -> MP will never return 2 recos for the same flight
FP: upsell -> FP will have for the same flight, one reco per FF
FP itinerary
Outbound and inbound must be in the same FF
Certain combinations of FF are allowed
All combinations of FF are allowed
Pre-shopping products
Instant FP and Instant MP
ATC versions
ATC itinerary pricer
ATC best pricer
ATC Shopper
Itinerary pricer: role
Finds the best fare for an iti/RBD
What SSP product is the fastest
Itinerary pricing as we have most the info in input
Instant: everything is cached but we still need to build recos
What SSP product is the most used
MP by very far
What SSP product brings most money unitarily
The 3 pricers (iti, best, ATC). We cannot charge shopping so much, on top of pricing
Search in SSP
AirShopper: role
Part of SSP FE:
- some business logic (on top of SSP BE)
- determine which back-end to call based on the request
AirShopper: ex of business logic
- Input:
- Output: can filter to match the level of recos expected if BE returns more
Specificities of WBS for SSP
By-passes SSP FE. But all other TCH (DIG and NDC) pass by SSP FE