Sports Psychology - Attitudes Flashcards
What is an attitude towards something?
A predisposition to act in a particular way towards something or someone.
– They must be learnt
– If an attitude is based on false information, then it is unfair and becomes a prejudice.
What are the three elements to the triadic model of attitudes?
What is meant by beliefs in the triadic model of attitudes?
Beliefs are formed through past experiences & what we have learned from others, e.g. parents and peers. Significant other others are more likely to influence our beliefs.
What is meant by emotional in the triadic model?
Emotional reactions to an attitude object - whether we like or dislike it, also depends on past experiences. If we have experienced enjoyment before = more likely to look forward to liking the experience.
What is the behaviour aspect of the triadic model of attitudes?
Behaviour isn’t always consistent with attitude e.g. we believe exercises good for us but we don’t do it much. However, we are more likely to behave in a way that reveals our attitude.
What is an example of the triadic model of attitude?
- The belief that fitness training will keep you healthy, fit and improve your body image.
- You enjoy fitness training and have fun being with others you train with.
- You go fitness training twice a week.
What is persuasive communication?
A method in changing attitudes or an element of an attitude.
What are the three aspects that persuasive communication depends on?
- The PERSON doing the persuading.
- The QUALITY of the message.
- The. CHARACTERISTICS of who is being persuaded.
Give an example of the three factors affecting persuasive communication
– To promote exercise & change attitudes of non-exercises, persuaders must have high status.
– For persuasion to be successful, the message must make sense and be believable. The information must be accurate, unambiguous and clear.
– The people being persuaded may understand the message but not accept it. They may put up counter arguments.
What is cognitive dissonance?
– This theory states that all three elements of the triadic models should be consistent if the attitude is to remain stable.
– If a change in attitude is desired the individual must experience two or more opposing beliefs.
– This causes the individual to feel uncomfortable because of the harmony created in the mind.
– To become comfortable again one of these beliefs needs to be dominant.
What are some positive attitudes associated with sport?
– Belief in the value of exercise.
– Enjoying activity.
– Good at an activity.
– Experience of excitement due to physical challenge.
– Enjoy physical sensations and personal expression.
– Escape from stress.
What are the negative attitude associated with sport?
– They believe that it is harmful.
– They dislike the experience.
– They lack the physical skill.\
– They are frightened of the activity.
– They experience stress or anxiety in the situation.
What are the differences in attitudes between girls and boys in sport?
– Girls were more positive towards aesthetic activities such as dance and gymnastics.
– Boys were more positive towards activities that involve obvious physical challenge such as wrestling and boxing.
– However, these attitudes changed overtime showing our attitudes aren’t necessarily enduring.
What are expected behaviour and stereotypes of attitudes in sport?
– There is often huge social pressure to behave in a certain way and hold certain attitudes.
– Research has shown that others expectations of an individual can lead to those expectations being fulfilled.
– A teacher with high expectations can influence pupils expectations which can motivate them to achieve more.
– Stereotyping can also influence our expectations.