Socioculture - Ethics And Deviance In Sport Flashcards
What are ethics?
Ethics in sports refer to the moral principles and values that guide behaviour and decision-making within the sporting context they promote Fairplay respect and integrity among athletes, coaches and officials.
What is doping?
The use of performance enhancing drugs undermines the spirit of fair competition and poses health risks to athletes.
What is match fixing?
Manipulating the outcome of a game for financial gain, threatens the integrity of the sport and can lead to legal consequences.
What is the definition of deviance?
Deviance in sports refers to actions that violate the established norms and rules of sporting behaviour often resulting in negative consequences.
What are the different types of deviance?
Cheating, violence in the field or using banned substances.
What are the sanctions for deviance in sport?
Suspensions fines and bands to deter and punished deviant behaviour.
What is the role of governing bodies in promoting ethics?
Establishing codes of conduct: governing bodies create codes of conduct that outline ethical behaviour expected from athletes coaches and officials.
Education and awareness: they provide training and resources to raise awareness about ethical issues and the important of integrity in sport.
Monitoring and enforcement: regular monitoring of rules helps maintain standards and address any unethical behaviour swiftly
What are the reasons for athletes doping?
Performance enhancement
Level the playing field
Financial incentives
Recover from injury
Peer pressure
Lack of awareness
What are some of the physical effects of steroids?
Increase muscle mass and recovery times can lead to harmful effect such as liver damage or cardiovascular issues mood swings.
What is a stimulant?
Substances that increase alertness attention and energy.
What is a steroid?
Synthetic variations of the male hormone testosterone.
What is a diuretic?
Drugs that promote the elimination of water from the body by increasing urine production.
What are the effects of stimulants?
Fatigue but improve performance requiring prolonged effort.
What are the physical effects of diuretics?
Rapid weight loss lead to dehydration, electrolyte balances and kidney damage.
What are the ethical issues surrounding performance enhancing drugs?
Implications for fair competition: create an uneven playing field as athletes have advantages over other athletes.
Health risks: athletes face significant health risks which impact their career but also their long-term health and well-being.
Role models: send a troubling message to young athletes about acceptability of cheating for success.
What is cheating?
Actions that intentionally violate the rules of the sport gain an unfair advantage over components.
What is the impact of cheating?
Undermines the fundamental principles of Fairplay and sportsmanship damaging the integrity of the sports and eroding public trust.
What forms of cheating are there?
Subtle wall bending: athletes may engage in minor infraction such as taking advantage of loopholes such as time wasting.
Performance enhancing drugs: the use of illegal substances to enhance performance.
What are the complexities associated with doping testing?
The variety of substances used the methods of administration and differing testing standards across sport.
What ethical implication is associated with doping testing?
Testing can be seen as an invasion of privacy as it may reveal personal health information.
What social and economic factors can make a sport and attractive target for fixing?
Financial incentives and less visibility can create opportunities for corruption in less monitored sports.
What role do governing bodies play in the maintaining ethical standards in sport?
Implement rules conduct test and enforce penalties for doping and match fixing.
What are the influences of doping on the sport?
Undermines fair competition and trust in the sport
Scandals can lead to a negative view of the sport and decreased fan engagement
Increased scrutiny and stricter testing policies may be implemented.
What is gambling in sport?
Refers to the act of betting money or valuables on the outcome of a sporting event.
What are the two main types of gambling?
Legal gambling – betting with licensed book markers
Illegal gambling – match fixing or unregulated betting
What is match fixing?
When an individual or team deliberately manipulates the outcome of the sporting events for financial gain often involving bribery.
What is spot betting?
When a specific aspect of a game is manipulated rather than the overall results.
Why is gambling a problem in sport?
It can lead to corruption loss of integrity addiction among players and fans and damage to the reputation of sports organisations.
What are the consequences of gambling scandals in sport?
Players and officials can face bands fines, legal action and damage to their career and reputation.
How do sport organisations prevent gambling related corruption?
Education programs structure regulations monitoring betting activity and imposing severe punishments for offenders.
What role does technology play in gambling in sport?
Online betting has made gambling more accessible, increasing risk of addiction and match fixing but also improving monitoring and detection of suspicious activity.
What are the ethical concerns surrounding gambling in sport?
It raises issues of Fairplay player, integrity, exploitation of vulnerable individuals and the influence of betting companies in sports sponsorship.