Spirituality Lesson 3 Flashcards
The first step to spiritual freedom and total transformation is deciding that you don’t want to suffer anymore.
Named by Hungarian psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a highly-focused state of consciousness is called _________________________.
_____________________ is the number one reason why we don’t fully accept ourselves.
The shadow is the part of ourselves that we hide or give up.
Your relationship with food is symbolic of the way you operate in the world.
Obstacles to flow are:
All of the above
Change comes from trying to suppress or get rid of a negative tendency or refusing to acknowledge a positive one.
Which of the following is a way to overcome shame?
Love and acceptance
Which of the following are sources of shame?
All of the aove
We each have a mind-body “type” and need to live in harmony with this to support life force and the expression of the authentic self.
All of the following are ways to bolster flow EXCEPT:
__________________ is likely the primary reason why most Americans lead their whole lives spiritually asleep.
The inner critic is rational and protective, while the ego is judgmental and corrective.
Flow most often occurs while at work.
In flow, you shift from fast beta brain waves to slower alpha/theta waves.
Exploring what traits you admire in others and what makes you fall in love with someone are ways to identify the ___________________?
Positive shadow
What spiritual foundation includes prayer and meditation and creates room to experience the divine?
All of the following are steps to loving the shadow EXCEPT:
Fear the shadow
Which of the following is a characteristic of empathy?
To be able to see the world as other see it
When you can let pain pass through you as energy and not store it inside, then you will be free.
Which of the following is a way that the shadow is masked?
All of THEM
Which of the following are ways to diminish projection?
Employ empathy to accept yourself
Shame is the acknowledgement that you have made a mistake, while guilt is the belief that you are a mistake.
All of the following are ways to silence your inner critic EXCEPT:
Avoid your inner critic
Which if the following is TRUE of pain?
Food doesn’t just nourish your body; it also has the potential to nourish your mind, emotions, and spirit.
Self-worth is cultivated through all of the following EXCEPT:
What spiritual foundation releases the ego and increases happiness?
Which of the following is a step towards spiritual freedom and transformation?
The inner critic tends to cast doubt, while the ego tends to bestow judgment.