spirituality Flashcards
spiritual wellness assessment:
give 2, 1, or 0 points, 15-20 points: you have excellent strength in this dimension, 9-14 pts: there is room for improvement, 0-8 pts: this dimension needs a lot of work
complex concept that is unique to each individual and is dependent upon a person’s culture, development, life experiences, beliefs and ideas about life
spiritual wellness:
awareness of inner self, feel connected to others, experience a healthy quality of life
spiritual wellness attritbutes:
harmony, purpose, self acceptance, clear values, positive outlook, peace, balance, growth
what gives you joy, do you feel fulfilled, what is giving you meaning in life?
spiritual wellness:
positive effect on health, enhanced quality of life, and accept hardship and mortality
two types of spirituality:
religious and non-religious
What does spirituality and health do:
reduces stress, improved health outcomes and chronic conditions, helps with pain management, comfort for the dying and bereaving, enhances recovery from illness and surgery
spiritual distress:
the state in which the individual experiences or is at risk for experiencing a disturbance in his belief system that is the source of his strength and hope
spiritual distress characteristics:
concern with the meaning of life/suffering, and/or death, concern about belief system, anger toward God/religious representatives, no longer participates in religious practices, concern about his/her relationship with God, questions meaning of own existence, alterations in mood, feeling of guilt/shame/hopeless
nursing care:
nurse-patient relationship, compassionate presence, active listening to fears/hopes/pain, respect, freedom of choice, use of support systems, diet, prayer/meditation
nursing action:
offer to contact the pastoral care department, plan activities to promote healing of body, mind, and spirit, offer to teach relaxation, guided imagery, and meditation technique
religion is _____
organized beliefs and worship, “state of doing”
person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena- claims neither faith nor disbelief in God
a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods and an ultimate reality
roman catholicism:
meat free diet on Friday’s during lent, birth control may be prohibited, confession, Baptism of infants if prognosis is grave
mormonism/Church of Latter Day Saints
healthful living (no tea, alcohol, coffee, or tobacco), communion
Jehovah’s witness
do not celebrate birthdays or holidays, refusal of blood products/no blood in food, does not believe in immediate afterlife, Jehovah is God
Christian, pacifism, many speak low german/Spanish, modest apparel for women. God - man - woman
Islam (Muslim)
prayer 3-5x a day facing Mecca, face/hands/feet are washed before prayer, no pork or alcohol, right hand used for everything but elimination
kosher certified foods, sabbath is from sunset Friday to Sunset saturday, Sabbath may not want to use call light, no cremation, circumcisions
no belief in a personal creator/God, mindfullness and mental clarity, may be vegetarian, prefer family to bathe, toileting, feed
-suffering is a part of life
reincarnation, personal hygiene important and must be daily, cremation common on day 2 after death, many are vegetarians, elders have strong influence on decision making
unique variations between individuals informed by genetics and cultural background, refined by experience and personal choice
learned and shared beliefs
cultural sensitivity:
being aware of cultural similarities and differences of others without assigning them value based on similarities or differences
leininger defines transcultural nursing as:
a comparative study of cultures to understand similarities and differences across human groups
cultural competence:
requires acquiring specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes to ensure delivery of culturally congruent care
cultural awareness:
self exam of one’s own bias
cultural knowledge:
sound education base about diversity
cultural skills:
gathering information through a cultural assessment and being aware of physical findings that are based on race/ethnicity
cultural desire:
want to engage with diverse populations
bias (unconscious or implicit)
one sidedness, tendency to lean a certain way. Lack of impartiality
negative attitudes toward others based on race, gender, sexual orientation
believing your way of living is superior to others, cause of biases and prejudices
cultural imposition:
use their own values and lifestyles and the absolute guide in dealing with patients
behavior manifestations of prejudices
cultural assessment:
family structure, communication pattern, foods with cultural significance, time orientation, space, and control
a cultural group’s shared identity such as values, language, geographical space, and racial characteristics
the grouping of people based on biological similarities and attributes
world view:
set of assumptions which guides how people perceive the world around them. Viewing the world through a lens which was created throughout our life
outsider perspective
insider perspective
health disparities:
a health difference because of a social, economic or environmental disadvantage or part of marginalized groups
_____ is the result of an exposure to a _____
stress; stressor
what are stressors?
physical emotional, or psychological perceived demands that may lead to growth, personal development or a crisis
flight or fight response is the arousal of the ____
sympathetic nervous system
selve’s general adaption syndrome:
any event (stressor) that threatens an individual leads to a 3 stage response: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion
decreased concentration, comprehension, and memory
fear, anxiety, depression, and fatigue
irritability, withdrawal, violence
s/s of stress- physciological:
increased BP, HR, respirations, somatic symptoms, and decreased immune response
in discussing how the client’s condition has affected the client’s ability to express what is important, the nurse is addressing the _____ aspect of the client’s spirituality
questions about prayer, religious practices, and the meaning of life address the aspect of _____
meat and milk at the same meal is forbidden
buddhism believes that illness is due to:
the presence of non-human spirits
islam/muslim religion does not believe in ____ after death
Russian Orthodox Church:
Followers observe fast days and a “no meat” rule on Wednesdays and Fridays, during lent all animal products including dairy and butter are forbidden
Native Americans:
Individual tribal beliefs influence food practices