SPINE - inflammatory Flashcards
What are the 3 MRI signs of SRMA? Which level?
Meningeal contrast enhancement (87%)
In the absence of meningeal CE: lower TNCC
Enhancement of the synovium of the articular facets (49%)
Muscular contrast enhancement in the cervical region (49%)
nerve root enhancement 14%
in high field 80%-65%-55%-30%
Mostly detected between C2 and C4 (70-76%)
better detection with T1 FS
MRI abnomalities in 99%
What is the proportion of dogs diagnosed with GME with neurological deficits suggestive of a myelopathy?
What is the overall relapse rate among Bernese mountain dogs with SRMA?
> 60%
What is the pathogenesis of SRMA?
Th2 (IL-4, humoral immunity)
* Increase IL-4, 5, 10
* Decrease IL-2, INF-gamma
* High CD4/CD8 ratio
Th17 (IL-17, inflammation)
* Chemotactically influence neutrophils
Upregulation of TGF-B1 intrathecally
* IgA synthesis
* Selective recruitment of LB in blood and CSF
Dysregulation of neutrophils extracellular traps (NETs) due to many pro-inflammatory and autoantigenic stimuli
Increased VEGF (Vascular endothelial growth factor)
Frequency of relapse in SRMA is…
1.Associated with lower steroids dosage
2.Associated with TNCC in CSF
3.Associated with MRI meningeal enhancement
4.Lowest in younger dogs
Give 3 factors associated with SMRA for dogs presented with cervicalgia.
Young age, pyrexia, haemato abnomalities
What are the 2 gene loci suspected in SRMA in NSDTR?
Th1 plays a major role in SRMA: true or false?
Mainly Th2 and Th17
Th1-related cytokines and consequently the Th1-induced immune response are downregulated
chemokines with important role in SRMA
IL6, IL8, IL17, MMP2, MMP9
% relapse SRMA
quality of life related to
16-50% (maj after cessation treatment)
mortality 2-8%
steoroids second effect (dose related, not time rekated, more frequent in griffon)
most common affection in canine cev hyperaestesia
young age, pyrexia, hematologi abdomalies assoc with SRMA
cardiac abmomalies with SRMA
increase troponine I in 5/14
increases prot C, fibrinogen
12/14 echo abnomalies : spontaneous echo contrast, pericardial effusion, decrease fractional shortening
tropinine I normalised 4/5, fibrinogen all dogs. Echo normalised except fractional shortening (2/5)
CRP is higher/lower in dogs < 12m with IMPA
> 12m higher CRP assoc with SRMA
maj agent discospondilitis in dogs, horses and calves
maj local in goat
dogs: Staph, strepto, Pasteurella, Brucella
horses: Rhodococcus, Brucella
calves: Salmonella Pseudomonas
maj cause of myelopathies in dogs <18m
fact associated
vert malfo > SAD > fracture > aa instab > osseous spondylomyelop
vert malfo: young, screwtail, pug with chronic T3-L3
SAD: screw taikl, pug, non painfull
IVDE: old, screw tail, pug with shorter duration signs