MNP urinary/fecal continence Flashcards
lower urinary tract anatomy in male/female
interwoven layers of smooth muscles = detrusor accompanied by mucosal/submucosal/serosal layers.
uretral: outer layer of striated muscle, inner layer of smooth
- female: smooth m uniformly throughout the lenght of the urethra. at the external urethral orificel, striated m enclose all but the dorsal surf of the uretral . Regardless to neuter status female have higher prop of collagen lower m
- male: smooth m limited to prostatic and cranial half of membranous urethra, ticker than female. external striated m 50-70% of urethral wall, circular orientation
storage phase
- low-level bladder distension: afferent signal (increase in strenght) conducted in pelvic nerve to neurons in periaqueducal grey
- pontine urine storage center (L region): excitatory connection with nicotinic cholinergic motor neuron of Onuf’s nucleus ->pudendal nerve -> external urethral sphincter
- intermedio-lateral column L1-L4 (dog) -> splanchnic nerves -> synapse with nicotin cholinergic recept on cell bodies of mesenteric ganglion or within bladder wall -> hypogastric nerve -> pelvic plexus -> inhib beta-3adrenergic recep of detrusor, excit alpha-1A adrenergic of bladder trigone
voiding phase
when critical volume of bladder has been reached
A delta afferent from mechanorecept in the bladder wall -> pelvic nerve -> spinothalamic/spinobulbar -> thalamus -> periaqueducal grey + voiding mict center (L region) ->pontine reticulospinal -> sympat, parasympat
unmyelin C fiber ->spinomesen, spinoreticular, spinohypothal
autonomic regul
+ paraventricular and periventricular nuicelus of hypothalamus, redu nucleus, raphe nulceus, cerebellum
afferent innervation of the baldder
L1-4: hypogastric nerve, pain recept
S1-3: pelvic nerve, stretch recept
pudendal nerve, recept for flow, distention, pain
efferent innervation of the bladder
L1-4: sympathetic (caudal mesenteric ganglia, hypogastric) beta3 adren (-) within bladder wall, alpha 1A adren (+) bladder trigone (smooth m)
S1-3: parasymp (pelvic nerve and ganglia) Ach-m in bladder wall
somatic (pudendal) Ach-n in striated m spincter
common cause of urinary incontinence in dog
- storage disorder (normal postvoiding residual volume):
1. Non neurogenic:
urethral spincter mechanism incompetence ,
urinary tract infection,
blader fibrosis/hypoplasia, detrusor instability,
ectopic ureters, fistulae, pelvic bladder, short or dilated urethra, vesicourethral diverticula
2. Neurogenic: dysautonomia, disorder of sacrocaudal SC/ of cauda equina - voiding disorder:
1. Non neurogenic: fonctional outflow obstruction atonic bladder, bladder fibrosis, idiopathic functional outflow obstruction), mechanical outflow obstruction, (bladder torsion, foreign object, blood clot, neoplasia, proliferative urethritis, fibroepithelial polyps, prostatic disease, uroliths…)
2. Neurogenic: cranial to S1, to sacrocaudal SC or nerve root
breeds overrepresented in developing USMI
german sheperd
doberman pinscher
giant schnauzer
old english sheepdog
english springer spaniel
irish setter
soft-coated wheaten terrier
pattern of urinary incontinence in female
1/ urgency or incont after voiding: detrusor instability (rule out UTI and other lower urinary tract disease, cystoscopy) -> oxybutynin (antimuscarinic)
2/ incontinence more severe at rest: urethral sphiincter mechanism incompetence (abd US, cystoscopy) ->alpha agonist (phenylopropanolamine) or estrogen (estriol)
3/ incont at rest or during normal activ: ectopic ureters (US or CT) ->surgical
pattern of urinary incontinence in male
1/ weak or interrupted urine stream: voiding disorder and overflow incont (fonctional overflow obst) (rule out MOO, cytourethrogram, cystoscopy) ->alpha antagonist +/- sq m relaxant
2/ incont at rest and during normal act
- urethral sphincter mechanism incomp (cystoscopy) -> alpha ago (phenylpropanolamine) or testosterone
- ectopic ureters (us or ct) -> EU ablation
post voiding resiudal volume in dog
0.2 to 1 mL/kg
Give 2 molecules to help for urine stockage and their mechanism of action.
Oxybutynin: muscarinic receptor antagonist (decrease detrusor contractility)
Phenylpropanolamine: sympathomimetic (increase internal sphincter tone)
Give 5 molecules to help for urine voiding and their mechanism of action.
Betanechol: parasympathomimetic (increase detrusor contractility)
Alfuzosin, prazosin, phenoxybenzamine: alpha-1 blockers (decrease internal sphincter tone)
Dantrolene: calcium release inhibitor in muscle (myorelaxant -> decrease external sphincter resistance)
changes after suprasacral SC injury
C fiber activation (expression lower threshold Na channel, K channel functionnaly incapacited)
=> concurent detrusor and sphincter contraction
inneficient bladder emptying, high residual volume, detrusor hypertrophy, blader overdistention
reflex micturition is mediated by
C fibers
most prevalent uropathogen
E coli