Spinal cord, Ascending and Descending Pathways Flashcards
Somatosensory afferents and motor efferents to skeletal muscle travel via?
Spinal cord
Somatosensory afferents and motor efferents to skeletal muscle travel via?
Spinal cord
Functions of the spinal cord?
Receives primary afferent fibres from peripheral receptors in somatic and visceral structures
Sends motor axons to skeletal muscle
Provides communications highway between brain and periphery
Houses preganglionic neurons of sympathetic nervous system
Houses some preganglionic neurons of parasympathetic nervous system
What does the spinal cord give rise to?
31 paired spinal nerves
Where do the anterior and posterior roots pass through?
Subarachnoid space
When do the anterior and posterior roots stop passing through the subarachnoid space?
When they reach the appropriate intervertebral foramina
As the posterior root passes through the foramina what enlarges it?
The posterior dorsal root ganglion
When the roots fuse what does it form?
Spinal nerve
What produces posterior and anterior rami?
Spinal nerves
What is the spinal cord continuous with?
Where does the spinal cord terminate?
Ina tapered cone shape called the conus medularis
What does the conus medularis continue as?
Connective tissue called filum terminale
What is anchored to the dorsal of the coccyx?
Filum Terminale
At what level does the spinal cord end?
The ventral and dorsal roots of L2 and lower spinal nerves and the filum terminate is a collection called?
Cauda Equina
Where does the dural sac end?
The spinal meninges and cranial meninges are continuous via?
Foramen magnum
What is the spinal cord suspended in the canal by?
Denticulate ligament
What forms the denticulate ligament?
Pia and arachnoid tissue
Where do the dorsal and ventral roots come together in?
Intervertebral canal
The spinal cord is made up of an outer layer called?
White matter
The spinal cord has an inner layer with a ‘H’ shape of?
Gray matter
What does the white matter in the spinal cord consist of?
Longitudinally orientated nerve fibres, glial cells and blood vessles
What does the grey matter in the spinal cord consist of?
Neuronal soma, cell processes, synapses, glia and blood vessels
What extends the length of the spinal cord?
Central canal
Where does the central canal open rostrally?
4th ventricle
Where is grey matter greatest in the spinal cord?
Cervical and lumbar regions
Where is white matter greatest in the spinal cord?
Cervical regions
What makes up the white matter?
Dorsal, lateral and ventral fasciculi
How many parts is the grey matter divided into within the spinal cord?
What are the parts of the grey matter?
Left and right ventral horns
Left and right dorsal horns
What horn of the grey matter extends to the edge?
At the levels of T1 to L2 there is another horn called?
Lateral horn
What neurons does the lateral horn contain?
Preganglionic sympathetic neurons
How many Lamina is there?
What is lamina I?
Lamina marginalis
What is lamina II?
Substantia gelatinosa
What is lamina III?
Part of substantial gelatinosa and part of nucleus proprius
What is Lamina IV?
Part of nucleus proprius
Where is lamina V and VI found?
At the base of the dorsal horn
What cells give rise to the spinothalamic tract?
Tract cells
What does Lamina VII comprise of?
Intermediate horn
What lamina contains proprioceptive interneurons?
Lamina VIII
What lamina is a layer of alpha and gamma motorneurons?
Lamina IX
What lamina consists of the dorsal and ventral grey commissures?
Lamina X
What is overlying lamina I?
Tract of Lissauer
What is the tract of Lissauer?
A layer of white matter
Afferents divide into?
Ascending and Descending branches that travel in the tract of Lissauer
What roots do the radicular artier travel along?
Dorsal and ventral roots
Segmental veins drain into what?
Local vertebral plexuses
What is the space between the dura and the bone?
Epidural space
What does the epidural space contain?
Adipose tissue and the anterior and posterior epidural venus plexuses
What is the function of the corticspinal tract?
Control of precision and speed of skilled movements, particular of distal limb muscles
What are the ridges in the corticospinal tract?
What is another name for the corticospinal tract?
Pyramidal tract
Crossed fibres of the corticospinal tract form?
Lateral CST
Uncrossed fibres of the corticospinal tract form?
Ventral CST
Where do corticospinal fibres travel in?
The posterior limb of the internal capsule
Where does the corticospinal tract break into fibre bundles?
Anterior pons
Function of the Rubrospinal tract?
Excitatory control of tone of limb flexor muscles
Where do the fibres originate in the rubrospinal tract?
Red nucleus of midbrain
Where do the finer travel in the rubrospinal tract?
In the lateral column anterior to the lateral CST
What is the tract with inout mostly to cervical segments?
Tectospinal Tract
Where do the fibres of the tectospinal tract originate?
Superior colliculus
What tract functions to excitatory input to ‘antigravity’ extensor muscles?
Lateral Vestibulospinal Tract
Where do the fibres of the lateral vestibulospinal tract originate?
Ipsilateral vestibular nuclei of pons and medulla
What does reticular formation from?
The central core of the brainstem
Where do fibres originate in the reticulospinal tract?
Areas of the reticular formation in pons and medulla
Function of reticulospinal tract?
Influencing of voluntary movement
Fibers that originate in the pins facilitate?
Extensor movements and inhibit flexor movements
What are the motor systems outside of the pyramidal tract referred to as?
Extrapyramidal system
Functions of the spinal cord?
Receives primary afferent fibres from peripheral receptors in somatic and visceral structures
Sends motor axons to skeletal muscle
Provides communications highway between brain and periphery
Houses preganglionic neurons of sympathetic nervous system
Houses some preganglionic neurons of parasympathetic nervous system
What does the spinal cord give rise to?
31 paired spinal nerves
Where do the anterior and posterior roots pass through?
Subarachnoid space
When do the anterior and posterior roots stop passing through the subarachnoid space?
When they reach the appropriate intervertebral foramina
As the posterior root passes through the foramina what enlarges it?
The posterior dorsal root ganglion
When the roots fuse what does it form?
Spinal nerve
What produces posterior and anterior rami?
Spinal nerves
What is the spinal cord continuous with?
Where does the spinal cord terminate?
Ina tapered cone shape called the conus medularis
What does the conus medularis continue as?
Connective tissue called filum terminale
What is anchored to the dorsal of the coccyx?
Filum Terminale
At what level does the spinal cord end?
The ventral and dorsal roots of L2 and lower spinal nerves and the filum terminate is a collection called?
Cauda Equina
Where does the dural sac end?
The spinal meninges and cranial meninges are continuous via?
Foramen magnum
What is the spinal cord suspended in the canal by?
Denticulate ligament
What forms the denticulate ligament?
Pia and arachnoid tissue
Where do the dorsal and ventral roots come together in?
Intervertebral canal
The spinal cord is made up of an outer layer called?
White matter
The spinal cord has an inner layer with a ‘H’ shape of?
Gray matter
What does the white matter in the spinal cord consist of?
Longitudinally orientated nerve fibres, glial cells and blood vessles
What does the grey matter in the spinal cord consist of?
Neuronal soma, cell processes, synapses, glia and blood vessels
What extends the length of the spinal cord?
Central canal
Where does the central canal open rostrally?
4th ventricle
Where is grey matter greatest in the spinal cord?
Cervical and lumbar regions
Where is white matter greatest in the spinal cord?
Cervical regions
What makes up the white matter?
Dorsal, lateral and ventral fasciculi
How many parts is the grey matter divided into within the spinal cord?
What are the parts of the grey matter?
Left and right ventral horns
Left and right dorsal horns
What horn of the grey matter extends to the edge?
At the levels of T1 to L2 there is another horn called?
Lateral horn
What neurons does the lateral horn contain?
Preganglionic sympathetic neurons
How many Lamina is there?
What is lamina I?
Lamina marginalis
What is lamina II?
Substantia gelatinosa
What is lamina III?
Part of substantial gelatinosa and part of nucleus proprius
What is Lamina IV?
Part of nucleus proprius
Where is lamina V and VI found?
At the base of the dorsal horn
What cells give rise to the spinothalamic tract?
Tract cells
What does Lamina VII comprise of?
Intermediate horn
What lamina contains proprioceptive interneurons?
Lamina VIII
What lamina is a layer of alpha and gamma motorneurons?
Lamina IX
What lamina consists of the dorsal and ventral grey commissures?
Lamina X
What is overlying lamina I?
Tract of Lissauer
What is the tract of Lissauer?
A layer of white matter
Afferents divide into?
Ascending and Descending branches that travel in the tract of Lissauer
What roots do the radicular artier travel along?
Dorsal and ventral roots
Segmental veins drain into what?
Local vertebral plexuses
What is the space between the dura and the bone?
Epidural space
What does the epidural space contain?
Adipose tissue and the anterior and posterior epidural venus plexuses
What is the function of the corticspinal tract?
Control of precision and speed of skilled movements, particular of distal limb muscles
What are the ridges in the corticospinal tract?
What is another name for the corticospinal tract?
Pyramidal tract
Crossed fibres of the corticospinal tract form?
Lateral CST
Uncrossed fibres of the corticospinal tract form?
Ventral CST
Where do corticospinal fibres travel in?
The posterior limb of the internal capsule
Where does the corticospinal tract break into fibre bundles?
Anterior pons
Function of the Rubrospinal tract?
Excitatory control of tone of limb flexor muscles
Where do the fibres originate in the rubrospinal tract?
Red nucleus of midbrain
Where do the finer travel in the rubrospinal tract?
In the lateral column anterior to the lateral CST
What is the tract with inout mostly to cervical segments?
Tectospinal Tract
Where do the fibres of the tectospinal tract originate?
Superior colliculus
What tract functions to excitatory input to ‘antigravity’ extensor muscles?
Lateral Vestibulospinal Tract
Where do the fibres of the lateral vestibulospinal tract originate?
Ipsilateral vestibular nuclei of pons and medulla
What does reticular formation from?
The central core of the brainstem
Where do fibres originate in the reticulospinal tract?
Areas of the reticular formation in pons and medulla
Function of reticulospinal tract?
Influencing of voluntary movement
Fibers that originate in the pins facilitate?
Extensor movements and inhibit flexor movements
What are the motor systems outside of the pyramidal tract referred to as?
Extrapyramidal system