Lecture 10 Flashcards
What are the lobes of the cerebellum?
Anterior, posterior and flocculonodular lobes
What is apart of the flocculonodular lobe?
Flocculus and nodule
What structure sits above the medulla?
What separates the anterior and posterior lobes?
Primary fissure
What is the middle bit of the cerebellum called?
What are the lobules of the anterior lobe?
Central lobule and anterior part of quadrangular lobule
What are the lobules of the posterior lobe?
Posterior part of quadrangular lobule, superior semilunar lobule, inferior semilunar lobule and biventral lobule
In the section of the cerebellum what are the leave like structures called?
What nuclei is present in the core of white matter in the cerebellum?
Deep cerebellar nuclei
Is there a small region of grey matter in the white matter of the cerebellum?
What are the four deep cerebellar nuclei?
Dentate, emboliform, globose and fastigial
What is the largest deep cerebellar nuclei?
Dentate nucleus
What is the most medial deep cerebellar nuclei?
What are the three layers of the cerebellar cortex?
Molecular layer, Purkinje cell layer and Granule cell layer
What is the outer layer of the cerebellar cortex?
What is the middle layer of the cerebellar cortex?
Purkinje cell layer
What is the inner layer of the cerebellar cortex?
Granular layer
Where are afferent projection to the cerebellum from?
Spinal cord, pons, vestibular nuclei and inferior olivary nucleus
How do afferent projections enter the cerebellum?
Cerebellar peduncles
Where are efferent projections of the cerebellum from?
All three lobes of cerebellum
Where do most efferent axons of the deep cerebellar nuclei cross and synapse?
Cross the midline and synapse in the thalamus
Where does the thalamus send fibres?
Motor cortex
Where do deep cerebellar nuclei also send fibres?
Vestibular nuclei, red nucleus and reticular formation
What are the three divisions of the cerebellum?
Vestibulocerebellum, spinpcerebellum and pontocerebellum
What does the vestibulocerebellum part consist of?
Flocculunodular lobe
What is the main function of the vestibulocerebellum part?
Maintaining balance
What does the spinocerebellum part consist of?
What is the main function of the spinocerebellum part?
Posture and muscle tone
What does the pontocerebellum part consist of?
Cerebellar hemispheres
What is the main function of the pontocerebellum part?
Muscle coordination
What happens when there is a midline lesion of the cerebellum?
Disturbance of postural control
What happens when there is a unilateral hemispheric lesion of the cerebellum?
Disturbance of coordination in limbs
What happens where there is a bilateral cerebellar dysfunction?
Slowed and slurred speech
What are the functions of the basal ganglia?
To facilities purposeful movement
Inhibit unwanted movements
Role in posture and muscle tone
What is the basal ganglia?
A number of masses of grey matter located near the base of each cerebral hemisphere
What does the basal ganglia include?
Corpus striatum, sub thalamic nucleus and substantia nigra
What does the corpus striatum include?
Striatum and pallidum
What does the striatum include?
Caudate nucleus and putamen
What does the palladium include?
Globus pallidus
What is the putamen and globus pallidus called?
Lentiform nucleus
Where is the anterior limb of internal capsule between?
Lentiform and caudate nuclei
Where is the posterior limb of internal capsule between?
Lentiform nucleus and thalamus
Where is the substantial nigra?
What is small and sits under the thalamus?
Subthalamic nucleus
What does the striatum receive input from?
Cerebral cortex, thalamus and substantial nigra
What does the striatum send fibres to?
Globus pallidus and substantia nigra
What does the globus pallidus recieve input from?
Straitum and subthalamic nucleus
What does the globus pallidus send fibres to?
Thalamus, subthalamic nucleus and pons
What does unilateral lesion of the basal ganglia affect?
Contralateral side of body
What do lesions of the basal ganglia cause?
Abnormal muscle control and changes in muscle tone
What are disorders associated with basal ganglia?
Parkinsons Disease and Huntingtons disease