Speciation 3.24 Flashcards
A single species
Consists of a large number of populations spread across a country / countries
Formation of a new species happens as a result of the isolation of parts of a population
Two isolated populations
Experience different conditions - natural selection works in different directions on the new populations
Both genotype and phenotype of isolated group will change to the point where of the split populations were reunited they can no longer successfully interbreed
Can cause speciation especially in plants two related species can breed and for, hybrids successful in their own right and better adapted to their niche
Or hybrids don’t for fertile offspring crossed back to their parents new species formed which may out compete the parent plants
Geographical isolation
Physical barrier such as as river or mountain range separates individuals from an original population
Ecological isolation
Two populations inhabit the same region but develop preferences for different parts of the habitat
Seasonal / temporal isolation
The timing of flowering or sexual receptiveness in some parts of a population drifts apart from the norm of the group .the can lead to the, reproducing several months apart
Behavioral isolation
Changes occur in the courtship ,ritual ,display or mating pattern so that some animals do not recognize each other as being potential mates. This might be due to a mutation that changes the colour or pattern or markings
Mechanical isolation
A mutation occurs that changes the genitalia of animals making it physically impossible for them to mate successfully with some members of the group or changes in the relationship between the stigma and stamens of flowers making pollination between some individuals unsuccessful
Allopatric speciation
When populations are physically or geographically separated in some way
Main evolutionary process
E.g islands form and disappear ice floes melt
Human interventions like dams roads and cities
When a species evolves in a geographical isolation and found in one place
Allopatric speciation is frequently followed by
Adaptive radiation
Adaptive radiation
When one species evolves rapidly to form a number of different species which all fill different ecological niches
Variation in alleles and characteristics and different niches would favor different individuals
Sympatric speciation
Takes place between populations of a species living in the same place that become reproductively isolated by mechanical ,behavioral or seasonal changes .
Gene flow continues to some extent as speciation takes place
Sympatric species
Closely related and occupy overlapping ranges
Why reluctant to classify example of sympatric speciation
When speciation occurs always a adaptive pressure including the presence of unrecognized micro habitats which drive the formation of two species and produce a barrier between the populations