3.3 4 Ex-situ and in-situ conservation Flashcards
keeping and protecting a living and changing environment
Ex-situ conservation
takes place outside of their natural habitat
not always time to conserve habitat or protect them onn site
enables genetic material to be conserved or breeding population to be returned to their natural habitat
should be complementary in-situ and ideally in country where the threaten species originates
In-situ conservation
conservation of ecosystems and natural habitats and the maintance and recovery of viable populations of speices in their natural surroundings
plants vital importance
gm lost forever
crossbreeding crop plants back to orginal wild plant or using wild plants to supply genes for genetic engineering are ways in which the long term health of crop plants can be maintained
botanic gardens
maintain collections of plants
seed banks
preserve plants in a stare of effective suspened animation
most plants make a huge number of seeds so can be collected without damaging the natural population .
seeds are usually small so a large number of them can be stored relatively chaply in a small space
contain genetic make up of species
field gene banks
seeds of some species do not store well often crop plants
species is grown year after year (could be a tissue culture)
a lot of room and work
other ways of conserving plants
using tissue cultures or growing plants on need takes up a lot less space and time
reasons for ex-situ conservation
conditions that may threaten a species continue
captive breeding programs
individuals of an endangered species are bred in zoos or parks in an attempt to save them from extinction
ultimate aim is to reintroduce back into wild to restore orginial populations
does not always work but can be more sucessful in national parks or other protected areas
problems with captive breeding an reintroduction
not enough space or resources in zoos and parks for all endangered species
difficult to provide the right conditions for breeding
reintroduction will be unsucessful unless orginial threats are removed
diffcult to go to be unsupported
when population is small gene pool is reduced
very expensive and time consuming
examples of in-situ
national parks
in-situ strategies
habitat restoration and recovery,strategies for the sustainable use and mangement of biological resources and managed recovery programmes for threatend or endangered species
genetic diversity is monitored or threats to biodiveristy
important in in-situ
preservation of traditional knowledge and land managment is important for the maintenance of biodiverse habitats and legislation
conflicts in conservation
needs of the people living there and the needs of the plants and the animals being conserved
costs money
often less developed countries that have more pressing issues
sustainiable methods of land use
sustainable forestry
trees selectively haverst and replant
sustainable agriculture
organic fertilisers ,biological pest control,mainaing hedgre rows and planting in rotation