Special senses touch/smell/taste Flashcards
5 special senses & organs
- ) Smell- olfactory epithelium of nasal cavity
- ) Taste- taste buds
- ) Hearing- Ear
- ) equilibrium- ear
- ) sight- eye
Touch sensory endings
- ) Pacinian corpuscle- deep pressure
2. ) meissner’s corpuscle- light superficial pressure
Olfactory Epithelium, specialized pseudo stratified epithelium, contains sensory cells for olfaction, in roof of nasal cavity
Cranial nerve 1: through the cribriform plate olfactory foramina
taste buds- epithelial structures with stratified epithelium lining the dorsum of tongue
Fungiform-all over tongue, small mushroom
Filiform- all over tongue, pointed and cat like
Vallate-arrange in inverted V near back of tongue, bigger
Nerves Associated with Taste
Trigeminal V- anterior 2/3
Glossopharyngeal IX- middle 1/3
Vagus X- posterior 1/3
Facial VII- ant 2/3 lat sides
Eyeball, retina, extrinsic muscles
Embedded in fascia and fat of the orbit, 2.5cm in diameter
Extrinsic Muscles of the eye
Lateral Rectus-moves eye laterally
Medial Rectus- moves eye medially
Superior Rectus- elevates eye w/ medial rotation
Inferior rectus- depresses eye and turns it medially
Inferior Oblique- elevates eye and turns it laterally
Superior Oblique- depresses eye and turns it laterally
Pink Eye- lines anterior part of sclera, reflects back onto inside of eyelids to create conjunctival sac that holds tears, punctured in upper lateral region by ducts from lacrimal gland
Anterior Segment of eye
The anterior segment or anterior cavity is the front third of the eye that includes the structures in front of the Aqueous humour (dilute alkaline solution): the cornea, iris, ciliary body, and lens.
Posterior Segment of eye
The posterior segment or posterior cavity is the back two-thirds of the eye that includes the anterior hyaloid membrane and all of the optical structures behind it: the vitreous humor (semi gelatinous water and albumin), retina, choroid, and optic nerve.
transparent, biconvex disc, held by ligaments ciliary processes, changes shape thickness to focus, CNIII focusing
farsighted-relaxed cilary muscle, flattened lens
nearsighted- contracted cilary, rounded lens
3 tunics of the eye
- ) Fibrous tunic- sclera, cornea
- ) Vascular tunic- choroid, ciliary body, iris
- ) Nervous tunic- retina, pigment epithelium
colored, circular radiating muscle, constrict and dilate the pupil, autonomic nervous system via CNIII and sympathetics
Neural Retina
Photoreceptors=visual cells
- )Rods- dim light, highly sensitive
- ) Cones- color sensitive
3 layers
- )photoreceptors
- ) bipolar cells
- ) ganglion cells
Blind Spot
Optic disc exit of optic nerve and travel of blood vessels
Fovea centralis
cones only greatest visual acuity, posterior of eye superior to the nerve
Lacrimal Flow
Lacrimal gland, excretory duct, lacrimal punctun, lacrimal sac, inferior meatus of nasal cavity
External Ear
core of elastic cartilage that directs sound waves into the ear
External acoustic meatus- S shaped cartilage and bone, hairs and wax protect against foreign materials, wax from modified sweat gland
Middle Ear
Cavity with petrous temporal bone-lined with mucus membrane
- )Tympanic membrane-separates middle from external ear=ear drum
- ) bony wall separates middle from inner ear 2 holes (ossicles, oval window and round window)
- )Eustachian tube- open ant. to nasopharynx, equalizes pressure w/ atmospheric pressure across tympanic membrane
- ) Mastoid air cells
3 bones w/ synovial joints that transmit vibrations of tympanic membrane to oval Window
- ) Malleus-hammer
- ) Incus-anvil
- ) Stapes-stirrup
Inner Ear
Organs for Hearing and equilibrium
- ) bony labyrinth- series of channels within bone lined with serous membrane, secretes fluid-perilymph (vestibule, semicircular canals, cochlea)
- ) membranous labyrinth- sac within bony labyrinth
Bony Labyrinth
- )Vestibule- main chamber, oval window opens to it
- )Semicircular Cannals- ant, post, and lat. 3 planes of space, open to posterior vestibule
- ) cochlea- spiral, 2 canals separated by bone projection and basilar membrane
2 canals open to vestibule
- ) scala vestibuli- at oval window covered by stapes
- ) Scala Tympani- at round window covered by membrane (drum)
Membranus Labryinth
sac within bony labyrinth, filled w/ endolymph and surrounded by perilymph
Utricle & saccule w/in vestibule
Semicircular ducts
cochlear duct