Facial and Neck Muscles Flashcards
overlies occipital and part of the temporal bone. Fixes aperneurosis and pulls scalp posteriorly
covers forehead and dome of skull. elevates the eyebrows -wrinkles forehead skin horizontally
Orbicularis Oculi
Sphincter muscle of eyelid. surround rim of orbit.Closes the eye, produces blinking and squinting
muscle pair extending diagonally from cheekbone to corner of mouth. Smiling muscle, raises lateral corners of the mouth
Orbicularis Oris
multilayered muscle, most run circularly around the mouth. Closes the lips, purses, kissing, and whistling
V shaped muscle pair on chin. Wrinkle chin
unpaired thin sheet like muscle over the neck. tenses skin of neck, used in shaving
Levator labii superioris
muscle b/n orbicularis oris and inferior eye margin. Opens lips, elevates upper lip
Depressor Labii inferioris
small muscle running from mandible to lower lip. depresses lower lip
principle muscle of the cheek and deep to masseter. compresses cheek for sucking and whistling
Powerful muscle that covers lateral aspect of ramus of mandible. closes jaw, elevates mandible $
fan shaped covers part of the temporal, frontal and parietal bones. Closes jaw, elevates and retracts mandible $
Medial and lateral pterygoid
deep two headed muscle that runs along internal surface of mandible and is largely concealed by the pterygoid bone. protract mandible and grinding movements
fan shaped muscle bulk of inferior part of tongue. protracts tongue
consists of two bellies united by an intermediate tendon, forming a V shape under the chin, one origin on chin one origin on mastoid insertion on the hyoid bone where it meets. Open mouth and depress mandible.
parallels posterior bellies of digastric muscle, laterally, styloid process to hyoid bone. elevates and retracts hyoid.
flat triangular muscle deep to the digastric, floor of anterior mouth, runs along the mandible to the hyoid bone. elevates hyoid bone and floor of mouth
narrow muscle runs from chin to hyoid bone deep to mylohyoid. elevates and protractes the hyoid
most medial of the neck, thin partially covered by sternocleidomastoid, from sternum/clavicle to hyoid bone. depresses larynx and hyoid bone
b/n sternum and thyroid cartilage. depresses larynx and thyroid cartilage
straplike muscle with two bellies united by an intermediate tendon, lateral to sternohyoid, covered partially by sternocleidomastoid. depresses and retracts hyoid bone
appears as suppra continuation of sternothyroid muscle, b/n thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone. depresses hyoid bone or elevates the larynx
two headed deep to platysma, anterolateral surface of the neck. flexes and laterally rotates the head $
located laterally on the neck, deep to platysma and sternocleidomastoid. Elevates first two ribs, flex and rotate the neck