Arteries and veins Flashcards
Arteries hold symmetry. What artery is not symmetrical branching off of the aorta?
Brachiocephalic artery that will then supply the right side of the body
What arteries supply the walls of the heart and how does blood travel there?
Ascending Aorta>Coronary Arteries R&L> (R branches Marginal a. then posterior interventrivular) (L branches anterior descending a. then circumflex a)
Marginal Artery
Posterior Interventricular Artery
Anterior Descending Artery
Circumflex Artery
How would blood get to the left eye and orbit?
Aorta Ascending>Aorta Arch>Left common Coratid> L. Internal Coratid>L. Opthalmic
What artery supplies the eye and orbit?
Opthalmic Artery
How would blood travel to the medial and superior surfaces of the frontal and parietal lobes on the right side?
Aorta Ascending>Aorta Arch>Brachiocephalic>Right common Coratid> R. Internal Coratid>R. Anterior Cerebral
What area of the body does the R anterior cerebral artery supply?
medial and superior surfaces of the frontal and parietal lobes on the right side
How does blood get to the Left lateral surfaces of the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes?
Aorta Ascending>Aorta Arch>Left common Coratid>Internal Coratid> Middle Cerebral A.
What does the middle Cerebral artery supply?
lateral surfaces of the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes
Anterior Communicating artery supplies what?
is one of a pair of arteries on the brain that supplies oxygenated blood to most midline portions of the frontal lobes and superior medial parietal lobes. The two anterior cerebral arteries arise from the internal carotid artery and are part of the circle of Willis (off the internal coratid)
posterior communicating artery supplies what?
The posterior communicating artery provides blood supply to the medial thalamic surface and the walls of the third ventricle. The posterior communicating artery connects the internal carotid artery, anterior cerebral and middle cerebral arteries, and the posterior cerebral artery with each other (Off the internal coratid)
What branches off of the internal carotid A.?
Opthalmic A. Anterior Cerebral A. Middle Cerebral A. Anterior Communicating A. Posterior Communicating A.
What branches off of the external carotid A.?
Superior Thyroid A. Lingual A. Facial A. Occipital A. Posterior Auricular A. Superficial Temporal A. Maxillary A. -Middle Meningeal A.
What supplies the Thyroid Gland and Larynx?
Superior Thyroid A.
How does blood travel to the R. Larynx side?
Ascending Aorta>Aorta Arch>Brachiocephalic>Common Coratid>External Coratid>Superior Thyroid A.
What Artery supplies blood to the Tongue?
Lingual A.
How does blood travel to the R. Tongue?
Ascending Aorta>Aorta Arch>Brachiocephalic>Common Coratid>External Coratid>Lingual A.
What artery supplies blood to the anterior face? and where does it branch from
Facial A. and it branches from the External Carotid
How does blood get to the left Posterior Scalp?
Ascending Aorta>Aorta Arch> L. Common Coratid>L. External Coratid>L. Occipital A.
How does blood travel to the L. posterior ear?
Ascending Aorta>Aorta Arch> L. Common Coratid>L. External Coratid>Posterior Auricular A.
What Artery supplies the lateral sides of the head? and from where does it branch
Superficial Temporal A. and it branches from the external coratid
What does the Maxillary artery Supply and from where does it branch?
the maxillary artery supplies the teeth, cheeks, muscles of mastication, and nasal cavity. It branches from the external Coaratid
How does blood travel to the Dura on the right side?
Ascending Aorta>Aorta Arch> Brachiocephalic>R. common carotid>R. External Carotid>Maxillary>Middle Meningeal A
What hole does the middle meningeal A. pass through and where does it supply blood?
Foramen Spinosum and most of the Dura
What Artery passes through the transverse foramina and supplies the vertebrae and spinal cord?
Vertebral A.