Solidarity Flashcards
La solidarité
Du berceau à la tombe
From the cradle to the grave
L’aide sociale
Les assurances sociales
Les prestations sociales
Le bien-être
The welfare state
La protection sociale
Social insurance
Social protection
Les allocations sociales
Welfare rights
Welfare entitlements
Welfare payments
Une assistante sociale
A welfare worker
A social worker
Avoir droit à quelque chose
To be entitled to something
La justice sociale
Social justice
Where and when was the first state health insurance and old age pensions introduced ?
In Germany in 1880
How did Britain follow the German example?
The Liberal Chancelkor of the Exchequer David Lloyd George introduced a state pension for those over 70 in 1908
What is the welfare state?
The notion that the government should provide money, free medical care etc for people who are unemployed, ill or too old to work
When was the birth of the welfare state in Britain?
1945 when the recently elected Labour government set up the NHS.
A créé
Set up
What is the NHS?
National Health Service
A publicly funded health care organization
How is this system called by those who believe that the state should not intervene too much in the lives of its citizens?
The nanny state
Because a nanny is a woman whose job is to care after children
Une allocation
Une prestation sociale
A benefit
An allowance
Allocation chômage
Unemployment benefit
Allocation familiale
Child benefit
Allocation logement
Housing benefit
Les acquis sociaux
Social benefits
Demander des prestations sociales
To claim benefits
Un demandeur de prestations sociales
A benefit claimant
L’assurance maladie
Health insurance scheme
La couverture médicale
Health coverage
Medical coverage
Universal health coverage
La couverture sociale
Social security cover
Social security coverage
Une allocation soumise à des conditions de revenu
A means-tested benefit
Recevoir des allocations chômage
To be on the dole
To contribute
Les cotisations sociales
Social contributions
La redistribution
L’impôt sur le revenu
Income tax
What does social security?
It is a faux-ami because it refers to “welfare” generally, that is to say money is paid to ill, the unemployed, the elderly, while the French word only refers to the health-care system
Systeme de retraite
Pension system
What is “social security” in the USA?
It is the name given to the government-sponsored pension system
What are the approximatively equivalent of the French “sécu”?
Medicare is a government programme which provides health care for the over 65s
Medicaid does the same for certain low-income families
Une (pension de) retraite
A pension
Le système de retraites
The pension system
Le régime d’assurance vieillesse
The state pension system
The state pension scheme
Toucher une retraite
To receive a pension
Un retraité
A pensioner
An old age pensioner
A retiree
Prendre sa retraite
To retire
La retraite
L’âge de la retraite
Retirement age
Les retraités
Retired people
Un fonds de pension
A pension fund
Une population vieillissante
An ageing population
Les personnes âgées
The elderly
How many Britain are over 65s today?
8.3 million
How many Britain may be over 65s in 2025?
11.4 million
Se déplacer
To get around
Le système de santé
The health-care system
Les soins
Les traitements médicaux
Health care
Medical treatment
Les dépenses de santé
Health spending
L’espérance de vie
Life expectancy
Vivre jusqu’à 100 ans
To live to be a hundred
La charge
The onus
Nous renflouer
To bail us out
Toucher des prestations sociales
Recevoir de l’aide sociale
To be on welfare
Vivre des prestations sociales
To live on welfare
Les assistés
People living on state handouts
Welfare scroungers
Welfare dependency
Un fraudeur abusant du système d’allocations
A benefit cheat
La fraude aux allocations
Benefit fraud
Un profiteur
Un parasite
A freeloader
Le parasitisme
What is the “compassion fatigue”?
The idea that we get so much human suffering thrust in our faces every day from the media that we’ve become sort of numbed, we’ve used up all our reserves of pity, anger, outrage…
La charité /
Les œuvres caritatives
Une organisation caritative
A charity
A charitable organization
Une organisation à but non lucratif
A non-profit making organization
A not-for-profit organization
Une bonne cause
Une cause humanitaire
A charitable cause
Un bénévole
A volunteer
A voluntary worker
Le bénévolat
Voluntary work
Une organisation non-gouvernementale
A non-governmental organization
Etre solidaire de quelqu’un
Se solidariser avec quelqu’un
To show solidarity with somebody
To express solidarity with somebody
To support somebody
To stand by somebody
Se désolidariser de quelqu’un
To dissociate oneself from somebody
Is met by
To dwarf
How many $ did rich countries give in foreign aid in 2008?
$119.8 billion
Donner de l’argent
Faire un don
To give away money
To donate money
Faire une donation
To make a donation
Un donateur
A donor
Un bienfaiteur
A benefactor
Un bénéficiaire
A recipient
Promettre de donner de l’argent
To pledge to give money
To promise to give money
La générosité
Déplacés internes
Internally displaced persons
A l’intérieur de
What is UNHCR?
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
A UN agency which supports refugees and assist in their repatriation, local integration or resettlement in a third country
What are internally displaced persons?
People forced to flee their homes but who remain within their country’s borders
L’aide humanitaire
L’assistance humanitaire
Humanitarian aid
Humanitarian assistance
Les secours d’urgence
Emergency aid
Emergency assistance
L’aide alimentaire
Food aid
L’aide au développement
Development aid
Une organisation humanitaire
A relief agency
A relie organization
Un travailleur humanitaire
A relief worker
Distribuer des couvertures
To hand out blankets
L’allègement de la dette
Debt relief
Effacer des dettes
Annuler des dettes
To cancel debts
To write off debts
Le ré-échelonnement de la dette
Le commerce équitable
Fair trade
Investissement éthique
Ethical investment
The incentive
To spur
La philanthropie
Un philanthrope
A philanthropist
La munificence
Financer un projet
To fund a project
Soutenir une initiative
To support an initiative
To back an initiative
Soutien financier
Financial backing
Un parrain
Un mécène
Un sponsor
A sponsor
Le mécénat d’entreprise
Corporate sponsorship
La responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise
Corporate social responsibility
Entreprenariat social
Social entrepreneurship
À partir de rien
From scratch
A titre bénévole
On a voluntary basis
Who was the most famous philanthropist in the nineteenth century?
Andrew Carnegie
A penniless Scottish immigrant who became a wealthy industrialist. He gave away most of his money to establish libraries, schools and universities in the US and the UK.
Doter /
To endow
Une dotation /
Une fondation
An endowment
Une fondation
A foundation
Les droits de succession
Estate tax
une réduction d’impôts
A tax break
Un crédit d’impôts
A tax credit
What are Philanthrocapitalists ?
Business-like donors who provide risk capital for social change