Energy Flashcards
Énergies fossiles
Fossil fuels
Le combustible
Le carburant
Les réserves de pétrole
Oil supplies
Oil reserves
To run out
To become depleted
L’épuisement des ressources
The depletion of resources
Épuiser les réserves de pétrole
To exhaust oil supplies
L’épuisement des réserves de pétrole
The exhaustion of oil supplies
Venir à manquer d’énergie
To run out of energy
Manquer de pétrole
To be short of oil
La pénurie d’énergie
The energy gap
The energy shortfall
The energy shortage
La production d’énergie
Energy production
La consommation d’énergie
Energy consumption
La demande d’énergie
The demand for energy
Les besoins en énergie
Energy needs
Energy requirements
Un surplus
Un excès
A glut
La surproduction
Les hydrocarbures
Les énergies fossiles
Fossil fuels
Le pétrole
Le pétrole brut
Crude oil
Le gaz
L’essence (en anglais américain)
Le charbon
Les schistes bitumeux
Oil shale
L’huile de schiste
Shale oil
Le gaz de schiste
Shale gas
Les sables bitumeux
Tar sands
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
How many countries in the OPEC ?
12 countries
Arab world + Venezuela, Ecuador, Algeria, Nigeria
When was the OPEC founded ?
What is the aim of the OPEC?
To secure a steady income to its members and eliminate harmful fluctuations in oil prices
To secure
When was the Six Day War ?
What did Arab members form after the Six Day War?
A separate group called the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
Why did Arab countries create the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries ?
To exert pressure on Western nations
To what did the creation of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries lead ?
The oil embargo in October 1973
The first oil shock (oil crisis)
Un pétrolier
An oil tanker
Une plateforme pétrolière
An oil rig
An oil platform
Faire pression sur
To exert pressure on
Un puits de pétrole
An oil well
Un oléoduc
An oil pipeline
Un gazoduc
A gas pipeline
Le prix du pétrole
Oil prices
Un pays producteur de pétrole
An oil producing country
Un pays exportateur de pétrole
An oil exporting country
65 dollars le baril
$65 a barrel
Une crise pétrolière
An oil crisis
Un choc pétrolier
An oil shock
Une voiture qui consomme beaucoup
A gas-guzzler
Un quatre-quatre
A sports utility vehicle
A four-wheel drive