is a machine or device that performs processes, calculations and operations based on instructions provided by a software or hardware program
It is designed to execute applications and provides a variety of solutions by combining integrated hardware and software components.
The physical and tangible parts of the computer – sometimes referred to as computer equipment, devices, or peripherals
Hardware is the
physical and tangible parts of the computer
The programs that contain instructions for the computer to follow, perform, or execute
Software are
Sometimes referred to as Information Processing Cycle
Computer Operations
Users enter data (or input) into the computer system
Data entered is processed and undergo operations.
Processed data is presented as information
Information is saved to be used later
Information Processing Cycle
input, process, output, storage
major components of a computer system
CPU (ALU, Control unit, main memory)
control unit:
input unit, output unit
the main processor of the computer
Central Processing Unit (CPU) -
performs the arithmetic(mathematical) and logical (boolean, true/false) operations
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) -
the RAM where results from operations are stored
Memory -
devices used to enter data to the computer
Input -
devices used to display/print the result from operations
Output -
Computer Operations: five
Central Processing Unit (CPU), Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Memory, Input, Output
Advantages of UsingComputers
Speed, Reliability, Consistency, Storage, Communications
Computers process billions of operations in a second, or even faster
Components of modern computers are dependable.
Computers produce the same output, perform the same process, for the same set of (correct) inputs.
Store enormous amounts of data and make this available
Can communicate with other computers (through communications networks)
Disadvantages of UsingComputers
Health Risks, Impact to Labor, Impact to Environment, Public Safety, Violation of Privacy
Use of computers for a long period of times has proven to cause some health risks.
Health Risks
Computers can perform repetitive tasks with high accuracy compared to humans
Impact to Labor
A challenge to the environment is the disposal of computer waste.
Impact to Environment
When wrong inputs are entered, thus, wrong results can cause catastrophe, especially to the general public
Public Safety
Computers can be used to monitor or track people’s activities.
Violation of Privacy
is the physical part of the computer system
consists of components inside a computer as well as the external devices that interact with it
it is designed for only one person to use at a time
personal computer or PC
Personal computers fall into several categories that are differentiated from another by their sizes:
Desktop PC, Notebook, Tablet, Smartphone
A computer designed to be used at a desk, and seldom moved
Desktop PC
This type of computer consists of a large metal box called system unit that contains most of the essential components.
Desktop PC
Desktop PC consists of a large metal box called _that contains most of the essential components.
system unit
it also has a monitor(computer screen), keyboard, and a mouse that all plug into the system unit
Desktop PC
A portable computer designed to fold up like a notebook for carrying
Notebook PC
the cover opens up to reveal a built-in screen, keyboard, and pointing device (touchpad, which substitutes for a mouse)
Notebook PC
This type of computer is sometimes called a laptop
Notebook PC
A smaller version of this is sometimes referred to as _
netbook (Internet book).