Errors of the azimuth (FINALS) Flashcards
A true north-seeking gyroscope
The gyro has three axes:
spin axis– torque axis– precession axis
Gyrocompass Advantages
Advantages:* Seeks geographic (true)north instead of magnetic.* Can be used near the earth’s magnetic poles, where magnetic compass is useless.* Unaffected by surrounding metals.* Signal can be fed to other systems (weapons, nav)
Gyrocompass Disadvantages
- Intricate electronic instrument.* Requires a constant source of electrical power and is sensitive to power fluctuations.* Requires periodic maintenance by qualified technicians
The heading indicated by the magnetic compass toward where the ship is traveling.
Compass course
The Sum of Variation and Deviation
Compass Error (CE)
The Course That the Ship Is Steering,Using the Ship’s Magnetic Compass
Compass Heading
This Heading Includes the Compass Error
Compass Heading
Direction referenced to True North, measured clockwise from 000° to 359°
True North
The Difference between True North and the GyroCompass Reading
Gyro Error (East or West)
The Difference between the Gyro Compass and Gyro Repeater
Gyro Repeater Error
is a very accurate instrument, it normally has a small error associated with its readings.(normally less than 1o)
Like the magnetic compass, this error is expressed as
east or west.
bearings measured with reference to the ship’s longitudinal axis
Relative Bearings (R)
bearings measured with respect to magnetic north
Magnetic Bearings (M)
bearings measured with respect to true of geographic north.
True Bearings (T)
Basic principles of hyperbolic terrestrial navigation systems
❑ E Loran❑ Global Navigation Satellite Systems❑ GPS Systems❑ Augmented Satellite Systems❑ GLONASS❑ GALILEO