MT170 Week 9-11 (FINALS) Flashcards
For the knowledge of the readers, wages earn by the seafarers are higher compared to other professions. It can range from
USD 1,000 to USD 4,500
Filipino Seafarers have at least _ leave after finishing their contracts. In this case, they have a chance to go back to their families and enjoy a long vacation before they go back to work
two months vacation
Filipino Seafarers are Preferred Around the World Since the 90s,Philippines is the world’s leading source of maritime power. In fact, it reaches about _ of the world’s seafarers
it contains a lot of rules and regulation to avoid collision
Collision Regulation
Standards of Training,Certification and Watch keeping
International MaritimeOrganization
The convention helps and enforces a series of standards for the safe keeping of shipping environment and keeping the oceans clean
International Convention on Standards of Training,Certification and Watch keeping (STCW)
sets qualification standards for masters, officers and watch personnel on seagoing merchant ships. it does not apply to seafarers serving on warships, naval auxiliaries or any other government owned or operated ship engaged in non-commercial service; fishing vessels (there is a separate convention covering personnel on fishing vessels);pleasure yachts not engaged in trade and wooden ships of primitive build.
International Convention on Standards of Training,Certification and Watch keeping (STCW)
was intended to include all agreed changes since 1995, address new technology, inconsistencies, interpretations and outdated provisions
2010 Manila amendments
continued to emphasize competence rather than sea service or period of training
2010 amendments
was adopted in1978 by conference at the International MaritimeOrganization (IMO) in London, and entered into force in 1984 and was amended in 1995 & 2010‖
STCW Convention for Seafarers
Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch
Certificate of Competency
STCW Requirements to obtain a Certificate of Competency as OICNW Officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of _ or more
500 gross tonnage
have performed, during the required seagoing service, bridge watch-keeping duties under the supervision of the master or a qualified officer for a period of not less than six months
Bridge Watch-Keeping Duties
meet the applicable requirements of the regulations in chapter IV (GMDSS), as appropriate, for performing designated radio duties in accordance with the radio regulations.
Radio Duties
have completed a period of approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-II/1 of the STCW Code
Education and Training
will also be responsible for power generation and distribution systems and other equipment such as refrigeration plant and pumping and ventilation systems and more
Officer in Charge of Engineering Watch (OICEW)
is the officer on watch in charge of the main propulsion plant of the ship, and of the associated auxiliaries.
Officer in Charge of Engineering Watch (OICEW)
shall be responsible for the safe and proper operation of such units, and for the performance of the duties prescribed in these regulations and by other competent authority.
Officer in Charge of Engineering Watch (OICEW)
is the officer on watch in charge of the main propulsion plant of the ship, and of the associated auxiliaries.‖
Officer in Charge of Engineering Watch (OICEW)
OICEW in a manned engine-room or designated duty engineers in a periodically unmanned engine-room (_ or more)
750 kW propulsion power
is implemented on a seagoing vessel and the importance of SOLAS
The International Conventions for safeguarding human life and marine environment from all kinds of pollutions and accidents.
(The International Convention forPrevention of Marine Pollution For Ships):