is more on the theoretical and practical knowledge required for navigation, cargo operation, and ship maintenance and operation
Marine Transportation
job is to act as supervisor to the deck crew.If judged necessary, he will act as the chief mate’s go-between to the rest of the crew
IMO regulations do not designate that a Boatswain is required, but do call for at least _ on the larger cargo and passenger ships
three able seamen
will be called upon to perform emergency duties, such as life saving and the operation of safety equipment, and repair any damage caused to the systems on deck
able seaman
are generally unlicensed, but semi-skilled workers and play a major part in the unloading of cargo and containers from a ship, often by use of winches and other deck machinery.
able seaman
it is important that they have an awareness of how to operate and mend machinery
able seaman
They are also required to have training and certification for the operation and deployment of a ship’s lifeboats
able seaman
referred to in port as the Petty Officer of the Watch –has the job of overseeing the safety of all on board
Deck Watch Officer
Spotting hazards on the horizon or closer by, they will keep up communication with the ship’s commanding officer to stop situations from developing that might endanger the safety of passengers, crew or cargo
Deck Watch Officer
e the first to spot a situation requiring action under the Convention for Safety on the High Seas, where a search-and-rescue operation may be required
Deck Watch Officer
oversees the entire operations of the ship.He/she supervises the work of other officers and crew onboard.
Captain/ Master
Extensive experience including minimum 5 to 8 years insubordinate positions onboard ships along with all formal maritime qualifications
Captain/ Master
supervises the deck crew and ensures that personnel are working in coordination
Chief Officer/ First Mate
is also responsible for the safety of the ship and the crew
Chief Officer/ First Mate
Extensive experience with a minimum 5 to 8 years of experience in subordinate positions onboard ships along with a maritime qualification is required for this position
Chief Officer/ First Mate
is responsible for the navigation of the ship working from the bridge
Second Officer/Second Mate
also responsible for maintaining navigational equipment on the bridge
Second Officer/Second Mate
A formal maritime qualification along with a minimum 3 to 5years of experience in subordinate positions onboard ships is required for this position
Second Officer/Second Mate
responsible for the safety of the ship and the crew
Third Officer/Third Mate
A formal maritime qualification along with a minimum 2 to 3of years of experience in subordinate positions on board ships is required
Third Officer/Third Mate
undertakes the responsibilities for maintenance of lifeboats and fire-fighting and signal equipment
Third Officer/Third Mate
Directly reporting to First Mate, he/she acts as a foreman of the unlicensed deck crew
A senior Able Seaman is usually considered for this position
works as a watch stander or a day worker, depending on the requirement on the ship.
Able Seaman