Organizational chart (MIDTERM) Flashcards
is a system and structure that identifies the duties and responsibilities of every person on board the ship
shipboard organization
is the legal title of the officer who heads the Deck, Engine, andSteward Department that are staffed with officers and ratings trained and licensed to operate a ship
shipboard organization is similar to the _ we have in our countries
government structure
run a normal seagoing merchant vessel on average.
20 strong men
normal seagoing merchant vessel are divided into three departments namely
Deck, Engine, and Catering
makes it easy for everyone to identify the degree of responsibility of every person on board.
shipboard organization
is the unit responsible for navigation, watch keeping, maintenance of the ship’s hull, cargo hold preparation, and loading and unloading of cargoes
Deck department
they are also responsible for keeping the lifesaving and fire fighting equipment in good order
Deck department
Mooring, un-mooring, anchoring, and ballasting operations fall under the care of the
Deck department
he has the overriding decision against the desires of the company and charterers. Of course, his judgment is always based on the safety of the vessel her crew, and cargo.
is legally responsible for the day-to-day management of the ship. It is his/her responsibility to ensure the tall the departments perform legally to the ship’s the owner/operator or manager’s requirements
(entering a port)
(leaving a port)
Additionally, in ports, he will take care of ordering and supervising the delivery of provisions, galley supply, and distribution, crew wages, etc.
is the head of the deck department
Chief Officer
primary responsibilities are the vessel’s cargo operations, stability, and supervising the deck crew. is responsible for the safety and security of the ship, as well as the welfare of the crew on board
Chief Officer
Additional duties include ensuring good maintenance of the ship’s hull, cargo gears, accommodations, the lifesaving and firefighting appliances
Chief Officer
also trains the crew and cadets on various aspects like safety, firefighting, search and rescue and various other contingencies
Chief Officer
he is primarily responsible for everything related to cargo operations
Chief Officer
He is the training manager, garbage manager, rest hours supervisor, disciplinarian, and job administrator.
Chief Officer
also called the Navigational Officer
Second Officer
in charge of fixing the voyage plans, chart corrections, and publication updates.
Second Officer
makes sure that all navigational instruments and light signals are working and tested regularly
Second Officer
includes cargo operations, ballasting operations, and mooring/ unmooring of the ship. On some ships, he is also designated as the ShipSecurity Officer (SSO)
Second Officer