socialization Flashcards
what are two periods of socialization?
critical periods and sensitive periods
what are sensitive periods?
Time in the life of an animal when a small amount of experience (or total lack of experience) will have a large effect on later behavior
define imprinting and provide an example
◼ A species-specific rapid type of learning during a critical period of early life in which social attachment and identification are established
◼ A rapid type of learning occurring very early in life
Recognition and following
Examples of results of imprinting
how is imprinting defined by Lorenz?
- Can occur during a defined and short period of
the animal’s life - Is irreversible
- Involves attachment to an object that will later evoke adult behavior patterns, including sexual behavior
- Involves reactions to a particular object that can be generalized to all objects in that class
true/false: imprinting seems to be irreversible and influence adult patterns of social behavior
true/false: imprinting is a type of socialization
what animal is imprinting most common in?
birds, ducklings
describe imprinting in foals
◼ Neonatal foals will follow any large moving
◼ Dr Robert Miller
- “imprint training of foals”
- Habituation & learned helplessness
◼ Mal & McCall
- Routine handling vs. 10 min twice a day
when 4-8 week old lambs were placed with dogs for 9 weeks, the lambs were given a choice to cohabit with lambs or dogs. which did the lambs choose?
◼ Chose dogs
◼ Returned with sheep
- Lost response of following dogs
sensitive periods are based on the observation that The organization of a system is most easily modified during:
the time of development when organization is proceeding most rapidly
socialization in precocial vs adult
◼ Begins before or shortly after birth
◼ Begins later in altricial species
◼ Secondary socialization
◼ Differs qualitatively & develops at a slower rate than primary
when do sensitive periods occur?
- during the interval when the animal is first able to control their movements with some skill
- Can make full use of their senses: Sight and Hearing
- Can learn to identify & remember other individuals
what are the sensitive periods in the dog
◼ Neonatal period
◼ Transitional period
◼ Period of socialization
◼ Juvenile period
during the neonatal stage, how is most of the puppy’s time spent?
eating and sleeping, puppy is blind and deaf
in the neonatal stage, urination and defecation do not occur spontaneously via stimulation of the _______ area
during the neonatal stage, what reflex is present for how long that will disappear as the central nervous system matures
◼ Magnus reflex (nervous system not fully developed, balance impaired)
◼ Present for first 2 weeks
what is the transitional stage in puppies associated with?
bombarded by many stimuli as sensory organs develop
when do the eyes open during the transitional stage and how is the visual acuity?
open between 10-16 days and acuity is initially poor
during the transitional stage, when is the puppy startled by auditory stimuli? when is sound localized?
14-18 days
localized by day 16
what is urination and defecation characterized by in the transitional stage?
what stage does tooth eruption and chewing begin?
what stage do the puppies begin to play clumsily and growl?
at what stage does primary social attachment occur?
why must the animal have use of its senses during the socialization period?
so that it can discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar objects
what stage must the puppy be able to remember those that are familiar, Learning is part of the process
what stage is the most important sensitive period from behavioral viewpoint
what does the puppy learn about in week 4-14 during the socialization stage?
◼ Environment
◼ Littermates
◼ Humans
what stage do puppies play at its highest frequency?
what behaviors are characterized by the socialization period?
◼ Dominance hierarchies are formed
◼ Avoidance behavior develops
◼ Fear reactions seen by 8 weeks
what will happen if puppies are weaned & removed from company of other dogs before period of socialization?
◼ As adults, will be difficult to handle in presence of other dogs ◼ Be frightened of other dogs ◼ aggressive ◼ Won’t play with other dogs ◼ Won’t breed ◼ May be too human oriented
how many weeks before little to no contact with humans will make the dog not a good pet?
before 14 weeks
describe kennelitis
Dog raised in a kennel & little contact with humans
◼ Difficult to train
what happens if puppies are isolated from 3-20 weeks
◼ Markedly disturbed
◼ Learning ability impaired
◼ Fear response to humans & other dogs
what is the best time for socialization of a puppy to another species?
6-8 weeks
describe the juvenile stage
◼ Dog increases in size & competency in adult activities
◼ Sexual behavior
when do dogs sexually mature?
4-6 months
at what age will attraction to a female increase until?
2 years
what does sexual behavior indicate about the maturity of a dog?
fully mature