communication Flashcards
define communication
Information is exchanged among individuals
– One animal responds to signals sent out by another animal
communication depends on their ability to _______ messages
human communication is primarily ______
animal communication siganls
visual acuity depends on: (2)
- Keenness of perception
- Acuteness or clearness of vision
visual acuity represents the ________ size that can be reliably identified
what is visual acuity of 20/20?
frequently described as meaning that a person can see detail from 20 feet away the same as a person with normal eyesight would see from 20 feet
what is visual acuity of 20/40?
– see detail from 20 feet away the same as a person with normal eyesight would see it from 40 feet away
what is the maximum acuity of the human eye that is superior to 20/20
visual acuity of horses
visual acuity of dogs
visual acuity of cats
visual acuity of cattle/pigs
visual acuity of eagles
predators have _______ vision
what does bifocal vision allow for?
– Allows excellent form & depth perception
– Accurate estimates of distance to objects
all species of domestic animal possess _____ vision and will discriminate based on this.
Cats, dogs, horses, cattle, pigs, goats, sheep
dogs have shades of which colors?
violet, blue, yellow
describe cat vision
– detectable capacity for color vision if the stimuli are large and differ greatly in spectral content (color)
color vision is relatively poorly developed in _____ vs primates, birds, and fish
list the characteristics of vision in grazing animals:
– Wide set eyes – Panoramic view of world – spot predators – Blind spot – Wide range of monocular vision – Limited binocular vision
true or false: audition is well developed in most domestic animals
why would dogs and cats perceive higher frequencies than humans? what allows for this to happen?
– Help locate rodents ultrasonic noises
– Increased cochlear nerve fibers
true or false: humans sense of smell is superior to most mammals
which animal is olfaction poorly developed?
what is olfaction?
– A message can be sent in absence of the sender
– Odor persists up to days
– Letter writing/texting in humans
what is the most important sense of domestic animals and why?
olfactory acuity
– Individual odor recognition & pheromonal release are major part of communication
what do mammals use sense of smell for?
– Social recognition
– Detecting sexual readiness
flehmen response
intra-species communication. By transferring air containing pheromones and other scents
- reproductive behavior
- recognition
which domestic animal has the greatest acuity
dogs by hundredfold
what is broadcasting
Occurs when animal advertises its location by sending out signals
– Invites contact with appropriate animals
example of broadcasting
– Turkey tom gobbles on his strutting ground
– Sexually receptive female excretes pheromones in urine
what is the purpose of broadcasting evident when dominant or territorial animals make themselves conspicuous?
Intimidate others from approaching or competing for scarce resources
what occurs approaching an individual before any other social interaction occurs?
list means of identification
– Distance – Species – Sex – Physiologic status – Experience
how do hens identify one another?
by visual or auditory cues because of poor sense of smell
how did Guhl and Ortman manipulate hens appearance and reintroduced back into the flock? what happened?
- Tie comb down
- Shave neck
- Attach different color feathers
Alterations in head/neck area resulted in attack by subordinates that failed to recognize dominant penmates
Ramsey conducted a study of precocial birds that could find their mothers that were concealed in boxes. what was learned from this study and was the result?
– Recognition is learned, not instinctive
– Young birds avoided strange adult females of their own species but followed a foster mother of different species after bonding to foster mother had occurred
how do domestic animals use identification
– Use sense of smell at close range
– Visual/auditory characteristics when farther away to identify individuals
what must be identified when encountering a strange animal and what cues are important?
- sex must be identified
- behavioral cues
what are some behaviors that occur when unacquainted birds of the same sex are placed together?
– Face each other
– Lower heads
– Ruffle neck feathers
– Fight ensues to establish dominance
what will happen when a cockerel is with a strange hen?
– She will either assume sexual crouch when
approached or avoid him
– Hens rarely attack full grown male
what may happen when a young cockerel is introduced into a flock?
may be attacked by large dominant, hens
describe waltzing behavior
– Rooster encounters strange hen that fails to behave in manner of another male or receptive female
– Rooster dances around the other bird w/ wing feathers spread, lowered, scraping floor
– If other bird squats – mating
– If aggressive response – fighting
– Ambiguous activity
why would there be submissive behavior of males in bachelor herds?
– Allows subordinate males to live in harmony with dominant males
– Subordinates act & treated like mares
what happens if there is imprinting during critical period?
Lead to inappropriate sexual behavior (identification) later in life
what can mood signals indicate?
level of arousal, intention
what signals are commonly involved in mood and intention signals? what is an example?
- visual and auditory signals
- Dog growling, hackles raised
Mating behavior patterns are largely _____ responses to “social releasers”, or stimuli provided by the partner
what is the first phase of mating? example?
involving courtship by males
- display in peacocks
how do ungulates court?
by nudging, sniffing, secreting pheromones, vocalization
true or false: sexually receptive females seek out males
signal-response sequence
mating behavior involving regular sequence of events