social psychology Flashcards
behavior of others is consistent with the social environment they occur
male and female participants attributed the success of a man on a masculine task to ____ but success of a woman to ___
male and female attributed the success of a man or a woman on a feminine task to ___
ability; luck
fundamental attribution bias
overestimate the role of dispositional factors, underestimate role of situational factors
actor-observer bias
we are more likely to attribute our own behavior to situational factors (esp when consequences are negative)
self-serving bias
blame external factors for failure and take credit for successes
base rate fallacy
rely on case-specific info and ignore base rate data when estimating likelihood of an event
confirmation bias
pay attention to info that confirms your belief
misery loves miserable company
when highly anxious, ppl want to be with other highly anxious people; would rather be alone than be with non anxious people
factors that affect affiliation
anxiety, arousability, gender
gain loss effect
we are more attracted to people who don’t like us at first but then do like us
emotion in relationship model
there is an innate mechanism that generates emotion whenever a partner engages in a behavior that violates expectations and disrupts ongoing sequences of behavior
social exchange theory
stay when rewards outweigh costs..
equity theory
perception of equity
self perception theory
when internal cues are insufficient or difficult to interpret, people rely on external behaviors
epinephrine studies
no physiological differences between emotions; perception of emotion depends on combo of physiological arousal and a cognitive label for that arousal
when external reward is given to someone for performing an intrinsically rewarding activity and the it its taken away, intrinsic interest goes down
self verification theory
once self -concept is formed, we try to obtain info that is consistent with that self concept
hardiness; 3 factors
protective factor for resilience
- commitment
- challenge
- control
autokinetic effect
stationary point of light appears to move in a dark room- ppl usually conformed to group norm
minority influence
to influence other members of the group, ppl who hold minority opinion have to use afferent strategies (clear, firm, confident)
6 bases of social power; most successful when ___
coercive- control over punishments reward - control over rewards expert - superior ability referent - attracted to legitimate - legit authority informational - has info needed
combine powers
theory of planned behavior
attitudes are accurate predictors when attitude measure assess all 3 components of behavioral intention – attitude, what others think, perceived control
key contributor to attitude change ; declines over time because ppl tend to remember the message but not the source
levels of discrepancy;
as credibility increases, ___ initial discrepancy is __ for attitude change
attitude change is greatest when level of discrepancy between positions of the communication and recipient is in moderate range;
larger initial discrepancy; best
primacy effect occurs when; recency effect occurs when
second communication immediately follows first and measure of attitude change is taken later
period of time between 2 communications and attitude measure is administered immediately after 2nd comm.
accidental messages are ____ likely than intentional messages to induce attitude change
(accidentally overheard); MORE
cognitive dissonance = ; relieved by ___
2 incompatible cognitions = discomfort; change attitudes or add info to downplay importance of inconsistency
cognitive dissonance theory says that the ___ people suffer for something, the more ___ they evaluate it
more; positively
balance theory
people like to maintain balance between themselves (P), another (O) and an idea or other (X) ; imbalance = change attitude about about O or X
elaboration likelihood model
persuasion can occur
1) central route- when motivation is high because message is interesting or person is in neutral/bad mood - depends on quality of argument
2) peripheral route - depends on mental shortcuts - when listener is unmotivated bc message is boring or person is in good mood
social judgment theory; more likely to be persuaded by messages within ____
sizes of 3 latitudes is affected by ____
3 categories of judgment to evaluate persuasive messages:
1) latitude of acceptance
2) latitude of non-commitment
3) latitude of rejection
within latitude of acceptance
ego involvement
frustration-aggression hypothesis
aggression is result of frustration (when goal is blocked)
effects of media violence
does increase aggression
effects of porn
exposure to mild erotica may reduce aggression, exposure to porn with violent themes -> increase violence towards women
factors that affect aggression
- deindividuation
- social roles
- catharsis
- threat of retaliation
causes of prejudice
- authoritarian personality
- intergroup conflict - competition over power, $
- group identity -
Robber’s cave study; only strategy successful in reducing conflict:
in group/out group conflict
intro of superordinate goals
jigsaw method learning
each student group was in charge of teaching others their topic; good for reducing stereotyping and increases liking of those in other groups
bystander apathy; less likely to intervene when
in presence of others; greater the #, greater the apathy
field theory
human behavior is always a function of the person and the physical and social environment
Zeigarnik effect
memory is better for uncompleted tasks than completed tasks (esp in non stressful conditions)
crowding is fine for __but b ad for __
simple tasks; complex tasks
factors that affect response to crowding
- perception of control -
- gender -men need more personal space
- nature of situation