I/O Psych Flashcards
Absolute Techniques
Critical Incident
rate performance in absolute terms, not relative terms
Critical incident technique
using a checklist of critical incidents to rate each employee
Forced choice rating scale
2-4 alertnatives that are considered to be about equal in terms of desirability. Select which best or least describes ratee
graphic rating scale that requires the rater to chose the one behavior for each dimension of job performance that best describes employee
Adverse Impact/80% rule
selection test results in higher rejection rate for members of a legally protected group (80% rule)
companies with 15+ employees to avoid using procedures that discriminate
disabled person must have reasonable accommodations as long as they dont’ result in undue hardship for employer
Big 5 personality traits
conscientious is best predictor of job performance
Extraversion is best predictor of effective leadership
Better alone
Centralized and Decentralized Networks
Centralized - better for simple tasks
Decentralized - better for complex and with more satisfaction
Comparable Worth
pay equity - jobs that require same edu, etc. should pay the same regardless of age, gender, etc.
Contingency Theory
leadership effectiveness = leader style x favorableness of situation
Leader style: High LPC (relationship oriented) Low LPC (task oriented)
Low LPC = best in very unfavorable and very favorable
High LPC= best in situations where they have moderate influence
Criterion contamination
criterion measure assesses factors other than those it was designed to measure
Theory of Work Adjustment
Dawis and Lofquist
satisfaction, tenure, and other job outcomes as result of correspondence bt worker and his environment on:
satisfaction and satisfactoriness
Demand-Control Model
high demand and low control = most stress
Differential Validity and Unfairness
Diff validity= diff validity coefficient for each predictor
Unfairness = diff scores on predictor; same score on criterion
Equity theory
motivation is related to employee’s comparison of his input/outcome ratios of others performing same or similar jobs
underpayment inequity = leads to more adverse outcomes
Expectancy thry
job motivation =
high expectancy, high instrumentality, and positive valence
Force Field analysis
organizational change involves 1)unfreezing, 2) changing 3) refreezing
Four levels of criteria
reaction, learning, behavioral, and results
Frame of Reference Training
type of rater training that is useful for eliminating rater biases
Gender Diff in Leadership
Eagly and Johnson meta analysis
Relative techniques
help alleviate rater biases force rater to rate at high or low levels prohibited by law for most fed. jobs raters and ratees often dislike them less useful than absolute measures
Paired comparison
Forced Distribution - assigns ratees to limited number of categories based on predefined normal distribution
goal setting thry
employees will be more motivated to achieve goals when they have explicitly accepted these goals and are committed to them
specific, moderately diff goals, and providing employees with feedback increases productivity
Indiv tasks= indiv goals
group tasks = group goals; combo of group and indiv is not better than group alone
self-set goals = better for people with high nACH; assigned goals are better for people low nACH
Identical elements
ensuring training performance environments are similar maximizes transfer of training
incremental validity
best when base rate is moderate and selection ratio is low (more applicants better)
Internal v external change agents
external better - more objective, better received
job analysis v job evaluation
job analysis - determining how a job differs from other jobs in terms of responsibilities and skills - used for id training needs
job evaluation - setting wages
job burnout
sudden increase in work without an increase in productivity
job enrichment v job enlargement
job enrichment - redesign based on Herzberg’s 2 factor theory– making a job more challenging and rewarding in order to increase job motivation and satisfaction
job enlargement - increasing number and variety of tasks without increasing autonomy, respons, etc.
Job satisfaction
older employees higher level employees use of skills genetic component perception of pay satisfaction and turnover r = -.4
Social learning theory
career decision making - decisions are influenced by 4 factors: 1) genetics and abilities 2)environmental conditions 3) learning experiences 4) task approach skills
Levels of organizational culture
Mediation and Arbitration
Mediation - can not dictate an agreement - just helps clarify issues and facilitates communication, makes recommendations
arbitration - can control process and outcome
Methods of training
job rotation (on job) behavioral modeling (off) vestibule training (off) - when on job training is dangerous
Models of Individual Decision making
rational-economic - max benefits by systematically searching for best decision
bounded rationality - rational decision making is limited
multiple regression and multiple cutoff
methods for multiple predictor scores
MR = compensatory
national culture
1) power distance
2) uncertainty avoidance
3) individualism
4) masculinity
5) long term orientation
Need for Achievement
based on TAT: nAff, nPow, nACH
high nACH - choose tasks of moderate diff and risk - success depends more on effort. Prefer frequent, concrete feedback. $ is form of feedback
Need Hierarchy
1) physiology
2) safety
3) social
4) esteem
5) self-actualization
Normative (decision-making) model
distinguishes bt 5 decision making strategies that vary in terms of employee participation; offers decision tree
Organizational Commitment
minimal effect on productivity
high degree of affective commitemnt= high motivation and satisfaction and low absenteeism and turnover and greater willingness to sacrifice for comp
studying beyond point of mastery; enhanced recall
Path-Goal thry
help employees fill personal goals through achievement of organizational goals
best leadership style depends on characteristics of work and worker
Person-Machine Fit
performance is result of people x machines
Person-Organization Fit
person’s values and beliefs match those of the organization’s culture
good fit = satisfaction, motivation, org commitment, lower levels of stress and lower voluntary turnover
Predictors of job performance
General Mental Abilities TEst - best predictor
Biodata - good
Interviews - most frequent; not good
Work samples
Assessment Center - evaluate and train applicants and current employees - utilize interviews, objective tests, situational tests
Process Consultation
helps members of org. perceive, understand, ID ways of improving the processes that are undermining interactions and effectiveness
Quality Circles
small voluntary group - work together on particular task and present solutions to mgmt
Rater Biases
contaminating factors; can reduce with adequate training
Central tendency bias
leniency bias
halo bias
Realistic Job Preview
providing accurate and complete info about the job
goal: reduce turnover by reducing disillusionment caused by unrealistic expectations
Scientific Mgmt
a) analyzing jobs into parts and standardizing parts
b) selecting, training, placing workers
c) fostering cooperation bt supervisors and workers
d) having mgrs and workers assume responsibility
Self-managed work teams
autonomous work groups with trained members to effectively perform task
make hiring, budget decisions
situational leadership
Hersey and Blanchard
best leadershp style depends on job maturity of the workers
4 leadership styles: 1) telling 2) selling 3) participating 4) delegating
Social Cognitive theory
self reguation of behavior
1) goal setting 2) self-observation 3) self-evaluation 4) self-reaction
Social Inhibition
decrease in learning and performance that occurs in presence of others; most likely to occur when job is new or complex
Stages of group development
Tuckerman and Jensen
Forming - get to know eo Storming - conflict Norming - accept group, establish norms Performing - "get job done" Adjourning - disbands bc job is done
Life-space, life-span theory
selection of a job involves finding a job that matches one’s self-concept (values, personality, interests)
importance of career maturity - ability to cope with developmental tasks of one’s life stage
Life-Career Rainbow- relates individual’s major life roles to 5 life stages and is useful to see impact of current/future roles and stages on career planning
Taylor-Russell Tables
incremental validity when criterion related validity coefficient, selection ratio, and base rate are unknown
Theory X and Theory Y
thry X managers - employees dislike work and must be controlled and directed
Thry Y mgers - work = play; employees should have self-control and self-direction
Tiedeman and O’Hara’s Career Decision making model
vocational identity development as an ongoing process tied to ego identity development; 2 phases:
anticipation and implementation/adjustment
Total Quality Management (TQM)
customer service
employee involvement
continuous improvement in goods and services
Transformational and Transactional Leaders
Transformational - recognize need for change
Transactional - maintain status quo; rely on rewards and punishment
Two factory theory
Motivating factors (ARC) contribute to satisfaction when present
Hygiene factors (pay, work conditions) contribute to dissatisfaction when absent
types of group tasks
Additive - contributions are added together
Compensatory - input is averaged
Disjunctive - select input from 1 member
Conjunctive - limited by worst performing member
Discretionary -grp members decide how to combine
grp perf is better to indiv perf for additive and compensatory tasks
Utility analysis
evaluate effectiveness of training programs and other programs and procedures - using math to obtain estimate of program’s financial return on investment
Work-family conflict
reduced job, marital, life satisfaction, job burnout, turnover, decreased productivity and mental and physical health problems
Work shifts
graveyard = bad unless voluntary swing = worst