Bx Learning theories Flashcards
aversive counterconditioning
UCS (drug) -> UCR (nausea)
CS (alcohol) + (UCS) drug –> nausea
CS (alcohol ) –> nausea (CR)
+ moderately effective initially
- high relapse
- poor generalizability
best when: booster, aversion is similar to target bx, and when paired with another treatment
best for Raynauds, urinary and fecal incontinence
biofeedback + relaxation best for migraines
other disorders (e.g., tension ha): biofeedback = relaxation
combo: classical and operant conditioning -> bx chain
e. g., making a cake. Final response usually followed by primary reinforcer
Classical Conditioning
CS (bell) repeatedly paired with US (food) so that CS -> response of US (salivation)
helps explain emo response, attitudes, drug addiction, allergies, food, sex preferences, phobias, psychosomatic disorder
CS (bell) before US (food). Once CR is established, present CS with a second CS (light) prior to US (food).
2nd CS never becomes associated with US
Forward conditioning
CS must always precede US
most effective:
- delayed conditioning (CS precedes US by 1/2 sec and then overlaps)
- trace conditioning
- simultaneous
CR is never as powerful as ___
classical extinction
repeatedly present CS without US; spontaneous recovery occurs at weaker level
Reciprocal Inhibition
Counter conditioning - pair anxiety provoking stimulus (CS) with stimulus that produces relaxation (US)
treatments based on counterconditioning
systematic desensitization (extinction is active ingredient) behavioral sex therapy (best for premature ejac and vaginismus)
Treatments based on aversive counterconditioning
in vivo aversion therapy covert sensitization (imagining)
Treatments based on classical extinction
In vivo exposure with RP (flooding)
implosive therapy
graduated exposure
In vivo exposure with RP
exposure to CS without US while inhibiting avoidance
best for OCD
1) long and continuous better than brief. short can increase sensitivity to feared stimuli
2) high anx - provocation may not be needed during exposure. Tranquilizer can enhance effect of exposure
3) self-controlled exposure (after training with therapist) and group exposure can be as effective as individual tx
4) exposure and RP are both essential components
Implosive therapy
similar to in vivo E with RP, but imagined
avoidance bx - develop in childhood and represent conflicts re: sexual or aggressive impulses. Images embellished with psychodynamic themes
Stimulus control
a bx does or does not occur d/t presence or absence of discriminative stimuli.
positive discriminative stimuli signal that a bx will be reinforced
neg- bx will not be reinforced
Escape and avoidance conditioning
escape - application of negative reinforcement in which target bx is an escape bx (do a bx to stop someone from nagging)
avoidance - make a response in the presence of positive discriminative stimuli so it can avoid an unpleasant stimulus (do something to avoid unpleasant response from starting)
Premack principle
using a highly motivating bx to reinforce
positive punishment -> correct consequence of his behavior (restitution) and practice corective behavior (positive practice)
maybe not good for those with hx of trauma or who are physically big (if correction is physical)
response cost
neg punishment
remove reinforcer following a bx (take away a token)
time out
best when paired with reinforcement of alt. bx and when begins with brief explanation