Social/Multicultural Flashcards
Kelley Attributions
Consistency, Distinctiveness, Consensus
Consistency - same over time
Distinctiveness - situation specific
Consensus - others do it too
HLL = Internal Attribution
HHH = External Attribution LLH = External Attribution
Weiner Attribution
Stability - how stable an internal or external attribution
Attribution Theory
Internal vs. External
Stable vs. Unstable
Specific vs. Global
Fundamental Attribution Bias
Only a/b Others
attribute bx to internal/dispositional causes and underestimate situational variables
victim blaming
Actor-Observer Bias
Me - situational
Other - dispositional
Self-Serving (Hedonic) Bias
success - internal/personal factors
failure - external/situational factors
Availability Heuristic
estimate likelihood of a situation based on how easily thy can recall it
Representative Heuristic
judge others or events based on what they believe is typical of a category
Simulation Heuristic
mental images of situations are used to make judgments about facts in their lives
Kelley’s Personal Construct Theory
we perceive the world according to what we expect/anticipate to see.
expectations based on past experiences
Balance Theory
change attitudes when two people have attitudes toward same thing
move toward balance
all positive or 1P and 2N
unbalance - all N or 1N and 2P
3 elements are attitude toward other person and each persons attitude toward the thing
Symmetry Theory
extends balance theory by adding intensity of relationship
stronger bonds result in more intense imbalance and greater motivation to change attitudes
Congruity Theory
extends balance theory by predicting which attitudes with change
favor object with greatest affinity
Cognitive Dissonance
change attitudes to match actions
most applicable when discrepancy b/w current and past bx
Postdecisional Dissonance
2 good choices, upset at not choosing 1, emphasizes positives of chosen option
Effort Justification
upset at time/effort spent on a goal that fails, so emphasize positives of the goal
Insufficient Justification
do an undesirable bx for small reward, emphasize positive of bx
Insufficient Deterrence
does not do something desirable b/c of small deterrent, emphasize negative of action
Bem’s Self-Perception Theory
bx informs attitudes and emotions
I did it, so I believe it
most applicable when current and past bx matches
Overjustification Hypothesis
lose interest if over-rewarded
lose intrinsic when provided extrinsic reward
Self-Verification Theory
ppl are motivated to confirm self-concept
depressed discount positive and seek negative confirmation
Behavioral Confirmation
ppl motivated to confirm expectations that others have of them
poor research
ppl resist negative expectations
Self-Enhancement Theory
ppl motivated to think favorable of selves and behave in ways that cause others to see them favorably
Characteristics of the Source
Unimportant matters:
- likable, similar, attractive
Important matters:
- credibility (trustworthy and expert)
men vs. women
W-M tentative speech
W-W powerful speech
W - assertive speech with friendly and cooperative non-verbals
Sleeper Effect
forget source but remember message
Characteristics of the Message
Fear - lots of fear, believable, and how to avoid
primacy and recency effect
Primacy Effect
Long gap - speak first
Recency Effect
Short gap - speak last
Characteristics of Audience
easy targets:
- mod self-esteem
- mod discrepancy in attitude
- high vulnerability
- high involvement w/ idea/product
present both sides when initially opposed, well informed, and intelligent
present one side when in favor, poorly informed, and unintelligent
Reactance Theory
won’t comply when freedom is threatened
coercion or hard sell
Peripheral Route
focus on aspects not central to the message
focus on characteristics of source and not on message itself
relies on heuristics
Central Route
think about relevant info, elaborate on argument
change is more enduring, more resistant, and predicts bx
provided with mild argument against and practice refuting it
Approach-Avoidance Conflict
approach greatest initially and avoidance stronger as goal approaches
James-Lange Theory
emotion stems from perception of bodily reactions
heart pounding, running = fear
not supported
Cannon-Bard Theory
emotion and bodily reactions occur at the same time;
bodily reactions not necessary to experience emotions
Schacter’s Two-Factor Theory
emotion stems from physical arousal and cognitive labeling based on environmental cues
Normative Social Influence
pressure to conform based on need for approval and acceptance
Informational Social Influence
pressure to conform based on the assumption that the other person has more information than you
Reference Groups
conform to be like ppl we admire, like, and want to resemble, or b/c they told us to
Berry’s Theory of Acculturation
Contact and Maintenance
4 Strategies: AS I aM 1. Assimilation - C no M 2. Separation - M no C 3. Integration - C and M 4. Marginalization - None
Troiden’s Gay and Lesbian Identity Development Model
Sensitive Confused Ass is Committed:
- Sensitization - before puberty, feel different regarding gender, neg self-concept
- Identity Confusion - 17/18, homosexual feelings and impulses, feeling excluded from world; significant conflict; denial, avoidance, repair
- Identity Assumption - 19-22; manage social stigma, increased contact with others; capitulation (agree with neg view but identify still), minstralization (stereotypical bxs), passing (hide identity to most), group alignment (immersion into community but neg views)
- Commitment - 22/23; integrate identity, more open, commitments, happier
Minority Identity Development Model
don’t CONFORM to DIS, RESIST IMMediately this INTROduction to SYN
- Conformity - dominant best
- Dissonance - begin to appreciate minority culture and question dominant
- Resistance/Immersion - mine good all others bad
- Introspection - good and bad in all, more focus on oppression of other groups
- Synergetic Articulation and Awareness / Integrative Awareness - appreciate and critical of all (bicultural identity)
Jackson’s Black Identity Development Model
racism and oppression
- Passive-Acceptance
- Active-Resistance
- Redirection
- Internalization
Cross’s Black Racial (Nigrescence) Identity Model
PRE-ENCOUNTERed black cross’s EMERSed IN COMedy
- Preencounter
- Encounter
- Immersion/Emersion
- Internalization
- Internalization-Commitment
Helms’s White Racial Identity Development
Coke Drug Rehab - Pee In A cup
- Contact - ignorance, no awareness of racism or privilege
- Disintegration - uncomfortable with white advantages; deny racism and avoid minorities
- Reintegration - whites are superior
- Pseudo-Independence - ? inferiority, disavow whites, associate with minorities, alienation from all
- Immersion/Emersion - self-examination and info seeking; tries to change whites’ views
- Autonomy - positive redefinition of identity, more open
Hispanic Americans
Collateral; High Context; somatic complaints; Interventions - active, concrete, problem-solving; family and informality important
African Americans
sex role flexibility; less outpatient more inpatient; egalitarian approaches; prefer same race in all but first stage; multisystems approach
Asian Americans
collateral or lineal; hierarchical and patriarchal; high context; somatic, work or academic complaints; structured active and directive approach
Native Americans
high poverty; high suicide rate, alcohol problems, PTSD; alternative medicine; family therapy incorporating traditional healing practices