Interventions Flashcards
Systematic Desensitization
Joseph Wolpe
Classical: Counter-Conditioning
Irrational beliefs
ABC - DEF model
B = Belief
Cognitive Thearpy
Beck Empirical hypothesis testing Socratic questioning Automatic thoughts Cognitive Triad: Self, World, Future
Cognitive Behavioral Modification (CBM)
Self-Instructional training and Stress Inoculation Training (SIT)
Self-Control Model of Depression
Rehm - CBT
- negative self-evaluations,
- lack of self-reinforcement,
- high rates of self-punishment
Relapse Prevention
Marlatt (CBT)
motivated forgetting,; most basic and commonly used
guarding against anxiety by retreating to earlier stage of development; Borderline
seeing your unconscious urges in another;
suspicion and paranoia
transferring emotions from original object to a substitute or symbolic representation; Phobias
distancing self from feelings; Schizoid - detached
coming up with self-satisfying, yet incorrect reasons for behavior; Narcissism
socially acceptable ways of discharging energy
Acting Out
change or blame external environment
change or blame oneself
Ego Psychologists
Heinz Hartmann
Anna Freud
Erik Erikson
Heinz Hartmann
father of ego psych
ego autonomous functions
conflict-free sphere
Anna Freud
work with kids - interpreted words not play; strong bonds with kids
Erik Erikson
interaction b/w internal world (id, ego, superego) and social world; expanded development into adulthood
Klein, Winnicott, Mahler
integrating split-off parts of self and the good and bad into whole object - object constancy
therapist is active
Melanie Klein
splitting is major defense (good vs. bad); works with kids - interprets play (free association), remains neutral
D.W. Winnicott
good enough mother;
abandoning true self to adopt false self (behaving in socially acceptable ways not how you really feel);
transitional objects
Margaret Mahler
Separation (physical) and individuation (psychological) 6 stages of development 1. normal infantile autism 2. symbiosis 3. differentiation 4. practicing 5. rapprochement 6. object constancy
empathic attunement
focus on present
primary narcissism
Selfobject needs:
mirroring, idealizing, twinship
Harry Stack Sullivan
Karen Horney
Erich Fromm
focus on impact of social and cultural factors in determining personality
issues arise from faulty learning and maladaptive styles of interacting with environment
treatment focus on misperceptions and misinterpretations of others
Harry Stack Sullivan
Interpersonal Theory
prototaxic, parataxic, syntaxic
Interpersonal Therapy
16 session, interpersonal difficulties
Karen Horney
neurosis is culturally defined and develops from alienation, basic anxiety, and basic hostility
Erich Fromm
bx results from sociocultural and economic conditions; freedom is scary;
having mode vs. being mode
Adlearian Psychology (Individual Psychology)
Alfred Adler
motivated by social (aggressive) not sexual urges;
happiness or success is related to social connectedness and ability to transcend self;
child feels inferiority due to real or perceived weakness - motivates mastery or contributes to neurosis;
Therapy looks at mistaken goals and faulty assumptions;
teleological or future focus;
Education and Parenting: STEP
Systematic Training in Effective Parenting - democratic approach, respect child’s contribution, natural and logical consequences, misbx due to mistaken goals (attention, power, revenge, giving up)
Jungian Psychology (Analytic Psychology)
collective unconscious
archetypes (persona, shadow, anima, animus);
neurosis is struggle to free from interference of archetypes;
Individuation - maturity;
teleological - future
adult focus
Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls, Glasser;
freedom, choice, autonomy, purpose, meaning, present focus;
actualization -humanism;
world lack intrinsic meaning - existentialism
Existentialist Psychologists
Binswanger, Boss, Frankl, R. D. Laing, Rollow May, Yalom
Client/Person-Centered Therapy
Carl Rogers
incongruence b/w self and experience (awareness and expression of true feelings)
Empathy, warmth, genuineness
Gestalt Therapy
integration - reowning parts of self that have been disowned;
Boundary disturbances:
1. Introjection - take info in whole (gullible)
2. Projection - paranoia
3. Retroflection - do unto self what want to do to other - self-destructive bx
4. Deflection - distance from feelings (distraction, humor, generalization, questions)
5. Confluence - lack of awareness of differentiation b/w self and others
Reality Therapy
clarifying values and evaluate bx and plan in relation to values
Choice Theory (Control Theory) - our bx is an attempt to control our perceptions of external world to fit our internal “need-satisfying” world;
uses paradox;
Schools without failures (SWF)
Transactional Analysis (TA)
anti-deterministic philosophy;
intent, eliminate deceit, interpret bx accurately
1. Ego States (parent, adult, child)
2. Transactions - interactions b/w ego states of 2 ppl. social (overt) or psychological (covert), complementary, crossed, or ulterior
3. Games - orderly series of ulterior transactions (bad for both)
4. Strokes - recognition given to a person (pos or neg)
5. Life Scripts - life dictating patterns (messages/injunctions about how to gain strokes that lead to choices);
Techniques: structural analysis, transactional analysis, analysis of games,, script analysis
Prochaska (Bx Change)
- Precontemplation
- Contemplation
- Preparation
- Action
- Maintenance
5-Factor Theory of Personality (Big 5 Model)
- Openness to Experience
- Conscientiousness (job success)
- Extroversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
Family Therapy
General Systems vs. Cybernetics;
psychodynamic, structural, communications, strategic, family systems, bx/social learning
General Systems Theory
interaction of component parts seeking homeostasis
feedback loops
neg - decrease deviation and maintain status quo
pos - increase deviation and change
Psychodynamic Family Therapy
facilitate individual maturation and freeing members from unconscious patterns of anxiety and projection rooted in the past. clarify communication and admit feelings;
Marital schism and skew
Object-Relations Family Therapy
transferences and projections b/w members;
unconscious projections cause issues; family-of-origin sessions
Structural Family Therapy
single interrelated system;
Dimensions: power, boundaries (enmeshed/disengaged) (triangulation, detouring, stable coalitions), alliances and splits (subsystems);
therapist as expert, dx dysfunctional elements, joins family, strategies (taking sides, blaming, coalitions)
Communications Family Therapy
MRI (Palo Alto) Group
double bind - damned if do or don’t do, and can’t escape or comment on inconsistency (schizophrenia - not supported);
direct and indirect approaches - paradoxical (prescribing the symptom)
Strategic Family Therapy
combo of structural (hierarchies) and communications (family communication and interactions;
Normal - flexible, problem-solving, clear rules;
Pathology - malfunctioning hierarchies, triangles and coalitions;
communicative act within interactional pattern;
underlying conflicts not addressed, focus on presenting problem;
paradoxical interventions
Systemic Family Therapy
Milan Group:
Circular ?ing - transforms thinking from linear and casual to reciprocal and interdependent;
Prescription of rituals -
Family Systems Therapy
differentiated members, balance of intellectual and emotional forces; pathology - function as single organism;
family emotional system;
multigenerational transmission process;
assess degree of fusion vs. differentiation, analysis of emotional triangles;
Behavioral Family Therapy
reward adaptive bx, don’t reinforce maladaptive bx. benefits of membership outweigh costs
Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy
relationship-related cognitions; cognitive appraisals of members
Solution Focused
focus on strengths and identify solutions; positive expectations; small changes lead to big changes; brief 3-4 sessions; miracle question, exception question, scaling question
Narrative Therapy
Help “re-story” as a struggle for control and not about powerlessness; move away from systems
Marital Behavioral Therapy
bx analysis, positive reciprocity to increase positive and loving bxs, communication skills (I statements, present focus, positive feedback), problem solving skills (negotiation and contingency contracting);
operant learning with social exchange theory (ratio of costs and benefits)
caring days - do something for the other; date nights
Group Therapy (Yalom)
12 Factors:
Insight, Hope, Universality, Information, Altruism, Corrective Recapitulation, Socializing Techniques, Imitative Bx, Interpersonal Learning, Cohesiveness (most critical), Catharsis (necessary but not sufficient for change), Existential Factors
3 Stages:
Initial: orientation, hesitancy, surface talk, commonalities, advice
Second: conflict, rebel leaders, dominance
Third: closeness, intimacy, cohesion, free talk
self-disclosure of leaders; style and ideology not important
heterogeneous conflict, homogeneous ego strength