Practice Tests Flashcards
Paradoxical Techniques
Restraining - telling don’t change
Positioning - exaggerating severity of symptom
Prescription - engage in target bx in exaggerated form
Short-term and Long-term memory strategies
elaboration - making info meaningful (best way to retain info)
mnemonics better than rote rehearsal in short-term but not long-term
Ribot’s Law
remote memories return first than recent after memory loss
Halstead-Reitan Test
assesses brain damage
add # of measures scored in the abnormal range and divide by total # of measures
ECT impact
mainly anterograde some retrograde
word developement
social or functional expressions;
objects that are permanent, familiar, and movable;
action words
The purpose of rotation in factor analysis is to facilitate interpretation of the factors.
Rotation alters the factor loadings for each variable and the eigenvalue for each factor
Learned Optimism (Seligman)
external, unstable, specific attributions
Larry P. v. Riles
banned the use of IQ tests in the placement of minority children in special education classes
providers are paid a specific dollar amount, for a specific time period, to cover the service needs of a specific number of people
Depression and sleep
more rapid onset of REM, increased %age of REM, decreased %age of slow wave sleep
Central Limits Theorem
the shape of a sampling distribution of means approaches normality as sample size increases
Autism and speech
about half don’t speak, echolalia, reversal of pronouns
Item Characteristic (Response) Curve
- item difficulty - L/R position of curve
- discriminates b/w high and low scorers - slope of curve
- probability of answering by guessing - Y-intercept
Huntington’s Disease is most associated with decreased amounts of
GABA leads to increased Dopamine leading to chorea
striatum (caudate and putamen) of the basal ganglia
Psychoanalytic Mania
mania occurs as a defense against depression due to an inability of the person to tolerate or admit to being depressed
Lazarus’s Theory of Emotion
thought must precede any emotion or physiological arousal
facial feedback theory of emotion
changes in facial muscles cues the brain and provides the bases of emotion
Absence or Petit Mal Seizure Location
originate in Thalamus
usually begin in childhood and outgrow by adulthood
J.P. Guilford and Intelligence
convergent thinking - group or analyze divergent ideas leading to a unifying concept of single solution
divergent thinking - generate creative, new ideas or elaborate or branch off from traditional approaches (brainstorming or thinking outside the box
Galton and Intelligence
inherited trait that is distributed normally across the population
first IQ test - gifted people
Thurstone and Intelligence
applied factor analysis leading to Primary Mental Abilities - individuals possess varying degrees of sub-components of intelligence
OCD brain structure
Caudate Nucleus is overactive in OCD
Postcentrual Gyrus
somatosensory cortex
production of unintended syllables, words, or phrases
- symptom of anomia
Gardner and Intelligence
Theory of multiple intelligences
ability to solve real-life problems, to generate new problems, and to create something meaningful or offer a service that is valued within a person’s culture or local community.
Weber’s Law
Weber-Fechner Law
Just Noticeable Difference depends on the magnitude of the original stimulus
psychophysical law - logarithmic relationships that explains relationship b/w physical stimuli and their psychological effects (perception)
Sternberg and Intelligence
triarchi model of intelligence:
Componential - analytical
Experiential - creative
Practical - contextual
Perkins and Intelligence
3 dimensions:
Neural, Experiential, Reflective - contrasting causal factors that contribute to intelligence
Hiskey-Nebraska Test of Learning Aptitude
Deaf students
Leiter International Performance Scale
reading and speaking difficulties
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale
3.6 - 9.11
issues with reading, speaking, and/or sensorimotor
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
expressive language disorder/vocabulary difficulty but no hearing issues
Mammillary Bodies and memory
involved with explicit memory
Thalamus and memory
Medial - explicit
Ventral - implicit
Central Sulcus
divides frontal and parietal lobes
Lateral Fissure
separates temporal, frontal, and parietal lobes
Precental Gyrus
Motor Cortex
Postcentral Gyrus
Somatosensory Cortex
Goddard and Intelligence
translates Binet to use in US; applied to adults: imbecile, idiot, moron
more feeble-minded among immigrants
Terman and Intelligence
shift from ratio IQ to deviation IQ
Army Alpha and Army Beta
innate intelligence, used results for assignment
Hereditarians (Intelligence)
Goddard, Terman, Burt, Yerkes, Jensen, Herrnstein
Stroke Recovery
only minority recover fully
most improvement in 6 months with physical disabilities resolving more rapidly than cognitive deficits
Fagan’s Test of Infant Development
better predictor of later cognitive development because it measures recognition memory
Multiple Sclerosis
numbness, weakness, tremor, and ataxia are due to demyelination
Raven Colored Progressive Matrices (RCPM)
ages 5 - 11
36-item test of intelligence that uses figural test stimuli presented in a 6-option multiple-choice format.
In research it is the index case
The affected individual who is of immediate concern or who was initially identified because of his/her disorder
3 multicultural counseling competencies
awareness, knowledge, skills
Tardive Dyskinesia
related to dopamine oversensitivity and/or GABA depletion
drugs that decrease dopamine or norepinephrine, and those that increase GABA (Benzos)
Kohlberg’s Heinz Dilemma
steal a drug to save wife or not to steal
obey law or value life
facial expressions by age
3-4 months:
startle, interest, disgust, distress
5-6: anger and joy
after 6: fear and shyness
needing only subset of symptoms to obtain diagnosis
Base-rate fallacy
failure to take into consideration the likelihood of base-rate of something when making decisions or forming attitudes
fear of flying over driving
discounting principle
tendency to decrease the role of a given cause in producing an effect when other plausible causes are present
Adult Attachment Interview (Autonomous)
childhood is pos or neg but give specific examples
have secure kids
Adult Attachment Interview (Dismissing)
childhood pos but no specific examples
have avoidant kids
Adult Attachment Interview (Preoccupied)
childhood neg or confused but no specific examples
have resistant kids
Adult Attachment Interview (Unresolved/Disorganized)
have disorganized/disoriented kids
measure of common variance
proportion of variance accounted for by multiple factors in a single variable
Dummy Coding
allows categorical predictors in a multiple regression equation
Donald Kirkpatrick’s Training Evaluation Model
1: Participant Reactions (thoughts and feelings about training)
2. Learning or increases in skill and knowledge
3. Behavior/Transfer (use of learning in everyday environment)
4. Results (effects training had on business - income)
Edgar Schein’s Career Anchors Model
a person’s self-concept acts as an anchor, or stabilizing force, determining what future occupational decisions will be made.
8 categories: autonomy/independence, security/stability, technical/functional competence, general managerial competence, entrepreneurial creativity, service/dedication to a cause, pure challenge, lifestyle
The M’Naughton Rule
insanity defense
Distributive/Outcome Justice
has its roots in social equity theory
satisfied because outcome is seen as both fair and favorable to all
Procedural Justice
satisfaction based on the perceived fairness of the process
Interactional Justice
satisfaction based on the quality of interpersonal treatment received during the process (non-procedural)
2 components:
informational justice and interpersonal justice
Informational Justice
appropriateness of the explanation given for the procedures used
Interpersonal Justice
the manner in which people are treated by authority figures in the decision making process
repetition of one’s own words
Echopraxia and Echokinesis
imitating or repeating the movements of another person
Ellen Berscheid and Relationships
problems associated with relationship satisfaction and stability and emotional experiences within relationships related to love and sexuality.
people underestimate the effect of external factors (physical and social environment) on relationship satisfaction
Time Orientation (past, present, future); (Doing vs. Being); and (Individual vs. Group)
African-American - present, doing, collateral (interdependence over autonomy)
Native Americans - present, being, collateral
Whites - future, individual, doing
Hispanics - past and present, collateral, being
Psychoanalytic perspective on borderline adolescents
abandonment rage
Backward Masking
2nd visual impression erases the 1st visual impression
dog than light = dog not recalled