Smoking Cessation Flashcards
What are most smoking related deaths from?
lung cancer
coronary heart disease
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and disease
What are the areas of the body aggravated by smoking?
heart and circulation respiratory stomach/digestive system mouth ligaments, muscles, bones eyes skin reproductive functions
What ingredients within a cigarette cause cancer?
no evidence to suggest that nicotine causes cancer
it is the other chemicals in cigarette smoke which are responsible for the majority of the harmful effects of smoking
- methanol, butane, arsenic, ammonia, carbon monoxide, tar
Why is it hard for someone to stop smoking?
cravings/withdrawal symptoms
- nicotine is highly addictive = pharmacological dependence
behavioural dependence
- hand to mouth action
Why is nicotine addictive?
it reaches the brain within 10 seconds of entering the body
initial feeling of pleasure, reduces stress and creates an immediate sense of relaxation
short half-life of nicotine means smokers regularly seek to restore nicotine levels
What are withdrawal symptoms of smoking?
irritation agitation/aggression restlessness/ poor concentration increased appetite light-headedness disturbed sleep nicotine cravings weight gain
What are the health benefits to smoking cessation?
circulation improves
ability to taste and smell improves
physical appearance improves
- skin loses its greyish pallor and wrinkles
coughing and wheezing decline
risk of heart attack and lung cancer decreases
life expectancy will increase
What is the cycle of change for smoking cessation?
thinking go stopping deciding to try trying to stop stopping a - staying stopped b - relapse and repeat
What are the types of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)?
transdermal patch mouth spray gum inhalator microtablets lozenge nasal spray oral strips
What are the types of transdermal patches? What is the method of application?
16 hour patches = light to moderate smokers
- applied in the morning and removed at night
24 hour patches = heavier smokers
- worn day and night
is a self-adhesive, transdermal delivery system of nicotine which delivers a controlled amount over a period of time
must be applied to clean, hairless area of skin
must alternates site of application
must start on a higher dose and weaned off over weeks
What are the advantages and disadvantages of transdermal patches?
advantages - convenient, discreet and easy to use - does not require multiple applications throughout the day - can be used alongside smaller/lighter dosage forms = gum, lozenge disadvantages - sleep disturbances - skin irritation - nausea
What are the advantages and disadvantages of nicotine mouth spray?
- preferable for heavy smokers
- rapid delivery and uptake into the body
- can be used alongside patches
- mouth and throat irritation/inflammation
- dry mouth
- taste disturbances
- increased saliva production
What are the advantages and disadvantages of nicotine gum?
- convenient, discreet and easy to use
- can be used alongside patches
- must chew sufficient pieces and for a sufficient duration to get an effect
- irritation of the throat
- increase saliva production
- food and acidic drink should be avoided for 15 minutes before and after = can decrease effectiveness
- more difficult to chew than normal gum
What are the advantages and disadvantages of nicotine inhalator?
- only NRT which takes into account the hand to mouth action = behavioural dependence
- mouth piece must be cleaned regularly
- requires frequent inhalation
- irritation of the mouth and throat
- expensive
- visible to other, not discreet
What are the advantages and disadvantages of nicotine sublingual tablets and lozenges?
- can be used alongside patches
- convenient, discreet and easy to use
- suitable for low and heavy smokers
- dry throat and irritation
- sore mouth
- indigestion
- unpleasant taste
- food and acidic drink should be avoided for 15 minutes before and after = can decrease effectiveness
What are the advantages and disadvantages of nicotine nasal sprays?
- suitable for heavy smokers
- visible to other, not discreet
- must be primed if not use frequently = shaken, spray until a mist forms
- expensive
- irritation of the nose, watery eyes and sneezing
What are the advantages and disadvantages of oral strips?
- suitable for heavy smokers/high dependence
- convenient, discreet and easy to use
What are reasons for NRT failure?
unrealistic expectations incorrect dose misconceptions surrounding nicotine not used full treatment regime/duration willpower fades away
What is combination therapy? What is its purpose?
most effective therapy
- use of a transdermal patch and a flexible format
= gum, lozenges, sublingual tablets
nicotine patches
- give continuous levels of nicotine throughout the day tp relieve background withdrawal
flexible format
- relieves breakthrough cravings when they strike
What are the methods of smoking cessation?
nicotine replacement therapy
- combination therapy
- used alone
cut down then stop
- for smokers who are not ready for an immediate halt
- reduction in smoking instead by using NRT alongside
immediate stop
- choose a date then stop
safer alternative
- e-cigarette
- shisha