Sheep skin disease / Ectoparasites + tick borne disease Flashcards
What type of virus is orf / contagious pustular dermatitis?
Parapox virus
How is orf spread?
- direct contact
- Damage to skin + mouth (e.g. thistles)
- Predispose mastitis in ewes
How can you control orf?
- Isolate cases
- Disinfect bottles / drenching guns + buildings
- Vaccine
Whats the problem with the orf vaccine?
- Live vaccine - if no history of orf can introduce into the flock
- Only vaccinate if on farm
What are mites of sheep?
- Psoroptes ovis - sheep scab
- Chorioptes bovis
- Trombicula - harvest mite
What are lice of sheep?
- Bovicola ovis
What are ticks of sheep?
- Ixodes ricinus
- Haemaphyllis punctuata
What are flies of sheep?
- Lucilia sericata
- Hydrotea irritans
What are clinical signs of sheep scab?
- Loss of wool
- Nibble test
- Kicking, scratching, rubbing
How is sheep scab diagnosed?
- Skin scrape of edge of lesion + microscope
How do you treat scab?
- OP dip - diazanon
How can you prevent sheep scab?
- Biosecurity
- Test / treat bought in animals
- Double fence neighbours
- Disinfect scanners + shearers
Where is chorioptes bovis seen? What can it cause?
- Ventral abdomen, scrotum
- Causes pruritus / dermatitis + infertility due to inflammation of scrotum
How is chorioptes diagnosed + treated?
- Dx = skin scrape
- Tx = OP dips
When is lice more common?
- Winter
- Housing inside
- Longer coats
How can you treat lice?
- Pyrethroid pour ons - Dysect / Crovect
- Plunge dip - OP
What causes fly strike?
- Lucillia sericata
What are risk factors of fly strike?
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Long fleece
- Wounds
- Lameness
- Faecal soiling
How is fly strike treated?
- Clip + clean
- Kill maggots - crovect
What is ovine sweet itch?
- Hypersensitivity to midges
How does scrapie affect sheep?
- Usually neurological but can be primary skin disease = pruritus
What can Staph aureus cause? How is it spread + treated?
- Peri-orbital eczema
- spread by contact, feeding troughs
- Tx = wound cleaning + 5 days of penicillin
What causes lumpy wool?
- Dermatophilus congolensis
- Tx = 5 days of penicillin
What is cellulitis / sub cutaneous abscess a differential from?
- Caseous Lymphadenitis
What causes CLA?
- Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
- Affects lymph nodes + no effective treatment
How is CLA diagnosed?
- Culture
- ELISA test
How do you control CLA?
- Biosecurity - bought in animals
- Hygiene of shearers + dippers
- Test + cull affected animals
What are other conditions affecting the skin?
- Ringworm
- Photosensitisation
What can cause abnormal wool fibres?
- Border disease = hairy shakers
- Copper deficiency = poor wool quality
What are different tick borne diseases?
- Tick borne fever
- Tick pyaemia - ‘cripples’
- Louping ill
- Q fever - coxiella burnetti
- Babesiosis
- Lyme’s disease
What causes tick borne fever?
What are the clinical signs?
- Anaplasma phagocytophilia
- Immuno-suppression - predispose other disease
- Rams in autum = infertility
- Ewes in autum = abortion
- Do develop immunity
What are clinical signs of tick pyaemia?
- Affect lambs - polyarthritis
- Joint-ill + immunosuppression
What does louping ill cause?
- Non suppurative meningoencephomyelitis
- Incoordination
- Seizures + death