Diseases of commercial gamebird Flashcards
What are different breeds of gamebirds?
- Grey partridge
- Pheasant
- Red grouse
- Black grouse
- Capercaillae
- Ptarmigan
- Red-legged partridge
- Woodcock
What are some hatchery related problems?
- Hygiene + sanitation
- Measures in the farm
- Egg storage
- Egg transport
- Egg cleaning / wash
- Incubator - temperature, ventilation, humidity
- Post-hatching issues
What are young chick problems?
- Yolk sac infections
- Septicaemia
- Starve out
- Aspergillosis
- Rotavirus
When is peak mortality of yolk sac infection?
1- due to infection of eggs
2- due to environment infection / spread
1 * Peak mortality = 3
2 * peak mortality = 5-7 days
What can cause starve out?
- Breeding flock unhealthy
- Prolong hatching period
- Chill-effect after hatch
- Temperature variation on arrival / house
- Environment - ammonia, heat, carbon
- Poor feed and water insufficient / distribution
What are signs of aspergillosis?
- Gasping poults
- Weight loss
- Mortality increased
- Nodules in air sacs
How is aspergillosis treated?
- Not treated - too expensive
- Prevention = management + biosecurity
What are signs of rotavirus infections?
- depression
- Dropped wings
- Closed eyes
- Huddling
- Ruffled feathers
- Death
How is rotavirus treated?
- Disinfectant in drinking water
- Px = frequent egg collection, egg cleaning + disinfection
What are young poults diseases?
- Spironucleosis
- Trichononiasis
- Coccidiosis
- Bacterial infections
- Parasites – worms
- Enteric – Ascarids, Capillaria
- Respiratory – S trachea
What are the aetiology of spironucleosis + trichomoniasis?
- Spironucleus meleagridis
- Trichomonas gallinae
What are clinical signs of spironucleosis + trichomoniasis?
- Watery diarrhoea - often yellow + frothy
- Dehydration
- Weight loss
- Depression
- Lethargy
- Death
How are spironucleosis + trichomoniasis diagnosed? Tx? Px?
- Dx = necropsy of fresh SI - duodenum + ileum = spironucleus
-caecum = trichomonas - Tx = antibiotics + electrolytes
- Px = keep environment clean + avoid water leakages + reduce stocking density
What is the most pathogenic cocci?
- Eimeria colchici - found in the caecum
What are clinical signs of coccidiosis?
- Weight loss
- Lethargy
- Ruffled feathers
- Dropped wings
- Death
How is coccidiosis treated + prevented?
- Tx = toltrazuril, Amprolium
- Px = decrease stocking density, in-feed coccidiostat
What additional diseases to the young poults are seen in releasing poults?
- Enteritis / dysbacteriosis
- Stress
What is enteritis / dysbacteriosis? Tx?
- Scour in growing poults leading to dehydration
- Tx = antibiotics, improve hydration, acidification of water system
What stress factors are related to release of birds?
- Chill effect = release to new environment
- Transport stress - ventilation / withholding water/feed
- Unfamiliar environment
- Searching for food/water
- Exposure to predators
What are respiratory diseases in breeders?
- Mycoplasma gallisepticum
- Mycoplasma synoviae
- Corona virus infection
Worm build-up in breeders over time, what are the worms? How can they be treated?
- Syngamus trachea
- Heterakis gallinarum
- Capillaria spp
- Ascarid spp
- Tx = flubendazole (in-feed/in-water)
What is the causative agent of blackhead?
- Histomonas meleagridis
-control worm heterakis to control blackhead
What are clinical signs of mycoplasma infections?
- Swelling of infraorbital sinuses, eyes
- Eyes + nose discharge
- Breathing difficulty
- Weight loss
- Death
- Decreased egg production + hatchability / chick quality
- Lameness
How are mycoplasma infections prevented / treated?
- Px = vaccine
- Tx = antibiotics - macrolides
What is seen with coronavirus infections in adults?
- Sudden death
- Urates in kidneys
- Drop in egg production / hatchability
What is seen with coronavirus infections in young birds?
- Swollen kidneys
- Urate deposition in visceral organs
What are clinical signs of newcastle disease?
- Dullness
- Depression
- Diarrhoea
- Neurological signs
- Drop in egg production / quality
- Px = vaccine