SHB Category: E, History Flashcards
Pages 168-181 COMPLETE
What was man’s earliest use of the horse?
The horse’s greatest contribution to human history was its use as what?
War machine, tool of war
What kind of environment did the earliest stages of Equus inhabit?
River banks and swamps
How many classifications of one-toed animals are the besides the horse and its immediate relatives?
Where did the horse originate?
North America (great plains)
What tribe of indians was responsible for the development of the Appaloosa breed?
Nez Perce
For what purpose was man’s earliest association with the horse?
As a source of food
Name 3 distinguishing characteristics of the Perissodactyla
Odd number of toes, hooved, non-ruminant, mammals
In the zoological order, what is the species of the horse?
Equus caballus
What zoological classification contains animals with backbones?
To what breed did the Morgan contribute to substantially and later was replaced by this new breed on the track?
How many years ago did Equus originate?
1 million years ago
What is the Wild Horse of Central Europe?
In the zoological order, what is the genus of the horse?
The horse has the distinction of being the only animal in the world with what?
One toe on each foot
How many other one-toed animals are there besides the horse and its immediate relatives?
What was the first horse called and in what epoch did it appear?
Eohippus in Eocene epoch
In the zoological order, what family does the horse belong to?
How many geological epochs did the horse family live on the North American continent?
In the zoological order, what phylum does the horse belong to?
Name another animal, other than the horse, in the order Perissodactyla
Rhinoceros, tapir
What color is similar to that of the tarpan and Przewalski’s horse?
Dun or buckskin
How did the horse migrate to other areas of the world from North America?
Existing land bridges at the time
Why is it hard to find wild horses in their pure form?
They interbreed freely with domestic horses
What is a tarpan?
European wild horse of East Prussia (Wild Asian horse)
The horse evolved and flourished in North America during how many geological epochs?
During which epoch did the horse appear?
Eocene epoch
Which Spanish explorer was credited with bringing the first spotted horses to the North American continent?
During the Eocene epoch, where did the ancestors of Equus live?
River banks of North America
Why did the early horse become extinct in North America?
We don’t know why, most theories have been discounted
Although we do not know why, the horse disappeared from North America about the same time which mammal appeared?
Who introduced the East Coast Indians to horses?
Spanish explorers
The first domesticated horses to reach the North American continent were the mount of whom?
Spanish conquistadors
By 1000 BC, the domestication of the horse had spread to almost every part of what 3 areas of the world?
Europe, Asia, and North Africa
A man’s pathway to glory is strewn with what?
The bones of a horse
What is the genus and species of the true zebra?
Equus zebra
Where in the US are many fossil remains of the horse found?
River valley clays, sand and sandstone of American West
What ability of the horse had the greatest significance in building civilization?
The role as a draft animal
Name 4 continents where fossil remains of the horse have been found
Asia, Europe, Africa, South America, North America
From 1650 to 1750, what effect did the horse have on North America?
Indians developed into a Great Horse Culture and the horse greatly changed the lifestyle and culture of the Plains Indians
The evolution of the horse can be traced by detailed studies of which part of the horse’s anatomy?
How many geological epochs did the horse survive before its extinction from North America?
What zoological classification contains warm blooded animals that give milk and have hair?
What zoological order is the horse classified as and what does it denote?
Perissodactyla meaning odd-toed non-ruminating hooved animals
What historical occurrence caused a severe decrease in the horse population in the US and occurred between 1918 and 1950?
Invention of combustion engine
What highly sought after breed of tall, rangy draft horse was developed in Southern Pennsylvania for freight hauling, only to eventually die out and a breed registry was never established?
Conestoga horse
What phylum does the horse belong to?
What is the zoological species of the horse?
Equus caballus
What kingdom does the horse belong to?
What zoological class does the horse belong to?
What is the name for the first “true horse” which originated in North America a million years ago?
What was the epoch and stage of evolution of the horse when he disappeared from North America?
Pleistocene epoch and equus
Name a breed of East Coast Indian horses
What horse broke the trotting record of Greyhound in 1969?
Nevele Pride
Who was responsible of bringing the horse back to North America?
Spanish conquistadors
In the 1950’s, the number of horses in the US had dropped to how many head?
2 million
Initial domestication of the horse occurred in several parts of the world at the same time. When did this domestication take place?
Between 4500-2500 BC
In the zoological classification of the horse, the horse is of what order?
In the zoological order what class does the horse belong to?
How long did it take for the Great ‘wild’ horse herds of the Plain to become adapted to a region, after being re-introduced to North America?
200 years
In the zoological scheme, name the classification of the horse’s family.
Who brought the first horses back to the North American continent after the Ice Age?
Spanish Conquistadors
Where was the original home of the horse 58 million years ago?
Great Plains of North America
What caused the decrease in numbers of draft horses in the US in the early 1900s?
Invention of the combustion engine (tractors, cars, trucks)
Mesohippus lived during what epoch?
What was the use of the Conestoga horse?
Freight haulers
Name the American Indian breed that is found in the ancestry of the Quarter horse, American Saddle horse, and Tennessee Walking horse.
How many horses were in the US in 1918?
21 million
What is the family name of the horse?
In which epoch did the horse become extinct from North America?
Name the genus of the living members of the horse family.
In the Northeastern US, there was a need for a versatile, light harness, driving, and riding horse. What breed was developed in response to this need?
What evolutionary stage was the horse in during the Ice Age?
On what continent did Equus originate?
North America
What is the genus and species of the horse?
Equus caballus
How many races did Man O’War win?
21 out of 22
Give the species name of the horse.
Equus Caballus
What is the Greek word for horse?
Give the complete zoological classification of the horse.
Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Perissodactyla Family: Equidae Genus: Equus Species: Equus Caballus
During what epoch did equus disappear from North America?
Pleistocene epoch
Name 2 reasons why the horse family is a classic example of evolution.
Enormous changes in size and structure in response to its environment and well preserved fossil remains.
Name 3 members of the genus, Equus
Horses, ponies, zebras, asses
What are 6 ways the horse has served man throughout the ages?
Beast of burden, draft animal, means of transportation, war machine, recreation, companionship, and food
In 1918, there were 21 million horses in the US, what type of horses were the most numerous?
Draft horses
The horse’s development was probably significantly affected by what 4 environmental factors?
Altitude, climate, soil, and forage
What zoological order is the horse classified as and what does it denote about the horse?
Perissodactyla, means odd-toed, non-ruminating, hoofed animal
The ancestors of Equus had numerous toes, what happened to the missing toes?
They became splint bones
What is the species name for an ass?
Equus Asinus
How many years ago did Equus originate?
1 million years ago
Equus disappeared from North America in what epoch?
Give 3 examples of how evolution has affected the horse.
Increased in size, decreased number of toes, changed from browser to grazer, changed from living in swamp to grazing areas, teeth changed in size and function from browser to grazer, fusion of tibia and fibula, fusion of radius and ulna
Name 3 common factors possessed by animals found in the order Perissodactyla
Odd-toed, non-ruminating, hoofed animals
Give the zoological classification: the kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species of the horse.
Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia, Perissodactyla, Equidae, Equus, Equus Caballus