PRACTICE GAME #1 Flashcards
2012 NY Round 4
The American Walking pony is a result of breeding the Tennessee Walking horse and what pony breed?
Welsh Pony
What are the TWO artificial gaits performed by the 5 gaited American Saddlebred?
Slow gait (stepping pace) and rack (single foot)
There is a red maple tree on your neighbors property next to your fence line. You have discovered your horse is eating green leaves off the branches. What would you expect to happen to the horse?
Nothing, red maple leaves are not toxic when fresh, only when wilted or dried.
Rapid growth is an important factor contributing to DOD. What does DOD stand for?
Developmental orthopedic diseases
What gland produces the hormone epinephrine?
Adrenal gland
What is the common name for the proximal interphalangeal joint?
Pastern joint
What activity is judged on how well the human and equestrian athletes work together, includes freestyle routines and is describes as “gymnastics on horseback”?
Palomino horses do not “breed true”. What does this mean?
Crossing 2 palominos will only produce a palomino half of the time. (not always result in a palomino)
The breeding of what two equines produce a hinny?
Stallion and female donkey (jenny or jennet)
What is the common term for Equine Infectious Anemia?
Swamp fever
What refers to the middle team of horses in a 6 horse hitch?
Swing team
Decreased growth rates, muscle loss, slow hoof growth, and lack of energy are all effects of a deficiency of what nutrient?
Gigantic head, undeveloped and spiraling of the tail are all terms used when describing which of the 4 criteria used to evaluate semen?
What type of bacteria is the most common cause of infectious enterocolitis in adult horses and results in lethargy, anorexia, colic and diarrhea?
The dark liver or black chestnut color is primarily found in what breed of horses?
Horses with recurrence of urinary calculi would benefit from feeding a diet that has less of what specific mineral?
What are the two most common types of hammers used by a farrier and what are they used for?
Driving hammer-driving nails, forming/finishing clinches, wringing off nails
Rounding hammer-making/shaping shoes
Vital signs like TPR, Capillary refill, mucous membranes and skin pliability are used to evaluate the horses health. Name 4 other observations used to evaluate a horses health.
Body fluids, Body condition and weight, normal behavior and alertness, behavior disorders, feeding habits/appetite, menace reflex
what is a ginglymus joint?
hinge joint
In regards to cold weather, the horses first line of defense is a long thick hair coat which provides insulation. What part of the anatomy provides additional insulation and is considered the next line of defense against the cold?
What type of bar shoe would be used for the treatment of a horse with navicular disease?
Egg bar shoe
Which current breed of horses was formerly referred to as steeldusts?
Quarter Horses
What term describes fresh, green forage that is cut chopped and fed all in the same day?
Soilage or green chop (NOT SILAGE)
In regards to pasture management, identify two reasons to keep horses off of pasture.
During pesticide spraying, during fertilization, to reduce overgrazing, fresh or lush pasture, during winter, wet soil
Give the common names for these internal parasites Parascaris equorum Habronema Strongyloides westeri Cythostomes
Stomach worms
SMALL strongyles
A cervix that is pale in color, produces a thick sticky mucus and is tightly closed indicates an influence of which hormone?
What is the country of orgin of the Highland pony?
In general a complete feed is a commercially prepared diet that includes both forage and grains. It would meet all the nutritional requirements except for what nutrients?
Water and salt
What does the term nicking refer to in regards to the offspring of a linebreeding program?
offspring that are superior to their parents
What test would be indicated for a horse that is suspected to have Equine Infectious Anemia?
Coggins test