Self-Concept And Identity Flashcards
When the real self falls short of the ideal self
Carl Rogers
A belief in one’s own competence and effectiveness
Locus of control
Those with an internal locus of control believe they are able to influence outcomes through their own efforts and actions
Those with an external locus of control perceive outcomes as controlled by outside forces.
Learned helplessness
In an extreme situation, in which people are exposed to situations in which they have no control, they may learn not to act because they believe it will not affect the outcome anyway. Even once the situation passes and they find themselves once again in arenas in which they can exert some control, this lack of action may persist
One’s overall self evaluation of one self-worth
Identity information or individuation
The development of a distinct individual personality.
Charles Cooley
Looking glass self- A person sense of self develops from interpersonal interactions with others and society and the perception of others
George Herbert Mead
Social behaviorism- The mind and self emerge through the process of communicating with others. The idea that the mind and self emerge through the social process of communication or use of symbols was the beginning of the symbolic interactionism school of psychology
Meads specific path to development of the self
During the preparatory stage children merely imitate others as they have no concept of how others see things.
In the play stage children take on the rules of others through playing such as the role of mom. During this stage children learn to consider multiple roles simultaneously and can understand the responsibilities of multiple roles.
Child develops understanding of generalized other, the common behavioral expectations of general society
Meads “me and I”
ME is how the individual believes the generalized other perceives it. Could also be defined as the social self.
I is the response to the ME. in other words the I is the response of the individual to the attitudes of others. I is the self as subject; the Me is the self as object.
The process through which people learn to be proficient and functional members of society. It is a lifelong sociological process where people learn the attitudes, values and beliefs that are reinforced by a particular culture.
Feral children
Individuals who are not raise with the human contact or care and a large part of our understanding about the importance of socialization is drive from what has been learned about their experiences and the terrible consequences of growing up without proper human care in contact.
Rewards and punishment for behaviors that are in accord with or against norms
Formal norms
Generally written down; laws are example of formal norms. They are precisely defined publicly presented and often accompanied by strict penalties for those who violate them
Informal norms
Generally understood but are less precise and often carry no specific punishments. One example is greeting an interviewer with a handshake..a norm in the United States. Not to do so does not carry a fine but it may affect the interviewers perception of the job candidate
Mores (more-Rays)
Norms that are highly important for the benefit of society and so are often strictly enforced. For example, animal abuse and trees and their actions to break Mores in the United States and carry harsh penalties.
Norms that are less important but shape every day behavior for example styles of dress ways of greeting.
Crossing within a crosswalk when walking the street. It should be formal but there are no harsh punishments.
Self reference effect
Tendency to better remember information relevant to ourselves
Agents of socialization
Family, school, peer groups, workplace, religion/government, mass media/technology
The process in which an individual forsakes aspects of his or her own cultural tradition to adopt those of the different culture. Usually the individual is a member of the minority group who is attempting to conform to the culture of the Dominant group
A+B+C = A
Occurs when majority and minority groups combine to form a new group
A +B+ C = D
Multiculturalism or pluralism
Is a perspective that endorses equal standing for all cultural traditions. Promotes the melting pot
A segment of society that shares a distinct pattern of traditions and values that differs from that of the larger society
Ex hippies
Kohlberg’s stages of moral development
Include six identifiable developmental stages of moral reasoning, which form the basis of ethical behavior. Grouped in three levels two stages in age level.
Level one is typical of children….pre-conventional. Stage one is obedience and punishment orientation in stage two is self interest orientation.
Level two is typical of adolescents and adults. Conventional level. Stage III is interpersonal accord and conformity and stage four is authority and social order maintaining orientation
Level III many people never reach this abstract level of moral reasoning. Postconventional level. Stage five is the social contract orientation were individual see laws and social contract to be changed when they do not promote general welfare. Stage six is universal ethical principles, morality is based on abstract reasoning using universal ethical principles; laws are only valid if they are grounded in justice