Positive And Negative Elements Of Social Interaction Flashcards
Three factors that influence whether we attribute behavior to internal or external
- Consistency(how often)-internal is more likely than External
- Distinctiveness(Who towards)-external is more likely than internal
- Consensus(The only person?)-external is more likely than internal
Fundamental attribution error
We tend to underestimate the impact of the situation and overestimate the impact of a person’s character or personality.
Actor observer bias
The tendency to blame our actions on the situation and blame the actions of others on their personalities.
Self-serving bias
People tend to give themselves much more credit than they give others. We are wired to perceive ourselves favorably. The tendency to attribute success to ourselves and our failures to others or our external environment
Optimism bias
The belief that bad things happen to other people, but not to us
Just world phenomenon
A tendency to believe that the world is fair and people get what they deserve.when bad things happen to others, it was the result of their actions or their failure to act, not because sometimes bad things happen to good people. Similarly when good things happen to us it is because we deserved it
Halo effect
A tendency to believe that people have inherently good or bad natures, rather than looking at individual characteristics
Physical attractiveness stereotype
A specific type of halo effect; people tend to Ray attractive individuals more favorably for personality traits and characteristics and they do those who are less attractive
Social perception
Involves the understanding of others and her social world; it is the initial information and process about other people in order to try to understand their mindset and intentions.
Social cognition
The ability of the brain to store and process information regarding social perception
False consensus
Occurs when we assume that everyone else agrees with what we do even if they may not.
A projection bias
Happens when we assume others have the same beliefs as we do. Since people have a tendency to look for similarities between themselves and others, they often assume them even when this is unfounded.
Are oversimplified ideas about groups of people, based on characteristics
Involves thinking a certain way toward a group. Refers to the thoughts, attitudes, and feeling someone holds about a group that are not based on actual experience.
Involves acting a certain way toward a group. people can discriminate against any number of characteristics and unfortunately American history is rife with examples of discrimination introduction’s policies ideas practices in laws that are discriminatory still exist in many institutions