Disorders Flashcards
Disorganized type schizophrenia
Psychosis is in the form of flat or inappropriate affect, disorganize speech, and disorganized behavior.
Catatonic type schizophrenia
Psychosis is in the form of catatonic behavior. Catatonic behavior can include extremely retarded or excited motor activity and other peculiar behaviors
Undifferentiated type schizophrenia
The basic criteria for schizophrenia are met but the symptoms do not fit in one of the subtypes described
Residual type schizophrenia
The acute phase has resolved in the criteria for schizophrenia are no longer met but the person still appears odd and some symptoms are still present in milder forms
Brief psychotic disorder
Has displayed at least one basic psychotic symptoms for less than a month
Schizophreniform disorder
A person with this has displayed the symptoms of schizophrenia for a period of 1 to 6 months, during which the symptoms may or may not have interfered with the persons functioning in life
Schizoaffective disorder
Combines mood and psychotic symptoms. in this disorder, both the symptoms of schizophrenia and major depressive, manic, or mixed episodes are experience at least one month
A person’s visible motion in the moment
A person sustained internal emotion that colors his or her view of life
Major depressive disorder
Has suffered one or more major depressive episodes. And a major depressive episode a person has felt worse than usual for most of the day nearly every day for at least two weeks. The individual also has a lease five the falling emotional behavioral cognitive and physical symptoms. Depressed mood or decreased interest inactivities, significant increase or decrease in weight your appetite, excessive or insufficient sleep, speeded or slowed psycho motor activity, fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of low self-worth or guilt, impaired concentration or decision-making, and thoughts of death or suicide.
Dysthymic disorder
A less intense chronic form of depression. A person with this disorder has felt milder symptoms of depression most days for at least two years with symptoms never absent for more than two months and without experiencing a major depressive episode
Bipolar I disorder
A person with this disorder has experienced at least one manic or mixed episode. In a manic episode for at least one week a person has experienced in abnormal euphoric unrestrained for irritable mood with at least three of the following symptoms:
Exaggerated or delusional self-esteem, high energy with little need for sleep, increase talkativeness and pressured speech, poor judgment, distractibility with flight of ideas
A mixed episode
A person has met the symptoms for both major depressive and manic episodes nearly every day for at least a week and the symptoms are severe enough to cause psychotic features hospitalization impaired work social or personal function
Bipolar II disorder
The manic phases or less extreme. A person with bipolar II disorder has experienced cyclic moods including at least one major depressive episode and one hypomanic episode and no manic or mixed episodes.
Hypomanic episode
For at least four days a person has experienced an abnormally euphoric or irritable mood with at least three of the symptoms for manic episode at a less severe level. The impairment or distress is less serious and there’s no psychosis or delusion
Cyclothymic disorder
Similar to bipolar disorder but the moods are less extreme. These people have experienced cyclic meds including many hypomanic episodes as well as many episodes of depressed mood that are milder than a major depressive episode for at least two years. These mood swings have never been absent for more than two months
Dissociative disorder
The disruptions and awareness memory and identity are extremely more frequent and they cause distress or impaired persons functioning. They usually begin and end suddenly
Dissociative amnesia
Has had at least one episode of suddenly forgetting some important personal information usually related to severe stress or trauma. The person may wander aimlessly during the episode. Most often the amnesias localized meaning that everything happened during a particular time period Is forgotten. It can also be selective generalized, continuous, or systematized. The disorder usually ends suddenly with full recovery of memory
Dissociative fugue
Suddenly goes on a journey, during which he or she cannot recall personal history prior to the journey. The journey unit usually lasts only a few hours or days during which the person may be disoriented and confused or even violent. Sometimes the journey last several months and involves the assumption of a new identity and occupation. The journey usually and suddenly with a recovery of prior memories but amnesia for the episode
Dissociative identity disorder
Alternates among two or more distinct personalities states or identities, only one of which interacts with other people at any one time. The identities may vary widely in age gender personality traits and they may or may not be aware of each other. This disorder was previously known as multiple personality disorder
Depersonalization disorder
A person with this disorder has had a recurring or persistent feeling of being cut off or detached from his or her body her mental processes as if observing themselves from the outside. The disorder begins and ends suddenly and is usually triggered by stress
Personality disorder
And during Bridget said of personality traits that deviates from cultural norms impaired functioning and causes distress either to the person with the disorder to those in his or her life. And a personality disorder the pattern cause a significant distress or impairment it is been present since adolescence or young adult hood it affects nearly all personal and social situations and it affects at least two of affect cognition impulse control and or interpersonal functioning. Divided into clusters A B and C
Paranoid personality disorder
Mistrusts and misinterprets others motives and actions without sufficient cause suspecting the deceiving harming the training were attacking him or her. The person tends to be guarded tense and self-sufficient
Schizoid personality disorder
Is alone or with little interest or involvement and close relationships even those with family members. The person seems unaffected emotionally by interactions with other people appearing instead detached and cold
Schizotypal personality disorder
Has several traits that cause problems in her personally including constructed or an appropriate affect; magical or paranoid thinking; and I believe’s speech behavior appearance and perceptions. The person tends to have no confide in us other than the close relatives. Many cases eventually develop into schizophrenia
Antisocial personality disorder
Has a history of serious behavior problems beginning is young teen including significant aggression against people or animals deliberate property destruction, lying, theft and serious rule violation. Illegal activities physical fights and lack of remorse
Borderline personality disorder
Suffers from an enduring or recurrent instability in his or her impulse control moved in image of self and others. Impulsive and reckless behavior extreme mood swings reactivity and anger can lead to unstable relationships. Feeling empty with an unstable sense of self, terrified of abandonment by others. Self harming and suicidal behaviors
Histrionic personality disorder
Strongly desires to be the center of attention and often seeks to attract attention through personal appearance and seductive behavior. The expressions of emotion or dramatic yet the emotions I’m selves are often shallow and shifting. The person may also be suggestible and vague his or her speech
Narcissistic personality disorder
Feels grandiosely self-important with fantasies of beauty brilliance and power. The person feels desperate need for admiration and variety of contexts and feels both envy toward and from others lacking empathy for others the person exploit others and feel entitled arrogant and haughty
Avoidant personality disorder
Feels inadequate inferior and undesirable in this preoccupied with fears of criticism. Person feels ashamed and avoids interpersonal contact risks and new activities unless he or she is certain of being liked.
Dependent personality disorder
Feels the need to be taken care of by others and an unrealistic fear of being able to take care of himself or herself. The person also has trouble assuming responsibility in making decisions preferring to gain approval by making others responsible and seeking others advice and reassurance regarding decisions. In a relationship here she is cleaning submissive and afraid to express disagreement.
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
May not have any true up sessions or compulsions with me instead accumulate money or worthless objects. The person is perfectionists rigid and stubborn with a need for control interpersonally and mentally. The person versus others authority. May be depressed and have trouble expressing affection
Dopamine hypothesis
Suggest that the pathway for the neurotransmitter dopamine is hyperactive and people of schizophrenia. This is due to both an over abundance of dopamine and to hypersensitive dopamine receptors
Anterograde amnesia
The inability to form new memories.
A term for severe loss of cognitive ability beyond what would be expected from normal aging
Neuritic plaques
Alzheimer disease is a cortical disease meaning that it affects the cortex the outermost tissue of the brain that is caused by the formation of these plaques hard formations of beta-amyloid protein in neurofibrillary tangles
Parkinson’s disease
Movement disorder caused by the death of cells that generate dopamine in the basal ganglia and substantia nigra. 50 to 80% of Parkinson’s patient eventually experience dementia as their disease progresses
Referring to a person’s feelings and beliefs about other people or events around them in their tendency to react behaviorally based on those underlying evaluations
Paranoid type schizophrenia
Psychosis is in the form of hallucinations and or delusions usually relating to a certain theme
Principle of aggregation
An attitude affects a person’s aggregate your average behavior but not necessarily each isolated act
Role playing
The most notable Influence of behavior on attitudes. Refer to Philip’s zimbardo’s prison study at Stanford
Public declaration
Saying something publicly can be become believing it in the absence of bribery coercion some other blatant external motive. You are more likely to maintain a belief that you say publicly that you may not completely agree with but since you said it publicly you’ll eventually believe it
Justification of effort
People may modify their attitudes to match their behaviors for example a student who works hard studying for the MCAT and earns a fantastic score only to feel a calling toward becoming an actor rather than going to medical school at the end of the process. In order to justify the effort already put into the process the student will feel the pressure to go to medical school.
Foot in the door
The strategy involves enticing people to take small actions such as signing a free petitioner joining a mailing list at first. Upon obtaining this level of involvement the steaks a raise to excepting bumper stickers or lawn signs. Then further involvement is encouraged when donations or volunteer time is requested. While people may have agreed to the earlier steps they will find themselves feeling internal pressure to consent to larger requests
Cognitive dissonance theory
Explains that we feel tension whenever we hold two thoughts or beliefs that are incompatible or when attitudes and behaviors don’t match. People will engage in dissonance reduction went to their cognitions are incompatible