Segmental innervation of muscles (dave's notes) Flashcards
What is the myotome of the hip?
L2,3 flex
L4,5 extend
What is the myotome of the knee?
L3,4 extend
L5, S1 flex
What is the myotome of the ankle?
L4,5 dorsiflex
S1,2 plantarflex
Give the myotome of C4
Diaphragm - respiration
Give the myotome of C5
Deltoid - abduction of shoulder
Give the myotome of C6
Biceps - flexion of elbow (biceps jerk)
Give the myotome of C7
Triceps - extension of elbow (triceps jerk)
Give the myotome of C8
FDP and ED - finger flexion and extension
Give the myotome of T1
APB - abduction of thumb
Give the myotome of T7-12
Anterior abdominal wall muscles (abdominal reflex)
Give the myotome of L1
Lowest fibres of oblique and transversus
Give the myotome of L2
Psoas major - flexion of the hip
Give the myotome of L3
Quadricpes femoris - extension of the knee (knee jerk)
Give the myotome of L4
Tibialis anterior and posterior - inversion of the foot
Give the myotome of L5
EHL and peroneal muscles - extension of great toe and eversion of the foot
Give the myotome of S1
Gastrocnemius - plantar flexion of the foot (ankle jerk)
Give the myotome of S2
Small muscles of the foot