Nervous system - General, neurons and nerves (dave's notes) Flashcards
What are the parts of the central nervous system?
The brain and the spinal cord
What are the parts of the peripheral nervous system?
The cranial and spinal nerves and associated ganglia
What two components do both the central and peripheral nervous systems have?
Somatic and autonomic components
What is the somatic component of the nervous system responsible for?
Innervation of skeletal muscle (efferent pathways) and relay of sensory information (afferent pathways)
What is the autonomic component of the nervous system responsible for?
Control of cardiac muscles, smooth muscles, and glands (afferent and efferent pathways)
What does an axon do? What does it give off?
Axons conduct impulses away from the cell body and may give off collaterals and terminal branches to many target cells
What is a function of dendrites?
Dendrites are often very short but expand the surface for reception of stimuli
What do synapses do?
Allow for the transfer of information
Cell bodies with a similar function tend to group themselves together. What does this form in the CNS and PNS?
Nuclei(CNS) or ganglia (PNS)
What did astrocytes and oligodendrocytes develop from?
Microglial cells are …….
What is mylenation in the CNS made from? What about in the PNS?
Oligodendrocytes CNS, shwann cells PNS
What do joints of myelin cells form?
Nodes (of Ranvier)
Nerves are of different size and function. Which are the largest and smallest?
Largest: Motor or proprioceptive
Smallest: Autonomic or sensory
What size are group C nerves? What is their function? Are they myelinated?
Up to 2um, unmyelinated, postganglionic touch and pain
What size are group b nerves? What is their function? Are they myelinated?
Up to 3um, myelinated, preganglionic autocrine
What are the four types of group A nerves?
Alpha, beta, gamma, sigma
What is the size and role of group a alpha nerves?
12-20um, for motor and proprioception
What is the size and role of group a beta nerves?
5-12um touch pressure and proprioception
What is the size and role of group a gamma nerves?
5-12um fusimotor to muscle spindles
What is the size and role of group a sigma nerves?
1-15um touch, pain and temperature