Sed, Tranq, Opiods, Neuro, AX Flashcards
T/F A neurotransmitter is a chemical used to transmit nerve impulses?
T/F Dendrites of the neuron transmit impulses away from the cell body.
False - Transmits impulses toward cell body.
T/F The CNS is composed of the brain, spinal cord and 12 cranial nerves.
False - CNS comprised of brain and spinal cord only
T/F Metoclopramide is a cholinergic drug that helps control vomiting.
The main neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic system is:
A. Norepinephrine C. Acepromazine
B. Acetylcholine D. Dopamine
The peripheral nervous system is divided into X and X?
A. somatic & autonomic C. parasympathetic division
B. nicotinic & autonomic D. CNS
somatic & autonomic
The “fight or flight” response is controlled by the
A. somatic branch C. parasympathetic division
B. sympathetic division D. CNS
Part of the neuron that transmits impulses away from the cell body.
A. dendrites C. axon
B. neucleus D.telodendrons
The area between two neurons where neurotranmitters are released and transferred is called
A. sinus space C. synaptic space
B. synaptic vesicle D. neural bridge
Synaptic space
A commonly used cholinergic blocking agent
A. Ace C. Albuterol
B. Atropine D. Amylase
A common adrenergic drug used to increase heart rate, cardiac output & dilate bronchioles is
A. Atropine C. Epinephrine
B. Dopamine D. Yohimbine
An adrenergic blocker that treats xylazine toxicity
A. Yohimbine C. Metaclopramide
B. Dopamine D. Yohimbine
Efferent nerve impulses are impulses moving X the central cell body. While afferent impulses are going X the central cell body.
away & toward
Efferent = Away
Afferent = Toward
What role do enzymes play in nerve conduction?
Quickly inactivate the neurotransmitter molecules.
The action is stopped, muscles rest.
List the 5 components of a reflex arc in order from stimulus to response. (CNS, sensory neuron, receptor, effector, motor neuron)
Receptor, Sensory neuron, CNS, Motor neuron, Effector
What are the 3 areas of the brain for pain interpretation and list one function.
Cerebrum - higher functions
Thalamus - mediator between nervous & endocrine system
Medulla - Carries impulses between spinal cord & brain.
What are the 2 subdivisions of the autonomic nervous system?
Parasympathetic “Fight or Flight”
Sympathetic “Rest & Restore”
What are the 2 receptors of the parasympathetic nervous system?
Nicotinic & Muscarinic
What are the 5 receptors of the sympathetic system?
Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Beta 1, Beta 2, Dopaminergic
What are some Adrenergic neurotransmitters?
Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, Dopamine
What are some Cholinergic neurotransmitters?
Ten ml of 2.5% solution of thipentone contains how many mg of thipentone?
25 mg (multiply # by 10 = mg/ml)
How do drugs affect the CNS?
Mimic neurotransmitters
Interfere with the release of neurotransmitters
Block receptors
Interfere with a breakdown or reuptake of neurotransmitters.
Define Cholinergic agents
Stimulate receptor sites mediated by acetylcholine
May mimic or inhibit breakdown
Also called parasympathomemetic
The alpha 1 agent does what
Reduces blood flow, decrease congested mucous membranes of nasal passage
Alpha 2 agent does what
Inhibits release of norepinephrine
Beta 1 agent does what
Beat of the heart
Beta 2 agent does what
Relaxation of muscles
T/F For an inhalant anesthetic to work it needs to reach the brain.
T/R A common side effect of most opioids is respiratory depression.
Define Tranquilizer
Alleviates anxiety, relaxes w/o causing sleep, no pain relief
Deifine Sedative
Causes relaxation & calms, helps patient sleep but easily aroused
Define Analgesic
Directly relieves the perception of pain w/o loss of other sensations
Define Anesthetic
Creates a loss of feeling or sensation and can be local or general
The Mu opioid receptor does what
Responsible for storing analgesia, sedation, respiratory, depression, anti-tussive effect,
The Kappa opioid receptor does what
Milder analgesia than mu, sedation without as much respiration depression.
T/F Toletamine and diazepam are the drugs found in Telazol
False - Tiletamine and zolazepam
T/F Inhalant anesthetics have good analgesic effect
Which drug reduces siezure threshold levels
Name the opioid that is found in the analgesic patch Duragesic
What class of controlled substance is pure Sodium Pentobarbital?
Class II (Short acting)
List times for Long acting, Short acting, and Ultra-short acting barbiturates
Long acting - 8 to12 hours
Short acting - 45 min to 2 hours
Ultra short acting - 5 to 30 minutes
Animals can be maintained on Sevoflurane at what percentage when oxygen is used as the delivery gas?
2.5 - 4.5%
The benzodiazepine derivative diazepam is often administered in combination with what drug?
The reversal agent used for opioid toxicity is what?
Which inhalant anesthetic is best to use for induction due to less odor?
What drug is use in newborns to help stimulate breathing
Which drug is classified as an alpha 2 agonist used for sedation and some analgesic effects:
The higher the MAC of an inhalant the X the potency.
Caffeine and theobrime below to a broad group of drugs known as
Butorphanol and acepromazine is an example of what type of drug?
What is a neuroleptanalgesic
An opioid mixed with a tranquilizer
A dissociative drug
What type of drug releaves pain without loss of other sensations
A CNS simtulant toxic to dogs
What type drug calms patients but makes them still easily aroused?
What type of drug is a naturally occuring analgesic?
What is the reversal agent for xylazine?
What type of drug relaxes the patient with no real analgesic effect
What are the 2 main groups of tranquuilzers?
Phenothiazines (Acepromazine)
Benzodiazepines (Diazepam)
When a dissociative drug is used, what type of effects might you expect to see from the patient? List at least two.
Rigidity, trancelike, sensitive to stimuli
What is the carrier molecule for inhalant gases?
Beta 1 and 2 receptors the sympathetic nervous system do what to the heart and blood vessels?
Beta 1 - heart rate/contractions
Beta 2 - vessel- and bronchodilation
T/F Pentobarbital is considered a long acting drug?
False it is a short acting drug.
T/F Cats typically require a lower dose of Phenobarbital than dogs do.
T/F Barbiturates can cause excitement during induction and recovery commonly referred to as “paddling”.
Barbiturates should not be used in which breed type?
Sight hounds
Which drug reduces seizure threshold levels?
What are the four uses of Barbiturates?
General anesthetics
Euthanasia solutions