GI Drugs Flashcards
Central acting emetics
Apomorphine & Alpha-2 Agonists
How does apomorphine work as an emetic?
Stimulates dopamine receptors in the CRTZ - vomiting center
What is the emetic of choice for dogs?
How is apomorphine applied?
Cunjunctival sac or parenteral. NOT ORAL!
Flush eye after vomiting has started.
Do alpha-2 agonists or Apomorphine work better in felines?
Alpha-2 agonists
What is the emetic of choice for felines?
Medetomidine/Dexmedetomidine (Domitor/Dexdomitor)
Xylazine (Rompun)
Local acting emetics
Syrup of ipecac, H2O2, Salt water
What problem can H2O2 cause?
severe gastritis, aspiration from froth
What should be done after using salt water as an emetic?
Give fluids or fresh water to prevent salt toxicity or dehydration.
What is used for motion sickness?
Phenothiazine derivatives. (Thorazine)
How does Metroclopramide (Reglan) work?
Both central and peripheral
Increases gastric contractions
speeds gastric emptying
Is Reglan contraindicated with GI obstruction?
What was the first FDA approved motion sickness prevention for dogs?
What is the cause of gastric ulcers
Stress, metabolic dz, gastric hyperacidity, drug therapy (NSAIDs)
What are clinical signs of gastric ulcers?
Anorexia, hematemesis, pain, MELENA
Five classes of drugs that are antiulcer medications?
H2 receptor antagonists Proton-pump inhibitors Antacids Gastromucosal protectants Prostaglandin E-1 analogs
H2 receptor antagonists do what?
reduce the release of HCl acid.
What are three H2 receptor antagonists?
Cimetidine (Tagamet) Least potent
Ranitidine (Zantac) 5x more potent than Tagamet
Famatodine (Pepcid) 10x more potent than Tagamet. Fewer drug reactions
How do proton pump inhibitors help prevent ulcers?
Bind irreversibly at the secretory surface of the parietal cell to the enzyme
Name one proton pump inhibitor
Omeprazole (Prilosec)
Is Omoeprazole (Prilosec) approved for use in horses and foals?
Yes, only equine
Name a Gastromucosal protectant
Is diarrhea associated with hypermotility or hypomotility?
Hypomotility (decreased segmental contractions
How do narcotic analgesics (opiates) assist with antidiarrheal medications?
decrease intestinal secretions, increase intestinal absorption
What are emetics used for?
Elimination of toxins
What are antiemetics used for?
Control of vomiting
List some emetics
Xylazine, DexDomitor, Apomorphine, H2O2
List some antiemetics
Meoclopramide (Reglan), phenothaizines (Ace), antihistamines (Dramamine), aminopentamide (Centrine)
List some antidiarrheal medications
Diphenoxylate (Lomotil)
Loperamide (Immodium)
List some laxatives
Saline/hyperosmotic agents - Fleet enemas
Bulk producing agents - psyllium