Second Trimester Notes Flashcards
What is the cavum septum pellucidi?
The space between the leaves of the septum pellucidum.
What is the cephalic index?
A ratio of the cranium derived to determine the normality of the fetal head shape.
What does brachycephalic refer to?
A round shape to the fetal cranium; cephalic index 85%.
What does dolichocephalic refer to?
An elongated shape to the fetal cranium; cephalic index <70%.
What is the ductus arteriosus? What does this allow?
- A shunt in the fetal circulation that connects the main pulmonary artery with the descending aorta
- Allows most of the blood from the right ventricle to the aorta bypassing the lungs.
What is the ductus venosus? What happens to it following birth?
- A shunt in the fetal circulation that enables oxygenated blood to pass into the heart bypassing the liver.
- Following birth, it becomes the ligamentum venosum.
What is the falx cerebri?
A sickle-shaped fold of dura mater separating the two hemispheres of the cerebrum.
What is the foramen ovale?
A shunt between the right and left atria that allows some blood to bypass the right ventricle.
What is maternal alpha-fetoprotein?
A blood test to assist in diagnosing certain fetal anomalies.
What is meconium?
A material that collects in the intestines of the fetus and forms the first stool of a newborn.
What is the railway sign?
Term describing the sonographic appearance of the fetal spine.
What is the tentorium?
A ‘tent’ structure in the posterior fossa that separates the cerebellum from the cerebrum.
What is the thalamus?
One of a pair of large oval nervous structures forming most of the lateral walls of the third ventricle of the brain and part of the diencephalon.
What is the vermis cerebelli?
Narrow median part of the cerebellum between the two lateral hemispheres.
What is the biparietal diameter?
A two-dimensional measurement that is an accurate predictor of gestational age before 20 weeks.
How is the biparietal diameter measured?
Measured in a plane corresponding to the widest position of the head that passes through the third ventricle and thalami.
What is head circumference?
A three-dimensional measurement that is a reliable measurement independent of cranial shape.
What is the cephalic index?
A three-dimensional measurement devised to determine the normality of the fetal head shape. Mean cephalic index is approximately 78% ± 4.4%.
What is abdominal circumference?
A three-dimensional measurement that is a predictor of fetal growth, not gestational age.
What is femur length?
A one-dimensional measurement and the long bone of choice because of ease of measurement.
What is alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)?
Produced by the fetus and found in the amniotic fluid and maternal serum. Normal values vary with gestational age.
What are causes of high alpha-fetoprotein? 8
- Underestimated gestational age
- Fetus older than expected
- Multiple gestations
- Open neural tube defect
- Abdominal wall defect
- Fetal-maternal hemorrhage
- Renal anomalies
- Fetal demise.
What are causes of low alpha-fetoprotein? 6
- Overestimated gestational age
- Fetus younger than expected
- Chromosomal abnormalities
- Trrophoblastic disease
- Long-standing fetal demise
- Chronic maternal hypertension or diabetes.
What is the quad screen?
Screens AFP, unconjugated estradiol, free human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and inhibin A for chromosomal abnormalities.