First Trimester Notes Flashcards
What is abortion in the context of pregnancy?
Abortion refers to first-trimester pregnancy loss, also known as miscarriage.
What is the amnion?
The amnion is an extraembryonic membrane that lines the chorion and contains the fetus and amniotic fluid.
What is angiogenesis?
Angiogenesis is the formation of blood vessels.
What does a blastocyst consist of?
A blastocyst consists of an outer trophoblast and an inner cell mass.
What is bradycardia in fetal heart rate?
Bradycardia refers to a fetal heart rate of 110 beats per minute or less.
What is the chorion? What is it formed by?
The chorion is the outermost of the fetal membranes, formed by the embryonic mesoderm and a double layer of trophoblasts.
What is the decidua?
The decidua is the name applied to the endometrium during pregnancy.
What is the decidua basalis?
The decidua basalis is the portion of the endometrium on which the implanted conceptus rests.
What is the decidua capsularis?
The decidua capsularis is the decidua that covers the surface of the implanted conceptus.
What is the decidua parietalis?
The decidua parietalis is the decidua exclusive of the area occupied by the implanted conceptus, also known as decidua vera.
What is the discriminatory zone?
The discriminatory zone is the threshold amount of hCG present at which there should be sonographic evidence of a gestational sac.
What is the double decidua sign?
The double decidua sign is composed of the decidua capsularis and decidua parietalis, indicating an intrauterine pregnancy.
What is elective abortion?
Elective abortion is the intentional termination of a pregnancy.
What is an embryo?
An embryo is the term used for a developing zygote through the tenth week of gestation.
What is embryological age?
Embryological age is the length of time based from conception.
What is the embryonic phase?
The embryonic phase refers to gestational weeks 6 through 10.
What is the empty amnion sign?
The empty amnion sign is the visualization of the amniotic cavity without the presence of an embryo.
What is gestational age?
Gestational age is the length of time calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period.
What is a gestational sac?
A gestational sac is a fluid-filled structure normally found in the uterus, containing the pregnancy.
What does gravidity refer to?
Gravidity refers to the number of times a woman has been pregnant, including the current pregnancy.
What is hematopoiesis?
Hematopoiesis is the formation of blood cells.
What is an intrauterine pregnancy (IUP)?
An intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) is a pregnancy located within the uterus.
What is a morula?
A morula is a solid mass of cells formed by cleavage of a fertilized ovum.
What is nuchal translucency?
Nuchal translucency is the sonographic appearance of subcutaneous accumulation of fluid behind the fetal neck in the first trimester of pregnancy.