SAR Bin Equipment Flashcards
List Equipment
12 Anti-exposure suits
12 Message Containers
8 MK25
6 MK58
5 Salt Packets
5 Strobes
4 Helmets
3 12ft Chutes
3 Trash Bags
2 28ft Chutes
2 Dewatering Pump
2 ADS-CAN w/ Radio
2 Gloves (pair)
1 ASRK-24
Enough for each pax - PAX Kit (EPOS and PFD)
MK-25 (marine location marker)(flare)
13.5-18.5 min
MK-58 (marine location marker)(flare)
40-60 min
Webbing/Shroud Cutter
Razor knife encased in aluminum T-handle. Used to cut ADS package static line from aircraft in the event of hung drop.
Message containers
Sealable sand-weighted container
Brightly colored 8-foot streamer
Message form
Deliver hand written message via Free Fall Aerial Delivery Launch Procedure
ADR-8 (
Air Deployable Raft
- One pod-8 raft
- Can be dropped inflated or uninflated
- Use 12ft ADS for deployment
Aerial Sea Rescue Kit
- Three POD-8 rafts, two survival containers
- Stay afloat 6 hours
- Total length is 1,000ft
- Modified to 750ft
- typically dropped inflated
12ft Chute
For weights between 40 and 70 lbs
Used for dropping:
- Cans
- ADR-8
28ft ADS chute
For weights between 70 and 250 lbs
Used for dropping:
- Portable salvage pump container
- P1G Containers
Aerial Delivery System (ADS)
Parachute, line cutter, strobe light, and trail line.
Parachute Item Drop Sequence Profile
- Static line breaks tacking on main chute and line package
- Main chute container opens
- Static line extracts chute
- Chute opens
- Static line remains attached to trail line deployment bag and streams trail line
- Opening shock of parachute activate the delay of the line cutter
- Trail line separates from its deployment bag when fully paid out. Pilot drogue chute resists trail line recoil action to keep line extended
- If drop altitude is correct, when the drop item reaches the water the line cutter will fire
- Parachute separates from drop item. Prevents item from being dragged through water/makes it easier to retrieve.
ASRK Survival Equipment (bags 2 and 4)
1) Survive
- Water storage bag
- First aid kit
- Lipstick, antichap
- Space Blanket
- Rations
- Sunscreen
- Water packs
2) Signal
- Mini B2 EPIRB (optional)
- Mirror
- Signal Mirror
- Strobe Light
- Whistle
- Flare MK-124
3) Maintain
- Hand Pump
- Pocket Knife
- Raft Repair Kit
- Bailing Sponge
Dewatering Pump
120 gal/min
5-6 hours on 1 gal of gasoline
P1G Parachute Goods Container
Min/max airdrop weight 70/250
Drop food, gear, parts
Use 28ft chute
ADSK - Arial Delivery Survival Kit
Packed in ADS can, deployed using 12ft chute
Self-Locating Data Marker Buoy (SLDMB)
Tracks ocean current, air and water temp
Sample and transmits:
Every 10 min for 24 hours
Every 30 min for 48 hours
Sample every 30, transmits 60 min
SLDMB Deployment Parameters
Alt: 200 to 10,000ft
Speed: 120-220 KIAS
Water Depth: 10 ft+
Pass to SMC:
1) IMEI number
2) Launch position (LAT/LONG)
3) Altitude, speed, launch time