3710 Chapter 3: Flight and Mission Planning Flashcards
Preflight Planning Requirements
1) Performace data at all intended and alternate airfrields
2) Weather for route of flight
3) Fuel reserve requirements
4) Weight and Balance
6) Special Use Airspace
8) Flight Restrictions to MEDEVAC missions
9) Relevant Foreign Clearance Requirements
Departure Climb Gradient
Aircraft meets or exceeds published climb graient with one engine inoperative for departure. When no gradient is published, aircraft must be able to climb at 152 feet per NM or greater. Departure may use visual obstacle avoidance in lieu of required climb gradient with CO approval.
Enroute Performace
For each segment, assess effect of:
1) wind
2) temperature
3) forecast icing
4) density altitude
5) terrain elevation
6) aircraft gross weight
7) potential engine loss
Weather Briefing
Must obtain before each flight. If unable and weather conditions permit takeoff, flight can continue but must contact appropriate facility as soon as practicable.
IFR Flights
Obtain weather briefing
Fuel Reserve Requirements
Shall be at least that required for 45 minutes of flight after reaching the alternate. Fuel carried on departure will be at least 10% more than required to reach the alternate airfield via the destination.
Weight and Balance
Ensure weight and balance calculation has been completed based on actual loading of aircraft.
Weight and Balance Exception
Completed a standard loading weight and balance form within the last 12 months and aircraft is loaded IAW standard loading
(Any fuel load, SAR BIN, 16 total personnel on board)
Shall be familiar with all NOTAMS and TFR for planned route of flight
Special Use Airspace
Adhere to 14 CFR 73 for entry into and ops within SUA. Ops within Warning Areas shall be coordinate with controlling agency prior to entry.
Air Defense Identification Zones
PIC responsible for coordinating entry into and operations within ADIZ
Foreign Clearance Procedures
Shall comply with DoD Foreign Clearance Manual. PIC shall confirm proper clearances for aircraft, personnel, and cargo.
Flight Plans
Shall file flight plan prior to each flight and file copy with responsible person (ODO) except for:
1) Departing of urgent SAR
2) National Defense
3) LE or Homeland Security
4) Local VFR
Flight Rules (VFR)
Use radar advisory services to fullest extent practical
Minimum Pilot Assignment Requirement
AC shall be PIC for difficult or unusual mission and flight scheduled to carry passengers
AC and CP or Two FPs
IFR departure which require a departure alternate are not authorized for training flight or flights with FP in Command
Maintenance Flights
AC and FP required. May authorize CP on calculated risk basis.