Local 3710 Flashcards
AIRSTA Mission Statement
Deliver superior aviation support for Coast Guard missions through effective and efficient use of our people and assets.
SAR Configuration
Full SAR Pallet onboard. If no room for pallet, assemble mini-SAR kit which contains:
1 De-water pump
28ft chute
12 ft chute
Standard Fuel Load
36,000 lbs
Provides 3 hours of onscene endurance up to 500NM response radius
Scheduling Standards
Trainers no longer than 3.0 hours and not flown past 2200
First Pilot as PIC
1) Day VMC and IMC training flights
2) Simulated Emergencies Prohibited
3) Not scheduled for operation missions
4) FP/CP flights prohibited
5) Weather 500/2, no less than circling minimums at departure and destination +/- 1 hr of ETA
6) PIC provide route and risk assessment brief to pilot taking Operations Officer Calls
Training Flight Limits
1) Sustained winds or gusts exceeding 40 knots or gust spread exceeding 15 knots
2) Freezing precipitation warning
3) Winter storm warning
4) Thunderstorm Condition 1
5) IFR 500/2 at KECG +/- 1hr (waiver by ops call)
6) Practice drops with wind chill below -15°C and air temp 0°C below. Immediately cease with ice accumulation
7) VFR training flights less than 1000/3 require ops approval
8) Night practice drops shall be conducted in VMC
Local Flying Area
400 NM radius of KECG. Ready aircraft remain within 150 NM of Atlantic Coastline.
Ready aircraft remain within 30 min of KECG unless full SAR crew onboard
Practice Approaches at KECG
Not request opposite direction VFR instrument approaches if other aircraft in traffic pattern; includes circle to land.
NAS Oceane
T+G on 14L/32R prohibited
Bird Activity
Multiple landings/low approaches prohibited with moderate or severe bird conditions.
Fuel Management
1) Minimize excess weight by taking only required fuel for mission plus reserves
2) Fly at computed cruise ceiling or altitude in 1,000s of feet that’s approx 10% of flight distance in miles
3) Fly at long range cruise or maximum endurance as appropriate
4) Use LSGI whenever practical
5) Maximize use of computer generated flight plans
Training Flight Weather Minimums
1) Sustained winds of gusts exceeding 40 knots or gust spread exceed 15 knots
2) Freezing precipitation warning
3) winter storm warning
4) t-storm condition 1
5) 500/2 (waiverable)
Boat Training Wx Mins
Wind chill below -15° C and/or air temp below 0° C
Cease training if ice accumulation
VFR Training Flights
VFR mins 1000/3
Night drops in VMC only
LE Mins