1C-130J-1 Flight Manual Flashcards
Notes, Warnings, Cautions, and Limits
Max T/O and Taxi Weight
w/o Waiver
155,000 lbs
Max Landing Sink Rate (130,000 lbs)
Max Landing Sink Rate (155,000 lbs)
97’ 9”
Wingspan and Turn Radius
132’ 7” / 169’ 8”
38’ 11”
APU Cycle Limit
1 Min ON / 4 min OFF
Engine Starter Limits
70 secs ON / 60 sec OFF 5 cycles then 20 min cool down
Max Fuel (Tanks 1 + 4)
8,755 lbs
Max Fuel (Tanks 2 + 3)
8,060 lbs
Total Main Fuel Tanks
1, 2, 3, and 4
33,630 lbs
Total Aux Fuel Tanks
6,125 lbs
Total Inboard Tanks
45,880 lbs
Total External Tanks
9,375 lbs
Total Fuel Capacity (internal and external)
64,630 lbs
Landing Limit Full Fuel Tanks
300 fpm
Landing Limit 300 to 520 fpm
1) Tanks 1 and 4: 6,600 lbs
2) Aux tanks no limit
3) External less than 500
4) Total less than 25,000
Symmetrical Main Tanks Balance Weight
1,000 lbs
Symmetric Left and Right Wings
1,500 lbs
Symmetric Aux Tanks
No Limits
Tanks 1&4 vs 2&3
500-1000 lbs more
Primary Fuel Management
To be within Primary Fuel management, main tanks are full, except fuel used for taxi, takeoff and climb; but not less than 7560 lb in tanks 1 and 4 and not less than 6812 lb in tanks 2 and 3, when the external and/or auxiliary tanks contain usable fuel.
Norm Hydraulic Px
3000 PSI
Max Hyd Px
3500 PSI
LSGI Engine Shutdown
2 Min
Replace Battery
<22 VDC
Min Batt for T/O
24 VDC
Check T/O HP within
200 HP of REF NLT 5 seconds
Altimeter Diff
w/in 40’ Field Elevation
Flap Speeds: 10%
220 KIAS
Flap Speeds: 20%
210 KIAS
Flap Speeds: 30%
200 KIAS
Flap Speeds: 40%
190 KIAS
Flap Speeds: 50%
183 KIAS
Flap Speeds: 60%
165 KIAS
Flap Speeds: 70%
155 KIAS
Flap Speeds: 80%
150 KIAS
Flap Speeds: 90%
145 KIAS
Flap Speeds: 100%
145 KIAS
Max LDG Gear ext
168 KIAS
Max LDG Lights Ext
250 KIAS
Max Speed: Ramp/Cargo Door Open
250 KIAS
Max Speed: Air Deflector Doors Open
150 KIAS
Max Speed: Severe Turb
Vs + 65 no greater than 181 KIAS
Max Speed: Inop Windshield A/I
187 KIAS
Max Speed: Gear Doors Removed - UP
200 KIAS
Max Speed: Gear Doors Removed - DOWN
168 KIAS
Max Speed: Max nose gear deflected - 20*
20 KGS
Max Speed: Max Nose Gear Deflected - 60*
Max Rough Taxi Speed
10 KGS
Max Tire Speeds - Nose
139 KGS
Max Tire Speeds - Main
174 KGS
Max XW Takeoff
35 kts > 105,000 lbs
Max XW Landing
35 kts
APU Max Cont. EGT
680* C
APU Bleed Air Load: Normal/Cold Wx
1 min / 4 min
B.A. Load Cold Wx
4 min
Fire Handle Secures
H: Hydraulic
B: Bleed Air
O: Oil
F: Fuel
F: Feathers Prop
A: Arms/Routes Fire Ext Agent
Training Maneuver Limit: Aborted T/O
CFL + 1,000’
Training Maneuver Limit: No flap full stop (max 120k)
Landing over 50’ + 1,000’ or 6,000’ (whichever greater)
Training Maneuver Limit: Touch and Go
5000’ x140’ (-1) 150’ (local 3710)
Training Maneuver Limit: 1 Eng Out (wx requirements)
Day: Circle mins
Night: VMC
Training Maneuver Limit: 3 Eng Go
Initiate > threshold speed
Max MGT Start
Max MGT prior to start
Min Bleed for Start
22 PSI
NG Indication
10s of starter
Starter Cutout
65% NG
Prop NP in HOTEL
Max Airstart Altitude
FL250 (JP8)
Max Static Prop Feathering Cycles (Cycle = each time aux feather pump used to drive prop from feather to reverse back to feather)
Max Feathering Commands (Command is each time FIRE handle pulled or PROP Control switch place to feather)
Prop Protection: Max Wind Speed 1-4000 HP
w/in 45* No Limit
Max Wind Speed 1-4000 HP 45-90 & 270-215
15 kts
Max Wind Speed 1-4000 HP 90* - 270*
15 kts
Max Cabin Delta Procedures
O2 QTY Low Light
Min O2 (Local 3710)
Min Altitude AP On
500’ AGL
Min Alt AP OFF
Min Rwy Length
Charted CFL
Max XW
Up to 35 kts
Max TW
13 kts (CNI-MU)
AOB below 1,000’
10% of alt/35* (whatever is less)
Before Attempting Ground Restart
1) MGT below 175°
2) NG 0% for 30 seconds
Typical time from starter activation until NP is on speed
30 sec; up to 2 min for new propellers
Fuel Flow indicated at:
40% NG
Normal Hydraulic Px indication within __ seconds of NP on speed
30 seconds
NG indication once starter activated
10 seconds
E Oil PX indication within:
15 second of NG rotation
GBOX Oil PX indication within:
15 seconds of NP rotation
APU Fuel Supply
- # 2 Tank
APU Overspeed
Cold WX Procedures
= 0* C
Hotel Mode Until Oil Temp Reaches
15* C
LSGI until oil temp reaches
45* C
Ice Protection On When:
< 10* C and visible moisture during taxi and takeoff
Minimum Crew
Pilot, Copilot, Loadmaster, Basic Aircrew
Minimum Fuel
Land at destination or alternate no less than 6,000lbs
Minimum Altitude for Turns
300ft AGL/AWL
Minimum Altitude four engine operation
200ft AGL/AWL; 100ft for identification during day VMC
Minimum Altitude: Dual RADALT inop
Night unaided/IMC: 1000ft AGL/AWL unless current altimeter setting from another asset within 100 miles is used then 500ft
Day VMC/NVG: 300 ft AWL/AGL
Minimum RWY Width (training)
150’ (local 3710)
Training Maneuver Limit: Approach to Stall
1) AC left or right seat
2) Clearing turn required
3) Day, VMC, 5000’ above cloud deck
4) Between 10,000 an 16,000 AGL
Prohibited Manuevers
1) Aerobatics and Spins
2) Intentional zero an negative G maneuvers longer than 7 seconds
3) Practice stalls power above 1,000 HP
4) Practice asymmetric power stalls
5) Sustained AS below stick pusher spee
6) Intentional sideslip greater than sideslip or rudder alerts
7) Abrupt longitudinal control inputs at high speeds
8) Rapid roll reversal (roll rate must be zero momentarily before applying full aileron in opposite direction
9) AS above 150 KIAS, moderate to large rudder input held until sideslip peaks, followed by opposite rudder or a series of moderate to large alternating rudder inputs tending to produce larger sideslip angles
Maximum Airspeed below 2,000ft AGL/AWL
190 KIAS
Fuel Boost Pump Pressure
15-24 psi
Fuel Transfer Pump Pressure
28-40 psi
Stabilized Approach Criteria
- Correct flight path with only small changes in HDG and Pitch
- Airspeed not less than computed APPR/THR and not more than 10 kts
- AC in briefed landing configuration
- Sink rate no greater than 1,000fpm
- Briefs and checklists are complete
- Precision Approach: within one dot of GS and LOC. Circle: wings level 300’
- Planned deviations briefed prior to executing approach
Handling Emergencies Guidance
- Stabilize aircraft above 1000ft AGL
- Analyze the Situation
- Take coordinated corrective action
- Manage/monitor
Total internal tanks
Special high speed landing procedures are required:
● 100 percent flap landings at weight above 155,000 lb
● 50 percent flap landings at weight above 130,000 lb
● All 0 percent flap landings
● Temperature at or below ISA +15 ºC, all landings at field elevation greater than 4,000 ft MSL
● Temperature greater than ISA +15 ºC, all landings at field elevation greater than 2,000 ft MSL
HAZMAT Transport Considerations When tasked to transport HAZMAT
(refer to the Preparing Hazardous Materials for Military Air Shipment Manual AFMAN 24-604)
o Certification – Shippers responsibility
o Considerations
Location –In relation to other HAZMAT
Passengers –None/ Military/ Mission essential
Wavier Authority (CG 7-11)
Over flight /intended point of landing regulation (IFR Supplemental/ Foreign Clearance Guide)
Max MGT Takeoff
If 852 is exceeded, overtemp inspection required
Max MGT Continuous
Max MLG Tire Speed
174 GS
Long Range over water Burn Priority
1) Aux
2) External
3) Mains
Short Range/Over Land Burn Priority
1) External
2) Aux
3) Mains
Max Load Factor in Symmretical Manuever (up down, no aileron): Flap Extention
2.0 G
Max Load Factor in UnSymmretical Manuever (up down, aileron): Flap Extention
1.5 G
Maximum taxi speed GWT above 155k
10 knots
Max Nosewheel deflection above GWT 155K
Air Start Limits
- 25,000 ft
- 22,500’ w/ JP4
- NG 15-29%
- If bleed air from another engine available, start at any airspeed below 250kts
- If prop windmilling at 100% NP, NG stablizes at 15% between 110-130 knots
- If prop is feathered, NG stablizes at 15% between 200-250 KIAS
Engine starts prohibited when oil temperature is
NP (feathered, LSGI)
NP (unfeathered, LSGI)
NP (unfeathered, GI)
NP Max Reverse
NP Normal Takeoff
NP Max Continuous
Up to 112% during transition from FLT IDLE to GRD IDLE
NP Flight Idle
Up to 112% during transition from FLT IDLE to GRD IDLE
MGT (feathered, LSGI)
MGT (unfeathered, LSGI)
MGT (feathered, GI)
MGT Max Reverse
MGT Flight Idle
NG Start
NG (Feathered, LSGI)
NG (unfeathered, LSGI)
NG (Unfeathered, GI)
NG Max Reverese
NG Normal Takeoff
NG Max Continuous and FLT IDLE
Prop Gearbox Oil PX w/in (time) - Start
w/in 15 sceond of prop rotation (np)
Engine Oil Pressure (ALL Phases)
40 - <90
Engine Oil Pressure Limits Note 16
During ground operations, when oil px equals or exceeds 90 psi, accomplish shut down, maintenance required.
Oil Temp (All phases/Conditions)
Oil Temp (Unfeathered, LSGI)
Primary Fuel Management
● Based on JP-8 Fuel at 6.8 lb ‘/gal
● Maximum usable fuel weights are those listed in the Fuel Weight Limits for Taxi and Takeoff table.
● Tanks 1 and 4 always contain 500 to 1,000 lb more fuel per tank than tanks 2 and 3 except when total usable fuel is less than 6,000 lb.
● The main tanks are full, except for fuel used for taxi, takeoff and climb; but not less than 7,560 lb in tanks 1 and 4 and not less than 6,812 lb in tanks 2 and 3, when the external and/or auxiliary tanks contain usable fuel.
● Fuel unbalance is within the limits specified by the AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS and FUEL UNBALANCE LIMITS in this section.
Secondary Fuel Management
Any fuel management that fails to meet the requirements for primary fuel management is defined as secondary fuel management.
APU Auto Shutdown
Fire detected
Oil Pressure Loss
Overspeed (A:APU Shutdown Ovrspd)
Tachometer signal (RPM) Loss
Bleed Air Temp
685 +/- 17
Bleed Air Px
101.5 +/- 3.5 PSIG
Prohibited Manuevers
Pallet Position Limits
1-4: 10,000lbs
5: 8,500lbs
6: 5,000lbs
Number of oxygen regulators
Portable oxygen bottles
- 2 next to pilots, 1 right side of 245 bulkhead, 1 right side forward of paratroop door
Emergency Exit Lights
8 portable battery-operated rechargeable lights located near each exit
Activated decel 2 G or ess DC bus power failure
First Aid Kits
- 2 flight deck, 8 cargo compartment
Fire extinguishers
4 halon hand operated trigger type
1 flight deck, 1 on 245, 2 left side cargo compartment
Life raft
2 20 man yellow with orange canopy and survival gear in center wing compartment
Hand Axe
- 1 on 245, 1 left paratroop door
Survival Vest
- Right side forward on wing box
Anti exposure suits
12, six behind each aft section paratroop seats
Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
Transmits on 121 and 243, for 50-70hrs and 406 for 25 hrs
Cockpit voice recorder (CVR)
Four channel digital recorder records 30 min of audio from cockpit microphone, pilot and copilot, ICS
Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR)
Records most recent 25 hours of plane systems and data
Emergency Exits
(2) L/R Pilot swing windows
3 overhead escape hatches
1 crew entrance door
2 forward emergency exits
2 paratroop doors
1 cargo ramp and door
Cargo Compartment Dimensions
Length: 41’
Width: 10’ 3”
Height: 9’
FS 245 to FS 869
36” area on each side 30” apart
Vehicles must be less than 13,000lb per axle or less than 6500lb per wheel or shoring required
Max Takeoff Weight
164,000 with CO Waiver
Max Landing Weight
130,000 recommend
155,000 normal
Determining Factor for Max TO Gross Weight
Most limiting of the following:
Structure (Airframe GWT, Runway ACN/PCN)
3 Eng climb performance
Power lever transition
Brake energy absorption*
Climb out flight path
Maximum Landing Gross Weight (delete)
Most limiting or lowest gross weights for:
Structure (Aircrsft GWT, Runway ACN/PCN)
Field Length
Power Lever Transition
Brake Energy Absorption
Airfield Strength
Pavement Classification Number. Found in IFR Sup. Sub-grade A (high) to D (low)
Aircraft Classification Number (ACN):
Use weight and sub grade code to determine ACN.
IF ACN IS GREATER THAN PCN, not advisable to land.
Single Tandem (S2)
Prop Angles: Feathered
> 85% (corse/high pitch)
Prop angles: Flight
Greater than 23°
Prop angles: ground range
23° to 10.5°
Prop angles: reverse thrust
10.5° to -15° (fine/low/negative pitch)
Risk Assessment: PEACE Model
Asset: Crew
Asset: Aircraft
Destination Alternate Requirments
Required if destination wx less than approach minimums.
Alternate must have Ceilings > or = 2000ft or 400 ft above lowest compatible appr min, 3 SM vis
Required Form Review (Before Start Checklist)
2) Form F
3) Passenger Manifest (as required)
5) Customs Declarations
6) Pubs/Charts/Appr plates
Cabin Pressurization Manual Control Acceptable limits
Cabin altitude below 10,000ft and any differential pressure below 14.0 inHg
Course Deviation Indicator: INAV (ranges greater than 50 NM)
1.5 NM per dot
Course Deviation Indicator: INAV (ranges less than 50 NM)
600 yards per dot (1/3 NM)
Course Deviation Indicator: VOR/TACAN
5 degrees per dot
Course Deviation Indicator: ILS
3-6 degrees per dot
Course Deviation Indicator: IPRA
1.5 NM per dot except when steer point is FAF, MAP, RPI and Go Around not selected, then 1.25
Course Deviation Indicator: Full Scale Deflection (all modes)
2.25 dots
Vertical Path Deviation (ILS/LPV/LNAV/VNAV)
100 ft per dot
AC Generator
Hydraulic Pump
Propeller Control Unit (PCU)
Overspeed Governor
Oil Pumps
Prop Brake
Permanent Magnetic Alternator (PMA)
Fuel Pump and Metering Unit (FPMU)
Air Turbine Starter
Dirty Stuff (Oil: Accessory drive pump, Power unit oil pressure and scavenge pumps, Fuel cooled oil cooler)
When should the shoulder harness inertia reel lock be in the “LOCKED” position?
If crash landing is anticipated (1-A-25)
Liferaft release handles?
6 liferaft release handles.
Two on the flight station bulkhead below the escape hatch
two on the fuselage stricter aft of the right paratroop door
Two on the wing upper surface inboard of their respective liferaft compartments
Crew entrance Jettison Handle location
Yellow handle located on the ceiling of the flight station
Ramp Manual Control Knob positions
1 - used to unlatch the ramp up locks
2 - used to lower the ramp
3N - deenergized neutral position
4 - used to raise the ramp
5 - used to lock the up locks
6N - deenergized neutral position - should be left in this position when closed and not being operated
Head up Operation - Data Entries
Taxi - while in motion, entries by the copilot. While stopped and parking brake set either pilot may make entries.
Climb - Data entry by the PM
Cruise - Data entry by either pilot; however, do not allow data entry to consume the attention of both pilots at the same time.
APU shuts off with no associated ACAWS?
If this occurs, maintenance is required prior to APU restart
No GPS position is displayed (Power up checks)
Restart GPS by pressing the EGI 1 (or 2) RECYCLE key from the AMU, NAV SELECT, EGI POWER page.
Current position is different from indicated navigation position
Realignment is required. Refer to CNI-MS Operator Manual 1C-130J-1-4
LSGI switch lights do not illuminate
Reset the associated FADEC and reselect LOW
On the ground, fuel has been sprayed into the engine with no ignition
Motor the engine for at least 30 seconds. On subsequent start, it is acceptable to have flames out the tailpipe for a few seconds due to residual fuel.
Engine anti-ice switch (Before Taxi)
Engine anti-ice should be on is OAT is less then or equal to 10C with visible moisture.
If engine anti-ice is selected to on, set CNI-MU told page to ALL BLEED.
Engine anti-ice is required and pressure altitude is greater than 3,000ft (Before taxi checklist)
Consider operating with engine anti-ice on for a minimum of 3 minutes to stabilize engine temperatures before applying takeoff power
Consider reducing the bleed air requirement during takeoff by selecting the AIR COND CARGO COMPT POWER switch to OFF and UNDERFLOOR switch to FAN
UNDERFLOOR switch - HEAT/FAN (Before Taxi Checks)
If the differential pressure increases above 0.4 inHg and UNDERFLOOR switch is set to HEAT/FAN, set the switch to FAN.
Prop Control Cycle (before Taxi checks)
Required when the starting oil temperature is <0C Oil temperature must be > 45C before propeller controls are cycled.
Power Levers - LSGI, GND IDLE
Prop Control Switch - Feather to Normal (three times)
Brake use while taxiing
Excessive or prolonged use of the brakes, especially at heavy weight, can result in overheating of the wheel and brake assemblies with possible brake failure and/or brake fire. For most taxi operations, thrust changes, instead of brakes, should be used to control taxi speed.
Fusible Plug
Device designed to melt at 390 C to deflate the tire.
Fusible plug release is likely after the second consecutive full antiskid braking operation above 130,000lb. Fusible plug release is unlikely to occur with a single aborted takeoff at gross weights up to 175,000lb
If nose landing gear becomes obstructed while taxing
Thrust levels with brakes released shall be limited to no more than 2,585 HP per motor. If the airplane does not move, the gear obstruction shall be cleared before further attempts to move the airplane.
Taxing when gross weights exceed 155,000lb
Regardless of runway terrain conditions, nose wheel limit is 20 degrees left or right of center mark.
Taxi and takeoff are permissible only on surfaces where qualities of smoothness and freedom from dips, depressions, and holes are comparable to those of a major airfield
Maximum taxi speed of 10 kts
Taxi shortest distance possible
Use minimum braking while turning
Limit nose gear steering angle to 20 degrees
Avoid abrupt or hard uneven application of brakes
Two engine taxi
When taxing with two symmetrical engines shut down or in hotel mode, the remaining engines must be in LSGI or normal ground idle. If the remaining two engines are in LSGI, the AUX pump switch shall be on and EMER BRAKE SEL switch set to EMER to ensure adequate brake pressure.
Taxing in high winds
30kt, 90 degree crosswinds = nose wheel steering and rudder control
Taxing in winds up to 60kts = requires all four engines and coordinated use of nose wheel steering, rudder, differential braking, and differential power. Use of aileron and elevator may also be required to keep the airplane level.
Turns should be performed at slow speed
WING/EMP (before takeoff checklist)
Anti-ice/de-ice: The ACAWS message appears and remains on for 90 seconds during the test. At the end of the test a HEAT FAIL message will occur for any zones not heated and a VERT TAIL BOOST FAIL, if the vert tail boot failed to operate.
If OAT is above 21C (70F) wait 10 minutes before repeating test to prevent overheating the vertical tail.
The test requires four engines in normal ground idle
MC TOLD above 8,000ft field elevation
For altitudes higher than 8,000ft field elevation, MC TOLD data for obstacle clearance or terrain clearance are invalid and should not be used.
Positive rate of climb
An increasing barometric altimeter and a positive vertical velocity can be used to verify a positive rate of climb
The radar altimeter passing 15ft can also be used to verify a positive rate of climb.
Carbon Brakes - brake creep
With brakes full applied and engines at maximum power, forward movement at 4 fps (2.4kts) or less is acceptable. If indicated ground speed is 3kt or greater, abort the takeoff.
One reattempt may be accomplished. The increased heat from the aborted takeoff should increase static braking effectiveness for the subsequent takeoff attempt.
When verification of required static brake performance is desired before takeoff, all engines should be set to reduced power at 3,300HP while hold the brakes at maximum pedal deflection. If the aircraft moves forward at reduced power setting, maintenance action is required prior to flight.
Brake creep may be accounted for by reducing the runway available by 40ft
Below 15,500 feet with the other engines running normally, when the FADEC detects autofeather criteria for an inboard engine it will:
Autofeather after a two-second delay if all other engines are operating normally
Above 15,500 feet, if the FADEC detects autofeather criteria it will:
Autofeather an outboard propeller without delay
Windmill an inboard propeller at 100% RPM