3710 Chapter 4: Conduct of Aircraft Operations Flashcards
Crew Duties: Pilot Flying
1) Control the flight path
2) Monitor automated Systems
3) Monitor aircraft systems
4) Navigation
5) Radio Communications
6) Activities of other crew members
Crew Duties: Pilot Monitoring
1) Monitor flight path
2) Monitor automated systems
3) Execute appropriate backup
1) Monitor systems
2) Navigations
3) Radio Comms
4) Activies of other crew members
Crew Duties: Aircrew
Execute assigned duty in aircraft cabin and monitor flight path during critical phases of flight.
Critical Phases of Flight
1) Ground Operations
2) Takeoff, Approach, Landing
3) Anytime checklist is in progress
4) Immediately prior to level off during climb/descent
5) Ops below 1,500 AGL, except when in cruise flight
6) As directed by PIC
Critical Phases of Flight Responsibilities
1) Sterile Cockpit
2) PM shall be ready to take control of aircraft, if necessary
Two Challenge Rule
If any crewmember challenges the actions of the pilot flying and does not receive an appropriate acknowledgement after a second challenge, the PM shall initiate a change in control of the aircraft
No Challenge Rule
If PM fells the aircraft is in extremis and immediate action is required for the safety of flight, the PM shall initiate appropriate control input in lieu of the Two Challenge Rule
Strategic Napping
Limited to 40 minutes. Other pilot and LM must remain at their position.
Engine Starts during Taxi or off Ramp
If departing ramp before starting all engines, can conduct further engine starts without external fire watch or observer, if the starts are monitored from inside the aircraft.
Loading/Unloading Cargo
Supervised by qualified Loadmaster and IAW AFMAN 24-604. Overall responsibility still remains with PIC.
Normally engines are shut down. If operational, PIC may authorize loading/unloading with engines running.
Loading Personnel with engine running
Must be escorted by crewmember
Security of Aircraft: Aboard Military Installations
If able, use military bases
Security of Aircraft: Away from Military Units
PIC shall take adequate measure to ensure safety of aircraft and equipment (lock it)
Priority of Publications
1) Coast Guard Directives
2) FAA Regulations and manuals
3) Joint FAA/Military Documents
4) DoD Publications
Instrument Approach and Landing Minimums
Instrument approach may be started and flown to minimums when reported weather is below minimums however, pilot cannot descend below MDA/DA or land unless:
1) Comply with 14 CFR 91/175
- intended runway with normal descent rate with intent to land
- at least one visual reference for intended runway is distinctly visible (threshold, lights, runway, papi/vasi lights, etc)
2) Procedure with Contact Approach
ILS Approach Categories
CAT II and III approaching are not authorized
RNAV Use During Approach
Use of an approvated RNAV sustem as means to navigate to final appraoch segment of an instruemnt approach procedure based on VOR, TACAN, or NDB singal is allowable.
Underlying NAVAID must be operational and monitored for final segment course alignment
Visual Approaches
Aircrews landing at unfamiliar fields shall request and fly a published instrument approach, if available
Call Sign and Transponder Codes for SAR/LE
RESCUE call sign
Squawk 1277 when operating VFR to, from, or within search area.
At SAR conclusion, do not use 1277 or Rescue call sign
Unusual Performace of Aircraft
Report to 711, 41, and 1131
Annoyance to Persons and Property
Avoid fur and poultry farms. Remain one miles and 2000’ above resorts and beaches. Maintain 2000’ above environmentally sensitive areas.
Due Regard
Only when operational gain outweigh the risk. Full responsibility of aircraft separation falls under the Coast Guard.
Aerial Deliveries
Only items approved by 711 and those that fit inside approved aerial delivery container may be deployed from an aircraft in forward flight
Feathering Propellers/Securing Engines
Day, VMC only
IVO suitable airport with crash equipment immediately available
At or above 6,000’ AGL
Reduced Engine Operations
Two or three engine operations is permitted however missions shall not be planned anticipating two or three engine ops.
Flight Verification Checks
Can be completed in conjunction with training flight or operation, but must be before training or op.
Should be in VMC is testing item that’s required for IMC.
No Passengers
Engine shutdowns above 1,000 feet AGL and in VMC
Maintenance Test Flights
After completions of critical maintenance or upon receipt of aircraft
No Passengers
PIC Shall occupy left seat
AC and FP, CP with CO approval
Maintenance Brief required
Feathering/Shutdowns above 6,000
IVO field with readily available crash
Carrying of Firearms by Military or LE
Commanding officer may approve transport. PIC must ascertain type of firearm. No rounds shall be chambered in pistoles. No ammo inserted in rifles/shotguns.
Segregation requirements in AFMAN 24-204 when transporting ammunition and HAZMAT
C4ISR Restriction
Media and general public shall not observe mission system without direct approval from commander and 711.