weakness 1855
lack of warm sea ports, untapped natural recourses, unprotected boarders
Russian Orthodox Church
justified autocracy, tsar chosen by god
carried new to Russian people, reinforced orthodox beliefs
russification (homengenous)
bind people create loyalty, culture, religion, conduct
political parties/meetings, censorship in books lectures, theatres
intelligentsia, Favour democracy
Russian radicles went abroad to practice safely in west
tsar 3 principles
autocracy, nationality, orthodoxy
backwards 85% serfs
no one/market to invest in, no knowledge bound to land, scared to invest, would have to educate
serfs stuck:
unable to grow surplus-outdated methods, infertile soil, mir(strip farming, freq land distributions), pay land owner produce
serfs allowed
communal access to grow produce
landowners maintained
law and order, supplied state with soldiers (serfs)
military backwardness
no correct gear, officers drawn from nobility not knowledge
overestimated military strength
1.5m soliders, 45% gpd
soldiers conscripted serfs 25y
no incentive, not a good navy, needed to protect boarders
peasnts are
illiterate and devout
private serfs
couldnt travel marry w/o permission, bound to estate
landlord/nobles acted as
judge jury police
domestic serfs
8million, no land not paid wages
state serfs
treated better (larger land), more access to paid work
serfs miserable
long hours worked, not paid well, ate mostly veg soup, squalid conditions