supported Petrograd soviet and proviosnal gov-negotiated agreementt of DUAL POWER
why was pg temp?
to form national consultive asslebmy+draft new constitution had octoberists and kadets
Petrograd soviets consisted of and supported+ controlled
Mensheviks/social revolutioanirs and some bolsheviks TRUE POWER NOT OFFICAL. supported by workers/peansts/soliders
controlled: railways/communication/factories/soldiers
Soviets order n.1 gave them control over Petrograd soldiers
political representations of soldiers, weaponry production p.s control
obey p.g orders is p.g agreed
why did pg want to carry on war
loss of polish salient and aggression should be conduct of war
why was p.s supported by workers/peansts/soliders?
focused on the social conditons/improve standard of living/enc peansts and workers to assert their rights
why did p.s decline full power?
-menshvkis believed had to go thru gorgeous democratic stage before socialism was possible>supported pg plans of constitiuonal assmebly
-difficult decisions to be made(land war)pg>fail
-memebrs lacked experience of governing
provisional gov reforms to grant civic freedom ‘honey moon phase’
tsar secret police abolished, death p abol, relaxed cens,amnesty of political prisoners
pg refroms encoruages exile revolutions to return eg Lenin issued April theses’bread/land’peace: which gave legitimacy to revolutionaries.
war to end, land>peansts, destruction PG, abol army pile officials, banks naitonalised, called for ‘rebluc of soviet workers’ political prisoners released (some later bolsheviks)
why was it hard for PG to make decisions?
needed approval from P.S, counted war- decisions impossibel+delayed- anger peansts and workers who wanted better pay/conditions.
pg comminitng to war- July offensive
keresnky-agaisnt germans- failed=loss teriorty+pushed bolsheviks. also exacerbated factors which brought tsar down- inflation/bread shortgae/collapse railway/fuel shortage
pg continuing war- anger peansts
failed to redistribute land as war main focus, food/grain requsition, also couldn’t sort constitutent assembly(no time/not big enough)
majority of PG consisted of landed Gentrys
not wished to see land handed over w/o compensation
the pg+national minorities outcry for independence
socialists-non Russians should govern own affairs+self governance
cadets-determined to keep integrity of russian empire intact- Ukraine breaking point moderate socialists made concessions to grant Ukraine indigence- kadets outraged